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Time Echoes 1: Home Time Echoes 2: Disidentification & Shift Time Echoes 3: Awareness & Dream Time Echoes 4: Freedom Time Echoes 5: Conclusion
Time Echoes:
A Spiritual Growth Primer & Clarification
   Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage which we did not take Towards the door we never opened
Into the rose garden.  My words echo
Thus, in your mind. TS Eliot, "Burnt Norton" in Four Quartets
Site overview This site was created to
  • facilitate understanding of an important breakthrough for meditators in search of spiritual growth
  • clarify the no-doer, upon which the breakthrough hinges
  • address issues involved with the no-doer: Disidentification, Shift to Awareness, the illusion of free will* (*in the classical sense)


Time Echoes 1: Introduction. You are in it. 
  • See site purpose,  above
  • This Overview of the web site
  • Disclaimers as to this site's intent
  • An antique gentleman, John Aubrey--
    a  whimsical close to Part 1
Time Echoes 2:  Disidentification
  • Common sense
  • The doer as agent of time
  • Shift to Awareness
  • Perception shift & young woman, old woman picture
  • Time Echoes 3 Awareness & dream
  • Awareness & Consciousness
  • Shift to Awareness again
  • Night dreams and waking compared
  • Timelessness
  • Time Echoes 4 Time
  • Understanding it after the Shift
  • Free will & time
  • Time as illusion
  • Time Echoes 5: Conclusion
    • Review of main points
      The limits of language impose the use of "I," "you" and their variations, although they are fictions. "Spiritual growth" is used for lack of a better term.
    1 Disclaimer Before we begin, certain matters should be kept in mind:
    • For beginning seekers, spiritual growth is a profound, difficult issue. Consider the Zen koan about a flag in the wind. Does the flag move? Or does mind? This website was created to clarify issues that can be treated with the written word, although that may be wildly optimistic.
    • Bear in mind that this site offers no substitute for a truly enlightened teacher. If you have one, let him or her teach you.
    • The site does not present mere theory with regard to its central topics. The no-doer, Disidentification, and the Shift can be experienced.
    Be advised
    It offers a straightforward description without the overtones, culture and terminology of religious traditions.  Too often, descriptions of spiritual growth must carry the weight of cultures that shaped the stages of Awakening.  For Buddhism (especially Zen), Hinduism, and Christianity, the descriptions require an intimate understanding of the culture (koans,  surrender, and Christ's agony, among other elements).  This site originates from my concern for seekers confused and in need of clear explanations.  In this regard, be advised.  Although I created this site to help others, I do not want to become anybody's teacher, nor am I qualified.  (See Shingles, below.) The Way is infinitely rich and profound and any primer can only point to it.  (For that reason, distrust anybody who, explictly or implicitly,  promises to sell the secrets of Enlightenment at some exotic retreat.  You may get a good tan, but not much more.) 
    Enlightenment sold here
    Having undergone the Shift to Awareness, discovering no-doer,* far too many people now hang out an Enlightenment shingle, thinking they have all the bona fides to teach the world.  Discovering no-doer is the easy part and only the beginning,** unless you want to stop there, which is what many so-called masters do. One type thinks he or she can now pontificate and guide others, although the guidance will only be related to his or her shallow "achievement."  With regard to this, think of Zen roshis who have received Dharma transmission from their own teacher, who in turn received it through an ancient lineage of transmission.  First apprenticing as a teacher, they went on to hear and advise many students, and thereby became familiar with the variety of seeker experiences. ***
    • *See Shift To Awareness section 
    • **Two levels of no-doer: 
    • 1)Disbelief & disidentification from self, ego, individual agency, which is realized through diligent introspection. Slight twitches of doer remain. Prior to disidentification, egolessness is realized in deep meditation, often with residual after-effects;  2)Complete surrender, which may or may not ever happen to the seeker. Something not "you" takes over. No doer at any level, unless a doer is needed for "getting the job done," after which it is released. Life is lived, if Christian or Hindu, by a higher power; if Buddhist, through emptiness. 
    • ***This system is also flawed as transmission was sometimes granted for administrative purposes, but it nonetheless acts as a safeguard.
    Buyer Beware
    Zen has a long and honorable tradition of guidance and support for seekers.  It has most of the “kinks” worked out of it.  But it and other religious disciplines are subject to abuse and exploitation, either intentionally or through ignorance--particularly by those who decide to set up shop after concluding they have "arrived."  If practitioners of Zen, these people received no Dharma transmission or else they received it from a teacher self-appointed as roshi. (Although some may be truly enlightened and capable of teaching, the current glut of wannabees in the spiritual market place makes Buyer Beware an important warning.)
    This is a 
    primer, not
    a Guide To
    For Dummies
    Here is a primer.  It will help dispel some of the confusion surrounding the rich traditions.  As a primer, it points away from itself to further guidance, which can be received from the traditions.

    A primer, then: as such, it does not give wise, often obscure, but always profound insight into meditation and its stages.  It addresses the essential: the breakthrough experience. By its nature it is reductionist.  This was necessary because of the spiritual mumbo jumbo available today.  It is not a Guide To Enlightenment For Dummies.  This primer offers no substitute for long, arduous practice, patient seeking, and a Dark Night of The Soul.  You don't get there by reading this.

    What to expect & 
    what not to expect
    You will not find here a discussion of
  • advaita worship
  • retreats and profits made by self-styled teachers
  • unlocking secrets of the universe
  • living with angelic smile, glazed eyes & shuffling gait
  • You will find here a discussion of
    • the no-doer
    • Disidentification
    • the Shift to Awareness
    • the illusion of free will
    Before we continue, 
    some whimsy --a timely
    metaphor of
    practical people (more about them on next page)
    One time being at Hom Lacy in Herefordshire, at Mr John Scudamore's (grandfather to the Lord Scudamor), [Thomas Allen] happened to leave his Watch in the Chamber windowe. (Watches were then rarities.) The maydes came in to make the Bed, and hearing a thing in a case cry Tick, Tick, Tick, presently concluded that that was his Devill, and tooke it by the String with the tonges, and threw it out of the windowe into the Mote (to drowne the Devill). It so happened that the string hung on a sprig of an elder that grew out of the Mote, and this confirmed them that 'twas the Devill.

    So the good old Gentleman gott his Watch again. [The modern world got regimented time.]
              John Aubrey, Lives of Eminent Men

    Time Echoes 1: Home Time Echoes 2: Disidentification & Shift Time Echoes 3: Awareness & Dream Time Echoes 4: Freedom Time Echoes 5: Conclusion

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