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Disclaimer: This site contains subject matter that may be considered offensive to some people. This site is not intended for children don't send me hate mail because your kid ended up here


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Alright then we have all seen them, we all hate them, and now I am going to list them, all the worst shitiest websites out there in this scary scary place we call the internet. I am going to try my best to update this bad boy as often as possible, and will definitely try and write a little critique of each site I list so here goes number one


1)  Why does this site suck? Well just look at it I mean fuck man its done in micro$uck  FrontPage, using a template, the colours are fucking putrid, its built on free web space, so the name I would have like to use (I.E. Look at the fucking title retard) couldn't be used because I am a broke ass. Also because it is free web space some jerk off will be advertising his shit on here somewhere but I will be nice and just put up a fucking banner rather then put you through pop up fucking hell, and to top it all off this page has a link to itself. But the real reason I put this page as # 1, is because I know that once I start to get a real good list going here people are going to be writing and saying "you say everyone's site sucks look at your own!" NEWSFLASH ASSHOLES I know it sucks and I said it first so save your breath or fuck off and die!

2) Why does this site suck? Gee I don't know am I the only person on this fucking planet who has enough compassion to think its wrong to glorify an immensely overweight cat, I mean come on man, what the fuck is wrong with you, get your animal some fucking slimfast you fucking nerdy bitch, how do you fucking sleep at night. Under any other circumstances I would say this is proof there is no hope left for mankind, but it is a kids page and kids do stupid shit all the fucking time. So right now this fucking abomination can hold the number two spot

3) Why does this site suck? First of all what kind of egoistical prick makes a site about his own fucking name. I could probably go on forever about the many reasons this site sucks but unfortunately my name is not Eric so I can't get a membership and therefore I can't even fucking see most of it. It is elitist and ultimately useless, I mean seriously do you really think your name is so fucking great that it should have  its own website, and merchandise none the less. YOUR A FUCKING LOSER AND NO ONE GIVES A FUCKING RATS ASS ABOUT THE  ERIC'S OF THE WORLD. Also I love these personal sites with photo albums, who the fuck wants to see a bunch of people they don't fucking know, woohoo family reunion at Grandpa Fuckfaces yippee fucking skippee!!!!!!!!! The biggest fucking thing I hate about this site is the fact that this doorknob brags about being proud to own the domain name "Eric", please read the following quote. "Like many of the individuals that were at the peak of the internet wave, I had the opportunity to pick any domain name..... "Erics" from around the world have sent me e-mail......others are annoyed because I own this domain and they do not."  Now I don't know what makes me more fucking sick to my stomach the fact that if I could go back to the "peak of the internet wave" and could pick any domain name I would have bought like, or or something I could sold for millions later, or the fact that there are "Eric's" out there who are actually pissed off that this guy owns the domain name. Fucking suburban nerds. Thanks to J.G. for telling me about this flaming pile of shit and helping make the internet a better place.


4)  Why does this site suck? This is a very fucking sick and disturbed site nothing like seeing some fucking gorilla man in a skimpy outfit shaking his ass on my computer screen first thing in the morning. That ruined the possibility of me ever getting another fucking hard on in my life. I hope this fucking jack-off lost a bet and had to do this stupid shit, because if he did this with the intention of being funny, then he deserves to fucking die by lethal injection. (I.E. my size 11 DR. Marten  injecting his face into his fucking ass.) That’s right I’ll make  you fucking move it, move it, you sick fuck!  This website is so fucking retarded that I think the person who made it could win a Darwin award for drastically improving the human gene pool, by committing suicide and removing their sorry ass from it. *IMPORTANT STATEMENT COMING UP JERK-OFF'S* this site is so bad, so god damn  grotesque it should truly hold the number one place but unlike the inconsiderate prick who made this site I am nice enough to not want to fucking traumatize my visitors with this fucking horrid shit! I am not sure whether I should thank J.C.W. for finding this hideous site, or block her from sending me anymore emails, I mean seriously what kind of fucked up shit did you type into a search engine to end up with that.

5) Why does this site suck? Four words, WORSE THEN FUCKING HITLER! I don't give a fuck if this is a joke or not, you disgusting piece of shit. What kind of fucked up childhood molestation did this sick, twisted, cock-knocker suffer to even dream up this idea. Actually fuck that! This is too disturbed to blame on being traumatized as a child, hell you could have watched your mom get choke-fucked by your dad at gun point, and turn out more normal then the crackpot who made this site. Thanks for the in depth methodology on how to create a bonsai kitten asshole, you have really made the world a fucking better place. Here's some in depth methodology for saving the world from trash like you. Step 1: Find the piece of shit responsible for this site. Step 2: Construct a box with huge iron spikes pointing inward, with a space in the center of the box just  large enough to fit the human in snuggly (During the process of constructing the box in step 2 please feel free to violate this piece of shit in the ass with hot curling irons, another possibility to keep him busy would be to nail his balls to a tree stump and push him over backwards until his ears touch the ground!) Step 3: Suspend the box from a secure beam perhaps 3 feet from the ground, then for the rest of his undeserving life just run up when the fucker is least expecting it and shake the shit out of the box. Get your friends in on it, take shifts. Hell charge people 5 bucks a shake and giggle your fucking ass off while you do it. Voila one less sack of shit polluting the internet with these fucking stupidities! Thanks to M.C. for sending me the link.

6) Why does this site site? Well I think its pretty self fucking explanatory! FUCK! where do people get these fucking ideas I mean seriously get away from your computer and get laid you FUCKING MORON!   I don't understand why the owner of this site doesn't just stick his dick through piece of toast and satisfy his fucked up fetish get it over with so the rest of us don't have to put with this stupid fucking shit! I feel it is safe to say that it is because of people like this, that people like George W Bush get into power. On a final note I must say it would take a half a brain to make this page remotely interesting, or useful, but for someone who is clearly under-developed or fucking retarded this must be harder then a blind lesbians nipples in a fish market. FUCK YOU! Thanks to M.B for sending me the link to this reminder that there is no hope for the human race!




Well that's it so far not to impressive is it? Well that's why its first on the list of shitty websites jack ass, anyway if you have any sites you think should be posted here please send me a link at this email address I will screen it carefully and decide as to whether or not its worthy to fall into the shitiest list ever, and no I won't answer you to say whether or not I actually checked the link. But if it does make it on this site I will give you an honorable mention beside the listing, for having the courage the cleanse the internet of these vile creations that should just not exist



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