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This is the part of my site where I get to talk about ME! My name is Jon, and I live in Douglasville, Georgia. I'm 15 years old and I'm a freshmen in high school. I have a dad, a mom, and two brothers. One brother's in 6th grade and the other is in 1st. they are both pains in the butt. My dad's cool because he's an animal removel expert. that just means that if you have a squirrel or something in your attic, he'll come and catch it and you pay him money. He's been doing it for about 15 years so he's pretty good. My mom's a computer programmer and is currently unemployed; she has a lot of experience so if you have a job in the Atlanta area, let me know.

OK, now that we got all that said we can talk more about me. This fall I played football. I was on the freshmen team because (well duh!) I'm a freshmen. I played left offensive tackle and right deffensive tackle. At first I didn't like it but it got better towards the end. We weren't that good but we got better. We ended the season 3-4, but the games we did win were our last three. So we got better. I might try out agian next year.

Besides football I like science, especially astrophysics, and role playing games. I like dungeons and dragons and I've almost beaten all of the Zelda games for Gameboy. the only one I haven't beaten is Link's Awakening DX and I have the game and am about half way through it.