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Slips, The Untold Story
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The Triumvirate
Assumption College Capoeira Club
The Falcon's Nest
Modified Living
Skool Shooting
Albino Black Sheep
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News and Updates:


Well the Consumption spirit is back and in full swing.  We all had a good time last night over in Salisbury.  Thankya to Seabass of Team Worcester for comin out to join us.  It was also our first official get together with Slips present.  He's back now.  Look for a new picture of the day later, we took some funny ones last night.



Wow...  It's been a while since I've updated the site.  That's pretty much because I've been on vacation and my connection at home sucks balls so it would have been the most frustrating thing to try and update whilst at home.  But now I'm back at school so The Consumptionists will be in full effect.

I gave the site a makeover, please use our poll truthfully and let us know what you think. 

I know the lack of updates makes you think we don't care about you, but we do, I assure you.  What with a new semester starting, and Slips actually living at school with us, there's sure to be tons of interesting stuff to update with. 

Keep coming back to check it out!!





Update Archive of 2003

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Last Updated - Monday, January 12, 2004

Copyright 2003-2004 The Consumptionists
Willshire Inc.
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