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Hi guys!!!! We have 36200np in the guild piggy bank!!!!! Wooohoo! Keep those donations coming in!

Hiya everyone! This is elli_plays_with_me's new website! Links, hints and tips, backgrounds...etc Are on this website! For the moment not much is completed as it has just been opened so try and be patient! :) I am online daily so it won't take long! And remember to always check back at the guild for updates on newbie packs, contests..etc, as these do tend to change regularly. The member of the month is the next contest coming up, such as the 'posting messages' ( won by wiccanwonderious last time ) contest, and the original shop contest, where you make the most original and fun looking shop and you win a FAERIE of your choice for it! This guild is hopefully going to turn out well and hopefully get many members! Pleez do Join!!! Thanx. Elli!:-)

**Website Navigation**
*The guild* *Home* *Donation shop* *Neomail me!*
*Neopia central* *Guild pharmacy* *Free food shop* *Free Weapon shop*

Update on bank Lottery info Contests Council
Rules Cooking pot Links Party