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Early Adventures

Another day done
2043 13 Apr 2004

Hello everybody! Life is moving ahead. Today was busy. Did my CDC testing, getting prepaired for providing prime power for a concert coming up. We get to see Hootie! I finally received my AF Acheivement Medal 1st Oak Leaf Cluster today. I've waited for it for about 7 months. So that was cool too. Then I did an electical load evalutaion thingy today on a site we plan on changing the generator out. Then went to another site to make more progress on removing / installing another generator. I'm sorry for not getting a hold of everyone. Seems like I try to make time, but ending up a little short. I'll try a bit harder. You all are in my thoughts and prayers. Time to sleep.

2 Months, 10 days, 11 hours, 16 minutes...
Kill be here!
2208 08 Apr 2004

This week has just blown by. Work was busy and fast paced. I painted and help lay down flooring for my shop. I've also been doing some electrical survies for generator sites. ^_^ Today I got to meet the Command Cheif Master Sergeant of PACAF! (The military command of all of the Air Forces, forces in the Pacific theater!) It was kind of cool. I got to see the new blue uniform. That was kind of cool too. I dislike some of the things about the uniform. Namely: no patches, and the 5 point hat(like the Marines wear) >_< That wasn't the really cool part thought. I actually got a coin from him! They had put me up for a "best airman in the squadron". I'll get a picture of it later up on the site. Anywho, bed calls, and PT rings in the morning. Take care all, and be safe!



Updated 08 Apr 2004 @ 2145 Korean Standard Time includes:

-Got the Archives working. My thoughts will go into there after awhile.

-Pictures of Okinawa.

-Hail # 2 in the video section.