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Its good to be....

~!~The Welcome Letter~!~

Dear Guest,

Welcome to my Webpage. Here you find everything there is to know about me and a few other little secrets. (If you can find them that is) This page changes daily so dont ever underestimate it. Right now i want you to sit back and relax and enjoy. Feel free to click here and there. Also note that some areas are restricted by passwords. If you wanna know the passwords then you have to ask. At the moment it is 3:03am on July 22, 2003. I should be in bed but im not. Im wide awake and thats bad since i have to work in the morning. I will be ok tho. Well you may notice that this page is not complete yet. I am sorry but hey I will do what i have to do in the next few weeks to make it better. If you think there should be something else on here please feel free to let me know. Comments are welcome at the email below. Have a wonderful day!

Love ya like a fat kid loves cake!


This page sucks right now... SORRY!!!

O here if you want to email me This is where you can do that at!


Below you will find links that will guide you thru my world! enjoy!