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rogerkver (6:16:41 PM): you there?

Auto response from wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:16:41 PM): santana row/vf with chenai:-)

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wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:06:24 AM): okay now i'm really gonna explode
rogerkver (2:06:34 AM): ate too much?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:06:38 AM): yarr
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:06:45 AM): a big waffle, eggs, and sausage
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:06:50 AM): cuz we were bored
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:06:57 AM): but i was happy actually
rogerkver (2:06:58 AM): To bad I was to drunk to drive and meet you..
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:07:01 AM): didn't wanna go "find guys"
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:07:10 AM): guys suck anyway
rogerkver (2:07:14 AM): too*
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:07:24 AM): haha
rogerkver (2:07:29 AM): why do they suck today?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:07:33 AM): wow i'm surprised you're still up
rogerkver (2:07:38 AM): me too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:07:39 AM): i don't know they just do
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:07:57 AM): cuz stuff never works out
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:07:58 AM): that's why
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:08:04 AM): and where are all the guys around 1ish
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:08:09 AM): when we're sitting at carrow's bored
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:08:18 AM): but i felt bad cuz chenai was deathly bored at your place
rogerkver (2:08:27 AM): Sorry
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:08:33 AM): and wanted to go meet guys but i kinda made her stay there for 2 hours
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:08:33 AM): haha
rogerkver (2:08:39 AM): You weren't bored at my place though?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:08:50 AM): she was like uhh next time do you want me to take you there and leave or something
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:08:57 AM): i think only cuz she didn't get to see stan
rogerkver (2:09:04 AM): oh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:09:11 AM): no i wasn't bored
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:09:14 AM): but i could've gone to sleep
rogerkver (2:09:15 AM): poor chenai
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:09:24 AM): not out of boredom
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:09:28 AM): but tiredness
rogerkver (2:09:32 AM): I'm glad you felt that comfortable
rogerkver (2:09:58 AM): How late are we going to stay up chatting tonight?
rogerkver (2:10:33 AM): Last night I kind of fell asleep in the middle of our chat.
rogerkver (2:10:36 AM): Sorry.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:10:39 AM): ahhaha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:10:44 AM): so i'm boring too huh
rogerkver (2:10:50 AM): no
rogerkver (2:10:56 AM): I just got too tired
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:11:15 AM): hmm
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:11:18 AM): my feet feel better
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:11:19 AM): YAY
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:11:23 AM): they're not squished
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:11:25 AM): har har
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:11:32 AM): and my butt doesn't hurt yet
rogerkver (2:11:47 AM): good
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:11:48 AM): i hafta get ready for bed
rogerkver (2:11:52 AM): I'm glad to hear it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:11:52 AM): ergh i feel really guilty
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:11:56 AM): for eating so much
rogerkver (2:11:57 AM): about what?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:11:59 AM): at 1ish in the morning!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:12:00 AM): ahhhhhh
rogerkver (2:12:01 AM): Don't
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:12:34 AM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:12:43 AM): and i'm just gonna go to bed soon w/o moving
rogerkver (2:13:41 AM): I'm not exciting tonight?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:13:57 AM): no you are
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:13:58 AM): forgot to ask
rogerkver (2:14:06 AM): ask what?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:14:07 AM): i really wanted you to show me how you have sex w/o oepning your legs
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:14:09 AM): opening*
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:14:16 AM): but i didn't mean like..really how
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:14:17 AM): ahha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:14:24 AM): but more like explain it
rogerkver (2:14:27 AM): maybe when chenai is not around.....
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:14:42 AM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:15:24 AM): i'm taking a survey thingie
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:15:32 AM): from ucsc asking why i didn't choose them
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:15:44 AM): cuz i'm bored
rogerkver (2:16:04 AM): To close to home?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:16:24 AM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:16:28 AM): plus ucsb is better
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:16:33 AM): so i can party more!!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:16:51 AM): but i feel so boring now
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:17:00 AM): and going out seems really boring
rogerkver (2:17:18 AM): Don't get partied out.
rogerkver (2:17:55 AM): What will you do tomorrow?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:18:06 AM): homework
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:18:11 AM): probably shopping
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:18:15 AM): cuz chenai and i can't study for that long
rogerkver (2:18:25 AM): Santana row and VF again?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:18:28 AM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:18:32 AM): too lazy for stanford
rogerkver (2:18:38 AM): too far.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:18:41 AM): i want more stuff!!
rogerkver (2:18:50 AM): clothes?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:18:50 AM): forgot to buy cute underwear today
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:18:56 AM): cuz we were in a rush
rogerkver (2:19:13 AM): why were you rushing?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:19:27 AM): cuz we wanted to go eat
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:19:34 AM): and the stores were closing at 7
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:19:39 AM): only macy's stayed open til 8
rogerkver (2:20:00 AM): oh, I guess you got a late start then..
rogerkver (2:21:14 AM): getting ready for bed now?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:21:31 AM): no just doing the survey
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:21:33 AM): i can't mvoe again
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:21:37 AM): so tire
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:21:38 AM): tired
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:21:45 AM): we spent 20 mins in front of my house
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:21:46 AM): changing
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:21:51 AM): and trying to find my house keys
rogerkver (2:22:22 AM): The survey is more exciting than me?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:22:50 AM): haha no it's kinda annoying
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:22:59 AM): but i felt bad for not going to ucsc
rogerkver (2:23:02 AM): Me or the survey?!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:23:03 AM): so i'm doing their survey
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:23:10 AM): the survey
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:23:14 AM): lol
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:23:18 AM): wait sorry i'm really slowww
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:23:27 AM): it takes a few more seconds than usual to process
rogerkver (2:25:24 AM): any exciting stories for me tonight?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:25:28 AM): not really
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:25:36 AM): wasn't a very interesting nite
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:25:43 AM): i like your couch?
rogerkver (2:25:49 AM): I guess I didn't help any...
rogerkver (2:25:58 AM): You are telling or asking me about my couch?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:26:03 AM): telling
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:26:03 AM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:26:12 AM): no you were
rogerkver (2:26:15 AM): I'm glad you liked it.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:26:17 AM): interesting i mean
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:26:26 AM): in a non extreme talking kinda way
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:26:33 AM): i jsut felt bad for chenai who seemed super bored
rogerkver (2:26:45 AM): Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable by taking pictures
rogerkver (2:26:56 AM): I just bought that camera and I still want to test it out
rogerkver (2:27:15 AM): You two coming over has been the onlything worth taking any pictures of
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:27:54 AM): haha your fridge is kinda interesting
rogerkver (2:28:00 AM): how so?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:28:01 AM): not really i just hate pictures
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:28:12 AM): cuz there were lots of drinks
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:28:18 AM): ooooooo i feel like milk right now
rogerkver (2:28:19 AM): and no food?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:28:21 AM): random
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:28:22 AM): haa
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:28:27 AM): only i can't feel my feet
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:28:33 AM): so i don't think i could get up
rogerkver (2:28:45 AM): that sore?!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:29:55 AM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:29:57 AM): maybe i'm exaggerating
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:29:59 AM): i don't know
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:30:08 AM): just that i can't wait to go back to my converse shoes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:30:15 AM): or nike ones during school
rogerkver (2:30:18 AM): Was it really that hard for you to walk tonight?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:30:20 AM): or sandals
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:30:26 AM): just tired and lazy
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:30:35 AM): but i really like how they're pointy
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:30:36 AM): haha
rogerkver (2:30:42 AM): It looked like you were going to fall down at any moment
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:31:01 AM): really
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:31:07 AM): i didn't know it was that bad
rogerkver (2:31:10 AM): yes
rogerkver (2:31:28 AM): maybe it was because your skirt was to tight though, you could't take normal size steps
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:31:28 AM): hmm
rogerkver (2:31:37 AM): too*
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:31:40 AM): was it?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:31:41 AM): ahhahah
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:31:43 AM): i don't even know
rogerkver (2:31:48 AM): It looked like it to me.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:31:53 AM): hm
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:32:00 AM): i'll hafta try it on and se
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:32:01 AM): see
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:32:04 AM): it looked okay at the store
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:32:20 AM): now i don't wanna wear it anymore
rogerkver (2:32:21 AM): It looked great, but I think it made it hard for you to walk like a normal person
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:32:23 AM): ahhhhhhhh look what you did
rogerkver (2:32:33 AM): sorry
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:32:36 AM): too tight=bad?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:32:42 AM): it seemed loose to me
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:32:50 AM): well not loose..just more..not so slutty and tight
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:32:50 AM): haha
rogerkver (2:32:52 AM): It depends on what you were trying to acomplish with it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:33:02 AM): normal conservative
rogerkver (2:33:04 AM): You have tighter ones?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:33:18 AM): well more form fitting?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:33:22 AM): i didn't think that one was that tight
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:33:30 AM): like hmm
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:33:34 AM): my black one from friday
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:33:47 AM): with the weird ruffle thingies
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:33:54 AM): were tighter on the butt and stuff
rogerkver (2:33:54 AM): I remeber
rogerkver (2:34:02 AM): I thought it was about the same
rogerkver (2:34:12 AM): Or maybe the black one could stretch with you more
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:34:22 AM): yea
rogerkver (2:34:25 AM): The white one tonight didn't seem to stretch at all when you tried to walk
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:34:33 AM): too late to return it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:34:34 AM): blah
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:34:40 AM): and i bought it today too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:34:44 AM): we shopped a lot
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:34:49 AM): and just wore it from the shopping bags
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:34:50 AM): in the car
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:34:51 AM): lol
rogerkver (2:35:02 AM): you change in the car often?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:35:06 AM): then i had to take it allllll home
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:35:15 AM): cuz or else chenai's mom would freak out too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:35:18 AM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:35:20 AM): very very often
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:35:22 AM): it sucks
rogerkver (2:35:29 AM): I think so too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:35:39 AM): don't want my parents getting all weird
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:35:44 AM): i don't know why my dad was so weird tonite either
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:35:57 AM): they were asleep when i came home
rogerkver (2:36:05 AM): no showers tonight?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:37:00 AM): no just snoring
rogerkver (2:37:08 AM): Thats good for you.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:37:19 AM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:37:28 AM): ughh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:37:35 AM): just realized i have no blankets
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:37:39 AM): cuz i did the laundry
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:37:46 AM): too tired to go into the garage
rogerkver (2:37:49 AM): You have to wait for them to dry now?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:37:59 AM): now i'm going to have to wear a really big warm sweater
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:38:01 AM): and sweat pants
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:38:01 AM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:38:11 AM): no i did the laundry before i left the house
rogerkver (2:38:54 AM): so why do you have no blankets then?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:39:02 AM): cuz i washed them
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:39:18 AM): and left them in the washing machine
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:39:24 AM): and yea.. they're still in there
rogerkver (2:39:26 AM): So you have to dry them now?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:39:30 AM): i have to
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:39:33 AM): but i'm not going to
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:39:37 AM): cuz the garage is far
rogerkver (2:39:38 AM): Or they are dry but you just don't want to go to the garage?
rogerkver (2:39:40 AM): OK
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:39:44 AM): and cold
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:39:45 AM): and scary
rogerkver (2:39:45 AM): I understand noew
rogerkver (2:39:47 AM): now
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:39:55 AM): and sometimes i'm okay
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:40:02 AM): but if i think about getting killed or something
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:40:04 AM): then i freak out
rogerkver (2:40:12 AM): Don't freak
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:40:13 AM): so yeaaa gonna stay here all safe in my room
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:40:28 AM): oo
rogerkver (2:40:33 AM): ??
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:40:34 AM): our goal next time is to wear jeans
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:40:40 AM): and not dress up at all
rogerkver (2:40:43 AM): to where?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:40:45 AM): when going to straits/santana row
rogerkver (2:40:46 AM): my house?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:40:50 AM): dressing up sucks
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:40:52 AM): i'm tired of it
rogerkver (2:41:04 AM): I sure wasn't dressed up tonight.
rogerkver (2:41:05 AM): Sorry
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:41:11 AM): haha it's okay
rogerkver (2:41:20 AM): shorts and a t-shirt that needed ironing
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:41:33 AM): but you kinda changed afterward
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:41:39 AM): which chenai and i thought was weird
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:41:51 AM): well not weirdd
rogerkver (2:41:52 AM): I thought I was going to walk you to your car
rogerkver (2:41:56 AM): but then you guys said no
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:41:57 AM): but just lots of trouble
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:41:59 AM): haha
rogerkver (2:42:09 AM): I try not to go out side looking like a bum
rogerkver (2:42:13 AM): That is why I changed
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:42:22 AM): yea i don't remember why we said no
rogerkver (2:42:38 AM): I still have no idea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:42:42 AM): i don't either
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:42:44 AM): shrugs
rogerkver (2:42:49 AM): Other than maybe you were hoping to meet boys on the way back to the car
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:42:52 AM): maybe too brain dead to know
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:42:54 AM): lolllllll
rogerkver (2:42:56 AM): Me being there wouldn't of helped that
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:43:18 AM): i don't really care to meet guys
rogerkver (2:43:18 AM): good guess?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:43:25 AM): so lazyyyy
rogerkver (2:43:31 AM): You only talk about them non stop
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:43:35 AM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:43:41 AM): cuz that's what we do
rogerkver (2:43:50 AM): I noticed
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:43:57 AM): guys and clothes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:44:06 AM): i talk about other stuff
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:44:09 AM): just not w/ chenai
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:44:24 AM): argh my shower is dripping
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:44:27 AM): i can hear it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:44:37 AM): and i really don't get it cuz when the shower head thingie is hanging it drips
rogerkver (2:44:38 AM): will it keep you up?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:44:48 AM): but then when it's hanging down it doesn't
rogerkver (2:44:57 AM): weird
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:44:59 AM): yea i went crazy earlier this week cuz of it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:45:17 AM): must go move it down
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:45:19 AM): but so far
rogerkver (2:45:24 AM): maybe I keep you up worse
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:45:26 AM): like 3 yards
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:45:26 AM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:45:30 AM): but still seems far
rogerkver (2:45:48 AM): I can wait
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:45:58 AM): what if i fall asleep on my way
rogerkver (2:46:19 AM): I didn't say I would wait all night.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:47:08 AM): woohoo i'm back
rogerkver (2:47:17 AM): welcome back
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:47:21 AM): har har thanx
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:47:26 AM): so are you really not tired
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:47:29 AM): what's the latest you've stayed up
rogerkver (2:47:42 AM): you keep me up late every night!
rogerkver (2:47:50 AM): recently?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:47:55 AM): yea
rogerkver (2:48:08 AM): 3 something last night I think
rogerkver (2:48:11 AM): and you?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:48:41 AM): just chatting?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:48:45 AM): i think 4?
rogerkver (2:49:01 AM): with you
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:49:16 AM): oh then 3am with you
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:49:46 AM): so what are you doing tomorrow
rogerkver (2:50:01 AM): staying home I think
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:50:13 AM): funs stuff
rogerkver (2:50:21 AM): you can come by again if you have time.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:50:26 AM): fun*
rogerkver (2:50:45 AM): we can do fun stuff
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:50:53 AM): like?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:51:06 AM): oo yanoe what's fun
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:51:09 AM): playing monopoly
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:51:11 AM): hahahaah
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:51:15 AM): i really like winning
rogerkver (2:51:35 AM): I have some games we can play.
rogerkver (2:51:42 AM): do you like tetris?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:52:07 AM): yea but i'll probably be slow
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:52:14 AM): recently i feel like my brain is dying out
rogerkver (2:52:22 AM): we could play monopoly tomorrow or some other games
rogerkver (2:52:31 AM): sound fun?
rogerkver (2:52:38 AM): or not really?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:52:45 AM): yea it does
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:52:49 AM): but i can't tomorrow
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:52:52 AM): it's monday
rogerkver (2:52:53 AM): I just want to hang out and relax
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:52:56 AM): homework galore
rogerkver (2:53:02 AM): no work/school!
rogerkver (2:53:13 AM): damn homework!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:53:17 AM): but i have to complete stuff for tuesday
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:53:29 AM): projects suck
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:53:42 AM): but i'm super duper free anytime after june 10th
rogerkver (2:53:54 AM): Thats what I hear...
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:53:54 AM): yayyyyy i can't wait
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:54:02 AM): no more getting up and going to school
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:54:08 AM): and getting annoyed by people
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:54:28 AM): so what's your middle name
rogerkver (2:54:38 AM): keith
rogerkver (2:54:42 AM): and yours?
rogerkver (2:54:49 AM): do you have one?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:55:27 AM): oh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:55:36 AM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:55:45 AM): but no one needs to know
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:55:48 AM): haha
rogerkver (2:56:10 AM): you will tell me later?
rogerkver (2:56:16 AM): when I say yarr?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:56:20 AM): hhhaha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:56:26 AM): yarr
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:56:27 AM): hey
rogerkver (2:56:30 AM): ?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:56:31 AM): you didn't say it tonite either
rogerkver (2:56:39 AM): you didn't ask
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:56:44 AM): oh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:56:48 AM): hmm i guess i forgot
rogerkver (2:56:56 AM): lucky me
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:57:24 AM): next time i won't!
rogerkver (2:57:35 AM): are you sure?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:57:41 AM): yes
rogerkver (2:57:43 AM): when is next time?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:57:45 AM): unless i'm that tired again
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:57:58 AM): i don't know?
rogerkver (2:58:24 AM): tomorrow? or after june 10th?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:58:54 AM): hmmmm
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:58:58 AM): not tomorrow
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:59:03 AM): but before june 10th
rogerkver (2:59:14 AM): tricky answer
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:59:16 AM): i don't go out on weekdays/nites
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:59:25 AM): next friday chenai wants to go to SF
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:59:27 AM): to meet guys
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:59:30 AM): so tired
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:59:31 AM): ergh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:59:34 AM): don't wanna go with her
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:59:45 AM): but oh well
rogerkver (2:59:45 AM): Is she even more guy crazy than you?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:59:47 AM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (2:59:52 AM): seriously!!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:00:02 AM): we weren't even planning to go to carrows
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:00:13 AM): until she pasesd it and saw cars and was like omgg what if there's cute guys in there
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:00:17 AM): i was like..great
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:00:21 AM): but at least there was food
rogerkver (3:00:22 AM): crazy
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:00:24 AM): lots and lots of it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:00:25 AM): yay
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:00:55 AM): being boy crazy isn't as fun anymore
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:01:04 AM): i don't know why
rogerkver (3:01:06 AM): why not?
rogerkver (3:01:08 AM): oh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:01:36 AM): being a bum is fun
rogerkver (3:01:57 AM): I like relaxing at home too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:02:04 AM): a couple of weeks ago i did that
rogerkver (3:02:05 AM): my work tires me out
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:02:16 AM): stayed at home the whole weekend
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:02:18 AM): it was really nice
rogerkver (3:02:24 AM): nice
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:02:27 AM): what do you do all day
rogerkver (3:02:46 AM): when I stay at home?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:02:47 AM): i can still smell syrup
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:02:50 AM): no at work
rogerkver (3:03:07 AM): manage every one and everything
rogerkver (3:03:14 AM): buy lots of memory
rogerkver (3:03:21 AM): sell some too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:03:23 AM): oh it's fun being in charge tho
rogerkver (3:03:40 AM): It is a lot of responsability too.
rogerkver (3:03:56 AM): everyones job depends on me.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:04:26 AM): i guess you get tired a lot
rogerkver (3:04:34 AM): I don't like having to fire people who don't do a good job.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:04:50 AM): so is your work "rewarding" and do you like it a lot
rogerkver (3:04:55 AM): maybe I'm tired because I am old
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:05:00 AM): yanoe how they say to find something you like doing blah blah
rogerkver (3:05:09 AM): I'm almost done working
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:05:09 AM): haha you're not that old
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:05:21 AM): but not super young where you go out and party every nite
rogerkver (3:05:28 AM): I like it but I will be glad when it is done.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:05:39 AM): what do you mean almost done
rogerkver (3:05:49 AM): almost done done.
rogerkver (3:05:55 AM): no more work soon
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:05:59 AM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:06:10 AM): as're gonna quit?
rogerkver (3:06:19 AM): sell my company or higher a manager and retire
rogerkver (3:06:23 AM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:06:30 AM): oh
rogerkver (3:06:30 AM): I will quit soon
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:06:34 AM): then what will you do all day
rogerkver (3:06:38 AM): I am tired of working
rogerkver (3:06:55 AM): I'm not sure.....
rogerkver (3:07:06 AM): travel... read.... computers... cars.....
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:07:10 AM): play tetris!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:07:20 AM): brB
rogerkver (3:07:21 AM): maybe even some sex if I am lucky....
rogerkver (3:09:54 AM): where did you go?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:10:12 AM): to get ready for bed
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:10:17 AM): oh how i love my bed
rogerkver (3:10:19 AM): ready?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:10:23 AM): grr can't wait to use my laptop!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:10:28 AM): so mad
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:10:30 AM): i wanna use it nowwww
rogerkver (3:10:39 AM): I can see why!
rogerkver (3:10:55 AM): I've been in bed with my laptop this whole time!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:11:03 AM): :-(
rogerkver (3:11:11 AM): so nice for me!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:12:13 AM): it's okay i found a blanket in my closet
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:12:20 AM): so now i'm sitting in my chair w/ it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:12:21 AM): how nice
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:12:24 AM): nto really
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:12:25 AM): ahah
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:12:28 AM): but at least it's warmer now
rogerkver (3:12:36 AM): good.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:12:37 AM): just can't move legs
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:12:39 AM): hurts
rogerkver (3:12:50 AM): I wouldn't want you to be cold.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:13:10 AM): aw how nice of you
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:13:12 AM): oo!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:13:14 AM): so yea
rogerkver (3:13:17 AM): ???
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:13:21 AM): i realized that YOU were the first one to bring up sex
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:13:22 AM): and not me
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:13:27 AM): woohoo
rogerkver (3:13:27 AM): when?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:13:34 AM): when you said something up there about
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:13:37 AM): maybe having sex
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:13:39 AM): when you retire
rogerkver (3:16:36 AM): I think you are right
rogerkver (3:16:47 AM): Now I feel embarassed,....
rogerkver (3:17:02 AM): You are supposed to be the sex crazed one.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:17:03 AM): hahja wju
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:17:07 AM): why*
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:17:16 AM): argh who calls ppl at 3am
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:17:19 AM): so annoying
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:17:23 AM): i had to run to find my fone
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:17:28 AM): cuz i heard it vibrating
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:17:36 AM): and was afraid it was going to ring really loud
rogerkver (3:17:36 AM): who calls at 3 am?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:17:40 AM): now i'm even more sore than before
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:17:55 AM): it was just gabe
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:18:12 AM): but obviously i wouldn't go out right now
rogerkver (3:18:18 AM): 3am!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:18:28 AM): i knowww
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:18:33 AM): not like i would be his booty call or something
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:18:35 AM): ahr har
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:18:51 AM): gosh so sore
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:18:55 AM): sorry i whine about this all the time
rogerkver (3:18:58 AM): which guy was gabe?
rogerkver (3:19:06 AM): I thought he was the metro
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:19:11 AM): no albert is the metro
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:19:17 AM): gabe is this guy who hangs out w/ joel
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:19:25 AM): they're the 2 guys we met on nite
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:19:27 AM): one*
rogerkver (3:19:30 AM): oh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:19:36 AM): before we met you and your friends
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:19:41 AM): yupppppo
rogerkver (3:19:56 AM): which group seems more interesting?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:19:58 AM): i think i'm tired today
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:20:07 AM): cuz of the whole bumping into the car door thing
rogerkver (3:20:19 AM): ??
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:20:25 AM): i don't know why i'm so clumsy
rogerkver (3:20:26 AM): you didn't tell me
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:20:28 AM): ?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:20:29 AM): i did
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:20:36 AM): when alvin called
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:20:39 AM): and i was talking to him
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:20:45 AM): and trying to get stuff from the car
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:20:51 AM): i smacked my head
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:20:53 AM): really really hard
rogerkver (3:21:01 AM): your head
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:21:09 AM): yea
rogerkver (3:21:16 AM): I thought you meant one car into another
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:21:20 AM): no
rogerkver (3:21:21 AM): sorry
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:21:22 AM): my head
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:21:23 AM): ahhaa
rogerkver (3:21:29 AM): It is late for me too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:21:40 AM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:21:51 AM): stuff is coming really slowly
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:21:56 AM): well at least you don't have to do anything tomorrow
rogerkver (3:22:01 AM): yup
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:22:03 AM): i still have to do homework
rogerkver (3:22:03 AM): you too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:22:04 AM): grr
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:22:07 AM): lucky you
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:22:12 AM): i wanna play monopoly!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:22:13 AM): :-(
rogerkver (3:22:15 AM): except for homework and shopping
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:22:28 AM): too tired to get started
rogerkver (3:22:29 AM): when?
rogerkver (3:22:34 AM): I have time.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:22:52 AM): when??
rogerkver (3:22:57 AM): when?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:23:08 AM): i don't know?
rogerkver (3:23:27 AM): I guess you don't want to play that bad...
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:24:05 AM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:24:20 AM): i just have to do hw
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:24:24 AM): it's actually due thursday
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:24:29 AM): but i'm telling myself tuesday
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:24:31 AM): just in case
rogerkver (3:24:34 AM): then no problem..
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:24:59 AM): then i have to do chem stuff
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:25:09 AM): even tho i have 99.7
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:25:16 AM): i think it was .7
rogerkver (3:25:17 AM): and monopoly stuff
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:25:18 AM): not that sure
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:25:27 AM): so i don't really have to do anything
rogerkver (3:25:51 AM): see
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:26:02 AM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:26:16 AM): but playing feels better when you don't have any worries
rogerkver (3:26:30 AM): so don't worry, you have a 99.7
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:26:30 AM): also have to worry about econ ap
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:26:35 AM): so sad i have a B
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:26:53 AM): i don't think it will ever go up enough for an A
rogerkver (3:27:12 AM): it will be hard with just 2 weeks
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:27:17 AM): and then vmc i have a B so that's why i hafta do the stupid portfolio thingie
rogerkver (3:27:28 AM): vmc?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:27:32 AM): which is super long, tiring, and redudant
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:27:38 AM): voices of modern culture
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:27:46 AM): i didn't take english 4ap
rogerkver (3:27:51 AM): I wouldn't like that class
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:28:01 AM): vmc..or english 4
rogerkver (3:28:03 AM): vmc
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:28:05 AM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:28:07 AM): it SUCKS
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:28:13 AM): the teacher explains stuff 234334 times
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:28:28 AM): and ppl still raise their hands and ask stupid questions
rogerkver (3:28:35 AM): and you still only have a b?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:28:44 AM): cuz i didn't do 2 essays
rogerkver (3:28:50 AM): why not?
rogerkver (3:28:54 AM): forgot?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:29:08 AM): and didn't feel like doing it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:29:12 AM): and i can't get an A
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:29:22 AM): cuz you have a choice of these 3 projects
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:29:28 AM): if you do all 3 you can get an A
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:29:32 AM): if you do only 2 then you get a B
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:29:41 AM): if your grade was already a B
rogerkver (3:29:49 AM): you did 2?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:29:49 AM): but you can't do only 2 and get an A even if your grade was an A
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:29:53 AM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:29:57 AM): so i knew i was getting a B
rogerkver (3:29:57 AM): lame
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:30:01 AM): so then i didn't do the 2 essay
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:30:03 AM): essays*
rogerkver (3:30:20 AM): I can see why not.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:30:20 AM): but i need to to the portfolio to pass the final
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:30:25 AM): oo random
rogerkver (3:30:27 AM): there was no point
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:30:29 AM): but i like game theory
rogerkver (3:30:42 AM): how do you know about that?
rogerkver (3:30:53 AM): you know who von nueman is?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:30:56 AM): from econ and cuz it makes sense
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:31:01 AM): no i'm not THAT into econ
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:31:11 AM): and too tired to remember stuff right now
rogerkver (3:31:22 AM): He is the guy who came up with game theory
rogerkver (3:31:37 AM): thats so weird!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:31:42 AM): what is
rogerkver (3:32:04 AM): Did any one tell you to talk to me about game theory or marginal utility?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:32:08 AM): no
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:32:15 AM): haha who on earth would do that
rogerkver (3:32:22 AM): Those are things that I am very interested in.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:32:26 AM): oh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:32:28 AM): then how weird!
rogerkver (3:32:45 AM): That is why it is so very weird for me that you brought up both of them.
rogerkver (3:32:54 AM): soooo weird!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:32:57 AM): i bring up weird things
rogerkver (3:32:58 AM): I like it though
rogerkver (3:33:11 AM): Most people have never heard of either one
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:33:12 AM): like weird random things at random moments
rogerkver (3:33:36 AM): you do...
rogerkver (3:33:41 AM): often..
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:34:25 AM): yup
rogerkver (3:34:48 AM): anything else for tonight?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:35:09 AM): no i'm staring into the white screen
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:35:10 AM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:35:13 AM): oo
rogerkver (3:35:16 AM): ??
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:35:18 AM): that i must remember to take out my contacts
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:35:22 AM): even tho i won't be able to see
rogerkver (3:35:27 AM): I like it when you say oo or omg
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:35:37 AM): haha it's kinda scary don't you think
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:35:42 AM): especially when it's not anything important
rogerkver (3:35:46 AM): It gets me excited about what you are going to say next
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:35:56 AM): oooo seX SEX SEX
rogerkver (3:36:04 AM): some times it is a let down though
rogerkver (3:36:15 AM): that wasn't though
rogerkver (3:36:17 AM): OO
rogerkver (3:36:25 AM): sex sex sex to you too!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:36:33 AM): yea you brought it up!
rogerkver (3:36:40 AM): I did
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:36:42 AM): in the way beginning
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:36:45 AM): then you stopped talking about it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:36:46 AM): how sad
rogerkver (3:36:50 AM): was that weird for you?
rogerkver (3:37:06 AM): you want to talk about more sex with me?
rogerkver (3:37:17 AM): any late night sex questions today?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:37:33 AM): hmm
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:37:35 AM): can't think of any
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:37:41 AM): why don't you just make statements about sex
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:37:42 AM): haha
rogerkver (3:37:43 AM): now is your chance
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:37:52 AM): i can't think
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:37:56 AM): ummmmm
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:38:08 AM): so is sex weird?
rogerkver (3:38:08 AM): It is late enough where I will answer even the good ones
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:38:09 AM): lol
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:38:13 AM): i don't know
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:38:15 AM): what do you think about
rogerkver (3:38:16 AM): I guess so
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:38:22 AM): are you like "yay it went in"
rogerkver (3:38:29 AM): It is different from other things
rogerkver (3:38:45 AM): getting it in sure does feel good
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:38:50 AM): jaja
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:38:55 AM): haha*
rogerkver (3:38:56 AM): for both people I think
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:39:06 AM): oh but you don't know for suuure
rogerkver (3:39:16 AM): I've never been a girl
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:39:19 AM): and you said you didn't wanna know how sex was like from a girl's point of view
rogerkver (3:39:26 AM): they sure act like it feels good.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:39:43 AM): well how do you know it feels good
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:39:47 AM): if you've never felt something like it
rogerkver (3:39:48 AM): I want to know, I don't want to be a girl though
rogerkver (3:40:17 AM): Do you think it will feel good?
rogerkver (3:40:22 AM): for you?
rogerkver (3:40:53 AM): no comment?
rogerkver (3:41:07 AM): I think it will feel good for you too.
rogerkver (3:41:19 AM): You will find out first hand eventualy
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:41:44 AM): i don't know i'm afraid of sex
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:41:45 AM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:41:50 AM): seems really SCARY
rogerkver (3:41:55 AM): still afraid?
rogerkver (3:42:03 AM): what about it seems scary?
rogerkver (3:42:13 AM): It's not. It is a nice thing
rogerkver (3:42:22 AM): more fun than monopoly even
rogerkver (3:42:48 AM): It is a great way two people can make each other feel good.
rogerkver (3:42:54 AM): you'll see
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:43:17 AM): eh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:43:19 AM): are you sure?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:43:22 AM): it doesn't seem as fun
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:43:23 AM): as eating
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:43:25 AM): or shopping
rogerkver (3:43:33 AM): It is way better!
rogerkver (3:43:39 AM): not even close!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:43:47 AM): the whole idea of a guy on top
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:43:49 AM): totally on you
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:43:51 AM): and then in you
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:43:53 AM): is really scary
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:43:55 AM): like AHHHH
rogerkver (3:43:55 AM): shopping and eating are nice too but not even close
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:44:04 AM): scary
rogerkver (3:44:07 AM): you can be on top too
rogerkver (3:44:23 AM): you have more control that way
rogerkver (3:44:47 AM): then it is kind of scary for the guy because he has no control.
rogerkver (3:45:00 AM): the girl controls everything then.
rogerkver (3:45:04 AM): scary
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:45:11 AM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:45:17 AM): so sex = scary
rogerkver (3:45:27 AM): sex= fun
rogerkver (3:45:39 AM): sex=fun x 10000000
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:45:44 AM): no
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:45:45 AM): scary
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:45:59 AM): and being wayyyyyy too close
rogerkver (3:45:59 AM): scary x5
rogerkver (3:46:04 AM): fun x 10000000
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:46:14 AM): there's no space/escape
rogerkver (3:46:32 AM): there is if either person changes their mind
rogerkver (3:46:43 AM): but I have never heard of that
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:47:30 AM): of someone changing their mind?
rogerkver (3:47:34 AM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:47:36 AM): i think i would
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:47:38 AM): do you think i would
rogerkver (3:47:46 AM): not with the right guy
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:48:10 AM): so do you think if i tried w/ you i would?
rogerkver (3:48:26 AM): If we were to get started I doubt you would change your mind.
rogerkver (3:48:35 AM): I think you would like it too much
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:48:52 AM): haha
rogerkver (3:49:02 AM): what do you think if you were with me?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:49:13 AM): i don't know
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:49:34 AM): what's the closest i've been with you
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:49:38 AM): arms distance??
rogerkver (3:49:38 AM): you can always try it and stop at any time if it feels too scary
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:49:38 AM): lol
rogerkver (3:49:50 AM): you sat right next to me yesterday
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:50:00 AM): still far
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:50:05 AM): not like scary right up close
rogerkver (3:50:12 AM): I'm not so big on public displays of affection
rogerkver (3:50:24 AM): In private is much better for me.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:50:31 AM): i think i'd be like ahhhhhh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:50:33 AM): and try to hide
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:50:38 AM): i do that a lot
rogerkver (3:51:06 AM): next time you come over we can sit next to each other and see how it feels for each of us.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:51:06 AM): public?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:51:13 AM): you mean chenai?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:51:14 AM): har har
rogerkver (3:51:21 AM): or straights
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:51:30 AM): ohhhhhh yea
rogerkver (3:51:31 AM): or any other people
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:51:35 AM): i sat next to you
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:51:36 AM): i forgot
rogerkver (3:51:43 AM): I didn't
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:51:49 AM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:51:56 AM): why
rogerkver (3:51:57 AM): were you scared to sit next to me or was it OK?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:52:01 AM): you have a good memory then
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:52:09 AM): it was okay
rogerkver (3:52:15 AM): I liked it, that is why I didn't forget
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:52:29 AM): oh
rogerkver (3:52:45 AM): we can try it again later if we want.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:53:03 AM): sounds fun?
rogerkver (3:53:12 AM): I think so.
rogerkver (3:53:20 AM): I liked it.
rogerkver (3:53:26 AM): how about you?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:53:31 AM): just sitting there??
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:53:48 AM): i don't really remember
rogerkver (3:53:48 AM): sitting is a nice start
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:53:51 AM): can't think
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:54:02 AM): i sat there..and then chenai and i left
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:54:10 AM): that's all i remember
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:54:12 AM): then you disappeared
rogerkver (3:54:20 AM): and came back, and left, and came back....
rogerkver (3:54:38 AM): you never called, I just went home....
rogerkver (3:55:28 AM): 4 am, a new record for me!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:55:36 AM): cuz i didn't have your number
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:55:39 AM): duh
rogerkver (3:55:45 AM): 408-313-1853
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:55:45 AM): evil "matt" guy!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:55:48 AM): i think he's evil now
rogerkver (3:55:51 AM): It is on my card too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:55:53 AM): for like no apparent reason
rogerkver (3:56:09 AM): I'm a bit mad about that too.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:56:11 AM): yea but i lost your card
rogerkver (3:56:25 AM): write down my number now
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:56:42 AM): it's okay it's in my fone now
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:56:58 AM): woohoo
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:57:00 AM): your new record
rogerkver (3:57:03 AM): can I have yours?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:57:04 AM): are you tired yet
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:57:17 AM): i have a feeeling you're gonna be tired tomorrow morning
rogerkver (3:57:18 AM): some what tired...
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:57:26 AM): yet somehow you manage to wake up pretty early still
rogerkver (3:57:28 AM): I'm sure I will be tomorrow
rogerkver (3:57:47 AM): yeah, I will wake up at 9:30 and be tired I think
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:57:54 AM): 408-605-2357
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:58:01 AM): that took a long time
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:58:03 AM): cuz it's dark
rogerkver (3:58:05 AM): thanks
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:58:10 AM): you're welcome
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:58:12 AM): i don't like my number
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:58:13 AM): haha
rogerkver (3:58:25 AM): I will never call you at 3 am btw.....
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:58:32 AM): yes thank you
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:58:45 AM): i know this one guy who calls me around that time
rogerkver (3:58:50 AM): no need to thank me for that
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:58:53 AM): or sometimes at 5 or 6
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:58:56 AM): and asks me what i'm doing
rogerkver (3:58:57 AM): so rude!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:59:00 AM): it makes me REALLLLLLY mad
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:59:08 AM): cuz i like sleeping
rogerkver (3:59:15 AM): It would make me mad too.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:59:37 AM): okay my butt is hurting now
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:59:50 AM): or again
rogerkver (3:59:53 AM): my fault kind of.... sorry
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (3:59:58 AM): i wonder if i should have my butt checked out
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:00:04 AM): haha sounds stupid
rogerkver (4:00:08 AM): by who?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:00:10 AM): but yes i wanna know what's wrong with it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:00:14 AM): my doctor??
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:00:20 AM): he would think i was really odd tho
rogerkver (4:00:20 AM): ohh.
rogerkver (4:00:33 AM): yup
rogerkver (4:00:37 AM): I think he would
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:00:46 AM): but yea i don't have enough butt cushion or something
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:00:50 AM): cuz it hurts
rogerkver (4:01:24 AM): you should gain mor weight
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:01:36 AM): anyway 3 entertaining 21 game questions before you go!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:01:37 AM): i'm bored
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:01:39 AM): noo are you crazy
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:01:45 AM): i would be the size of a house
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:01:50 AM): if i gained any more weight
rogerkver (4:01:54 AM): no way
rogerkver (4:02:07 AM): You look very nice sized now
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:02:11 AM): you can go first cuz my brain is tired
rogerkver (4:02:26 AM): hmmm.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:02:28 AM): lol i think i'll take that as a compliment
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:02:33 AM): no one has ever said that to me
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:02:38 AM): "you look very nice sized now"
rogerkver (4:02:39 AM): It is a compliment
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:02:50 AM): har har
rogerkver (4:02:52 AM): my style complement
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:02:56 AM): or is it funny cuz it's late
rogerkver (4:03:10 AM): question tonight....
rogerkver (4:03:45 AM): do you have a physical atraction towards me?
rogerkver (4:03:54 AM): thats a good one to know.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:04:39 AM): do you?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:04:49 AM): haha ewps i just asked a question back
rogerkver (4:04:52 AM): do I towards you?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:04:58 AM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:05:13 AM): yes
rogerkver (4:05:23 AM): I sure do, but I still worry about the age a bit
rogerkver (4:05:37 AM): was that a yes to my question too?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:05:43 AM): yarr
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:05:46 AM): see saying yes is boring
rogerkver (4:05:54 AM): yarr it sure is,.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:05:58 AM): what about the age thing
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:06:01 AM): i still don't get it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:06:02 AM): ahha
rogerkver (4:06:13 AM): ahha what?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:06:23 AM): ahha how retarded am i
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:06:29 AM): i don't get "the age thing"
rogerkver (4:06:33 AM): not very...
rogerkver (4:07:42 AM): so I think it is your turn
rogerkver (4:07:54 AM): asking the same question back doesn't count?
rogerkver (4:07:56 AM): .
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:08:04 AM): wait
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:08:08 AM): really i still don't get the age thing
rogerkver (4:08:30 AM): I don't either so lets not worry about it.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:08:34 AM): okay
rogerkver (4:08:36 AM): the short answer is:
rogerkver (4:09:05 AM): I find you physicaly attractive and knowing about marginal utility sure helps too!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:09:27 AM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:09:32 AM): i thought everyone knew about that
rogerkver (4:09:39 AM): I'm serious
rogerkver (4:09:47 AM): ask your mom tomorrow
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:10:00 AM): okay
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:10:07 AM): so is it my turn to ask
rogerkver (4:10:11 AM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:10:13 AM): even tho i can't think of good ones like you
rogerkver (4:10:33 AM): just try to ask what you want to know.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:10:36 AM): what's the weirdest thing you do during sex
rogerkver (4:10:43 AM): what do you want to know?
rogerkver (4:10:52 AM): hmm
rogerkver (4:11:40 AM): I'm not sure because it wouldn't seem weird to me. maybe you can tell me waht it is later.
rogerkver (4:12:32 AM): my turn....
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:12:36 AM): oh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:12:39 AM): hm okay so then how about
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:12:43 AM): what are some things you do during sex
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:12:50 AM): i wouldn't know if they were weird or not
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:12:58 AM): cuz who would i have to compare with
rogerkver (4:13:03 AM): true.
rogerkver (4:13:21 AM): you want graphic details?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:14:58 AM): um
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:14:59 AM): i guess?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:15:09 AM): i don't thik it will really sink in anyway
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:15:12 AM): think*
rogerkver (4:15:38 AM): I like to push myself up inside as far up as I can go until our pelivises are pushed up against each other realy slowly but pressed very hard.
rogerkver (4:15:52 AM): I like that a lot, It feels so good.
rogerkver (4:16:19 AM): It feels so nice to be that close and tight together.
rogerkver (4:16:30 AM): Is that detailed enough?
rogerkver (4:16:40 AM): or do you want more?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:16:50 AM): yes but kinda scary
rogerkver (4:16:59 AM): It feels nice
rogerkver (4:17:04 AM): believe me
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:17:06 AM): like wAYYYY up inside..
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:17:06 AM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:17:07 AM): no
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:17:13 AM): it sounds .. painful
rogerkver (4:17:29 AM): It's not at all.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:17:40 AM): are you sure?
rogerkver (4:17:44 AM): I don't think for the girl either.
rogerkver (4:18:02 AM): 98% sure
rogerkver (4:18:13 AM): It just feels realy good for both of us.
rogerkver (4:18:45 AM): I like it.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:18:57 AM): oh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:18:58 AM): hmm
rogerkver (4:18:59 AM): I think you would too. if you are not too afraid.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:19:08 AM): nope already afarid
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:19:11 AM): afraid*
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:19:14 AM): just from hearing that
rogerkver (4:19:46 AM): oops, I'm not trying to scare you from sex.
rogerkver (4:20:13 AM): my turn now?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:20:51 AM): haha yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:20:53 AM): i'm scared
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:20:56 AM): even more
rogerkver (4:21:09 AM): of my next question?
rogerkver (4:21:20 AM): or of sex?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:22:29 AM): of sex
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:22:34 AM): your questions aren't scary
rogerkver (4:22:58 AM): Do you honestly think you will have sex with some one in san jose before you go to college?
rogerkver (4:24:15 AM): are you busy?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:24:25 AM): what do you mean do i honestly think
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:24:35 AM): as in is that my plan
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:24:40 AM): or do i think that it will happen
rogerkver (4:24:44 AM): both
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:24:50 AM): no i was reading a college forum thingie
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:25:03 AM): yes that is my plan
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:25:12 AM): and hopefully it will work
rogerkver (4:25:18 AM): do you think it will happen?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:25:25 AM): or else i will be digruntled
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:25:29 AM): and lock myself up in college
rogerkver (4:25:31 AM): I know you hope but what do you think
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:25:38 AM): hmm
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:25:42 AM): i don't know
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:25:43 AM): i'm weird
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:25:48 AM): i might freak out
rogerkver (4:26:07 AM): with me?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:26:43 AM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:26:51 AM): with anyone as a matter of fact
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:26:53 AM): i really freak out a lot
rogerkver (4:27:00 AM): I'm scary too?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:27:09 AM): what do you mean scary
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:27:26 AM): no now i just have the scary thought of you
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:27:31 AM): like trying to get deep inside of me
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:27:32 AM): ahhaa
rogerkver (4:27:41 AM): thats what I meant..
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:27:55 AM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:27:56 AM): scary
rogerkver (4:27:58 AM): sex with me sounds good or seems scary or both?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:28:09 AM): isn't that wayyyyyyy too many questions
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:28:10 AM): haha
rogerkver (4:28:23 AM): Its one multiple choice question
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:28:32 AM): lol
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:28:35 AM): both?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:28:40 AM): i suck at multiple choice
rogerkver (4:29:02 AM): both is your answer? there was a "?"
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:29:23 AM): both
rogerkver (4:29:29 AM): I'm glad to know that it sounds at least partialy good.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:29:31 AM): the ? was me thinking ?
rogerkver (4:29:34 AM): your turn
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:30:04 AM): are you afraid i'll freak you out during sex
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:30:07 AM): not afraid..
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:30:18 AM): can't think of the word
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:30:20 AM): too tired
rogerkver (4:30:21 AM): that is your question?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:30:23 AM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:30:30 AM): and not exactly freak you out
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:30:36 AM): but be really weird
rogerkver (4:30:44 AM): I don't think you will freak out while we are having sex.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:30:57 AM): why don't you think so
rogerkver (4:30:59 AM): If you do freak out, it will be before the actual sex
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:31:12 AM): okay so then before the actual sex
rogerkver (4:31:29 AM): I am also confident that it will go in when we try to have sex
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:32:04 AM): why
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:32:05 AM): ahha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:32:13 AM): as you can see i question a lot of stuff
rogerkver (4:32:19 AM): I hope you won't freak out before the actual sex, that wouldn't be fun for either of us.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:32:52 AM): yea freaking out isn't fun
rogerkver (4:32:56 AM): If we try to have sex, both of us will want it so I will make sure it goes in.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:33:12 AM): how will you make sure
rogerkver (4:33:12 AM): I will buy some lubricant for us.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:33:13 AM): lol
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:33:45 AM): hahaha
rogerkver (4:33:53 AM): how does that sound? I will lube us up and put it in you. nice and deep too. scared?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:33:54 AM): that just reminded me of my bio teacher
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:34:14 AM): and her rubbing the condom
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:34:20 AM): and then she said it got really hot
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:34:27 AM): and i wondered if it was burning her hand
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:34:30 AM): cuz of the friction
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:34:38 AM): but i guess she really wanted to pop the condom to make a point
rogerkver (4:34:50 AM): I guess so
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:35:05 AM): okay yes sex is really scary
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:35:25 AM): i think you have 1 more question left
rogerkver (4:35:26 AM): you will like it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:35:30 AM): cuz i said 3
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:35:38 AM): i think you're going to be sleepy tomorrow
rogerkver (4:35:40 AM): hmm...
rogerkver (4:35:43 AM): you too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:35:59 AM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:36:02 AM): i'm going to sleep forever!!!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:36:10 AM): if my dog doesn't knock on my door
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:36:13 AM): err..scratch
rogerkver (4:36:43 AM): are you starting to feel some what comfortable with the idea of us trying to have sex?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:36:59 AM): i
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:37:02 AM): ew[s
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:37:05 AM): can
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:37:11 AM): can't see keys
rogerkver (4:37:11 AM): ?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:37:15 AM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:37:27 AM): i was saying i'm talking about it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:37:30 AM): but i'm not really sure
rogerkver (4:37:36 AM): I didn't understand wahat that meant.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:37:46 AM): oh cuz i turned off the light
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:37:52 AM): so i lost my place on the keyboard
rogerkver (4:37:54 AM): talking or thinking about it?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:37:55 AM): and it was dark
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:37:59 AM): er is*
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:38:25 AM): talking/thinking
rogerkver (4:39:05 AM): that isn't realy an answer to my question
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:39:10 AM): can you ask it again
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:39:14 AM): i'm really tired and slow
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:39:30 AM): wait nvm i'll scroll up
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:39:45 AM): am i started to feel comfortable
rogerkver (4:39:49 AM): are you starting to feel some what comfortable with the idea of us trying to have sex together?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:39:49 AM): with the idea of us having se
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:39:50 AM): sex*
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:39:51 AM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:39:57 AM): i guess??
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:40:03 AM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:40:04 AM): with the idea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:40:07 AM): but not sure
rogerkver (4:40:30 AM): ok, thats what I wanted to know
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:40:34 AM): okay
rogerkver (4:40:36 AM): Just with the idea
rogerkver (4:40:54 AM): your turn again
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:41:00 AM): last question
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:41:03 AM): i'm so dying here
rogerkver (4:41:17 AM): 5 am! a new record!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:41:20 AM): my poor eyes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:41:25 AM): no it's not 5 yet
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:41:31 AM): only 442?
rogerkver (4:41:39 AM): lets play till 5!
rogerkver (4:41:54 AM): so I can say I chatted with you untill 5!
rogerkver (4:42:03 AM): about sex too!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:42:05 AM): okay but sorry if my questions get more and more..boring
rogerkver (4:42:15 AM): think!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:42:16 AM): cuz i can't think
rogerkver (4:42:19 AM): wake up!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:42:33 AM): lol
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:42:42 AM): are you hyper all of a sudden or something
rogerkver (4:42:53 AM): no but not asleep either
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:42:53 AM): yea i was at your house for like 2 hours
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:42:55 AM): then i chatted with you
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:42:58 AM): for how many hours??
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:43:05 AM): i can't think
rogerkver (4:43:09 AM): like 3 more I think
rogerkver (4:43:14 AM): your turn though
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:43:20 AM): okay
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:43:20 AM): noo
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:43:23 AM): i feel pressured
rogerkver (4:43:29 AM): no preasure
rogerkver (4:43:37 AM): don't freak out! lol
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:43:39 AM): my questions are gonna suck
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:43:48 AM): oo
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:43:53 AM): do you think i will be bad at sex
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:44:03 AM): i really worry about being bad at it
rogerkver (4:44:11 AM): not once you get sine practice
rogerkver (4:44:18 AM): It takes practice,
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:44:28 AM): o h
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:44:31 AM): what if i quit
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:44:32 AM): haha
rogerkver (4:44:34 AM): you wil need to practice. lol
rogerkver (4:44:44 AM): practice makes perfect
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:45:00 AM): what if it's scary the 1st time
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:45:04 AM): and i never ever wanna have sex again
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:45:04 AM): ahah
rogerkver (4:45:11 AM): you will need lots of practice before college
rogerkver (4:45:35 AM): It won't be so scary you wont want to do it again.
rogerkver (4:45:42 AM): I guarantee it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:45:50 AM): but i'm a chicken
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:45:52 AM): oo
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:45:58 AM): and i thought of another one too
rogerkver (4:45:59 AM): The second time will be way way less scary
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:45:59 AM): but now i forgot
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:46:14 AM): so i guess it's your turn
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:46:18 AM): that question kinda sucked
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:46:19 AM): sorry
rogerkver (4:47:03 AM): what position would you want to try for your first time, and why?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:47:15 AM): i don't know
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:47:18 AM): the easiest one
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:47:25 AM): and the least complicated
rogerkver (4:47:32 AM): which one do you think that is?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:47:38 AM): i don't knowww
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:47:41 AM): you're the one who has sex
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:47:45 AM): i'm guessing missionary?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:47:48 AM): isn't that easy
rogerkver (4:47:58 AM): I would think so too.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:48:17 AM): i'm not too fond of the idea of being squished tho
rogerkver (4:48:19 AM): I like it the best
rogerkver (4:48:38 AM): squished is the wrong way to think about it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:48:48 AM): squished!
rogerkver (4:49:06 AM): not like in a bad way at all
rogerkver (4:49:12 AM): You will like it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:49:25 AM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:49:38 AM): ooooooo
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:49:43 AM): i have a question
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:49:50 AM): do your parents know you have sex
rogerkver (4:49:58 AM): I'm sure you would like having sex
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:50:06 AM): why are you so sure
rogerkver (4:50:14 AM): I think they know but we don't talk about it at all.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:50:22 AM): how do they know
rogerkver (4:50:27 AM): because every other person likes it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:51:03 AM): oooooooo
rogerkver (4:51:06 AM): maybe they just suspect it, but it would make them angry
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:51:07 AM): another question
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:51:14 AM): har har
rogerkver (4:51:17 AM): ??
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:51:26 AM): i'm getting a brain unblock thingie
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:51:32 AM): soo if we were to have sex when would we do it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:51:41 AM): as in the time
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:51:47 AM): oh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:51:51 AM): er ow*
rogerkver (4:51:53 AM): at my house is fine,
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:52:05 AM): i just banged my elbow against my desk
rogerkver (4:52:07 AM): whenever you decide to come over alone.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:52:08 AM): ow ow ow
rogerkver (4:52:10 AM): careful
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:52:25 AM): need to be less clumsy
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:52:27 AM): esp in college
rogerkver (4:52:40 AM): that must be how you got that bruise
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:52:51 AM): i don't remember
rogerkver (4:53:00 AM): so how did my answer sound?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:53:02 AM): too bad i don't have any more brain capacity to figure it out
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:53:24 AM): how did it sound?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:53:31 AM): hm
rogerkver (4:53:31 AM): yes,
rogerkver (4:53:40 AM): did it make sense
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:53:46 AM): when i decide to come over alone
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:53:55 AM): yea it made sense
rogerkver (4:54:01 AM): I don't think there would ever be a time to have sex at your house
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:54:11 AM): i meant more of an actual time
rogerkver (4:54:13 AM): so you would have to come over to mine alone.
rogerkver (4:54:23 AM): after HS?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:54:37 AM): no like time of day/nite
rogerkver (4:54:39 AM): I can work from home too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:54:43 AM): wondering when ppl have sex
rogerkver (4:54:50 AM): when would you prefer?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:54:54 AM): i don't know?
rogerkver (4:55:01 AM): any time sounds good?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:55:06 AM): ahaha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:55:12 AM): yea but i wanted to know when ppl usually have sex
rogerkver (4:55:29 AM): People have sex in the morning, in the afternoon, at night, all the time.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:55:33 AM): when do you usually have sex
rogerkver (4:55:50 AM): I haven't for a while.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:55:54 AM): yay almost 5
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:55:59 AM): i wonder when it'll be light out
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:56:11 AM): welll when did you
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:56:16 AM): i guess when do normal ppl have sex
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:56:22 AM): my parents have it at nite.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:56:31 AM): even when i'm home
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:56:32 AM): bleh
rogerkver (4:56:34 AM): maybe the do it in the mornings too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:56:39 AM): and i think in the morning
rogerkver (4:56:40 AM): you never know,,
rogerkver (4:56:42 AM): see
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:56:44 AM): hahah
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:56:45 AM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:56:46 AM): i know!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:56:48 AM): cuz i've heard it
rogerkver (4:56:52 AM): people like it all the time
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:56:53 AM): in the morning
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:56:54 AM): ldsjfalkjfda
rogerkver (4:57:02 AM): I liked it all the time too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:57:11 AM): how can they be in the mood all the time
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:57:12 AM): frekay
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:57:14 AM): freaky*
rogerkver (4:57:25 AM): are you ever not, boy crazy?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:57:31 AM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:57:34 AM): when i think of food
rogerkver (4:57:37 AM): when?
rogerkver (4:57:38 AM): oh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:57:39 AM): or when i'm really sleepy
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:57:47 AM): oh but i read in i think cosmo
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:57:55 AM): that you should try having sex half asleep
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:58:03 AM): cuz of some warm fuzzy sleepy feeling
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:58:07 AM): which i thought was a dumb idea
rogerkver (4:58:07 AM): I agree
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:58:12 AM): cuz i'd pick sleep over sex any day
rogerkver (4:58:22 AM): Sex when you are tired is good too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:58:32 AM): how is that possible
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:58:37 AM): what about when you're sore
rogerkver (4:58:55 AM): you don't worry aboutbeing sore or tired
rogerkver (4:59:14 AM): you just get turned on and ready to do it,
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:59:14 AM): but how about you're too sore/tired to start??
rogerkver (4:59:25 AM): You won't even feel sore at all.
rogerkver (4:59:39 AM): then it never gets started at all.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:00:13 AM): oh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:00:16 AM): interesting
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:00:18 AM): yayyyyyy 5
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:00:27 AM): new record
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:00:36 AM): butt still hurting
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:00:38 AM): wait one mroe question
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:00:43 AM): have you tried sex w/ food
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:00:44 AM): haha
rogerkver (5:00:46 AM): ok
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:00:50 AM): not that i wanna try
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:00:53 AM): just wondering
rogerkver (5:01:01 AM): I have not tried that.
rogerkver (5:01:13 AM): I don't think I am interested in that
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:01:16 AM): wow would've thought you would have
rogerkver (5:01:16 AM): are you?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:01:18 AM): for some reason
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:01:20 AM): no
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:01:22 AM): kinda weird
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:01:25 AM): too weird for me
rogerkver (5:01:38 AM): Just start with regular sex
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:01:38 AM): any last questions
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:01:42 AM): i'm going to sleep forever
rogerkver (5:01:50 AM): branch out from there if you want.
rogerkver (5:01:57 AM): thanks for the visit tonight
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:02:06 AM): that wasn't a question
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:02:06 AM): ahah
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:02:12 AM): you're welcome
rogerkver (5:02:12 AM): It was nice to see you in person
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:02:21 AM): yes with my weird hair!!
rogerkver (5:02:22 AM): one more question from me?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:02:28 AM): i can't dye it anymore or else it will die
rogerkver (5:02:51 AM): you want me to ask another?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:02:59 AM): i was wondering if you had any more
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:03:01 AM): before i went to bed
rogerkver (5:03:11 AM): sure,
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:03:35 AM): ohhhhhh my butt is hurting
rogerkver (5:03:44 AM): what time would you want to have sex and if we did, how would you get here?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:03:59 AM): haha
rogerkver (5:04:08 AM): good one?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:04:08 AM): time? i don't even know what daY
rogerkver (5:04:23 AM): I didn't ask about day yet.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:04:32 AM): so why are you asking time
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:04:36 AM): i guess it would depend
rogerkver (5:04:44 AM): just curious toknow
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:04:52 AM): when i won't be tired
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:05:01 AM): but i get tired a lot
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:05:17 AM): maybe i will drive illegally
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:05:17 AM): aha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:05:18 AM): jk
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:05:31 AM): one more question
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:05:38 AM): you said you find me physically attractive?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:05:38 AM): why
rogerkver (5:05:39 AM): or maybe you will ask for a ride?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:05:41 AM): j/w
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:05:59 AM): yes DAD plz take me to this 25 year old guy's place so i can have SEX with him!!
rogerkver (5:06:46 AM): physicaly you have a pretty smile and nice eyes and a fit body with fat in the right places.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:06:59 AM): see!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:07:00 AM): so i'm fat
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:07:03 AM): told you so
rogerkver (5:07:05 AM): I also love the fact that you are interested in game theory
rogerkver (5:07:09 AM): no!
rogerkver (5:07:18 AM): your boobs are fat right?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:07:21 AM): okay
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:07:23 AM): fine
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:07:26 AM): minus the boobs
rogerkver (5:07:30 AM): do you want to loose that fat?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:07:36 AM): gosh if only exercising didn't make me so sore
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:07:42 AM): then i would exercise more
rogerkver (5:08:05 AM): what about me do you find apealing?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:08:08 AM): yes i wanna lose most of my fat
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:08:12 AM): tooooooo late i'm going to sleep now
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:08:16 AM): you can ask me tomorrow
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:08:20 AM): i'm going to die here
rogerkver (5:08:23 AM): I will
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:08:29 AM): i'll answer it half way
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:08:32 AM): but i can't think
rogerkver (5:08:33 AM): ok
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:08:33 AM): ahh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:08:59 AM): i don't know
rogerkver (5:09:04 AM): THATS OK
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:09:10 AM): i just think you're cute in lots of ways
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:09:14 AM): can't explain it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:09:16 AM): and too tired to
rogerkver (5:09:18 AM): you too.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:09:26 AM): haha you stole my answer!
rogerkver (5:09:28 AM): cute in many ways
rogerkver (5:09:34 AM): I did
rogerkver (5:09:43 AM): I thought it was a good answer
rogerkver (5:09:53 AM): good night cutie
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:09:57 AM): ahah thanx nite
rogerkver (5:10:01 AM): sweet dreams
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:10:08 AM): you too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:10:14 AM): hope you actually dream
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:10:15 AM): !!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:10:19 AM): niteO
rogerkver signed off at 5:45:32 AM.
rogerkver signed on at 11:25:06 AM.
rogerkver is idle at 12:22:47 PM.
rogerkver is no longer idle at 12:26:19 PM.
rogerkver signed off at 1:11:33 PM.
rogerkver signed on at 3:29:04 PM.
rogerkver (4:03:31 PM): how do you feel?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:03:40 PM): tired
rogerkver (4:03:47 PM): me too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:03:54 PM): and i can't see very well
rogerkver (4:03:59 PM): why not?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:04:05 PM): andddd my butt is gonna hurt again
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:04:06 PM): ahah
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:04:09 PM): i can feel it
rogerkver (4:04:09 PM): uh oh
rogerkver (4:04:46 PM): Did you already go out with chenai today?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:04:54 PM): cuz i didn't put on my contacts yet
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:05:02 PM): no
rogerkver (4:05:04 PM): when did you wake up?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:05:08 PM): i did the laundry
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:05:24 PM): 12something
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:05:31 PM): i don't know how i'm gonna get up tomorrow morning
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:05:32 PM): ahhh
rogerkver (4:05:46 PM): were you planning on staying up late tonight too?!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:07:27 PM): no
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:07:32 PM): but i'm tired and lazy
rogerkver (4:07:48 PM): have you started your home work?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:08:03 PM): nope
rogerkver (4:08:11 PM): Then get started!
rogerkver (4:08:19 PM): Chat with me some other time...
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:08:33 PM): i don't wanna start bleh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:08:35 PM): i'm eating cherries
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:08:36 PM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:13:35 PM): hmm you stopped talking
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:13:38 PM): but guess what!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:13:41 PM): i'm not sore anymore
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:13:47 PM): it's a miracle
rogerkver (4:13:48 PM): all better?
rogerkver (4:13:57 PM): I was trying to leave you alone so you can do your home work
rogerkver (4:14:12 PM): It sounds like you don't want me to leave you alone
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:14:41 PM): haha i haven't started yet
rogerkver (4:14:55 PM): That could be the problem
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:15:11 PM): and i'm not going to until i finish cleaning my room and stuff
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:15:36 PM): i will at 4:30
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:15:38 PM): yuppo
rogerkver (4:15:40 PM): going out? or going to do your home work?
rogerkver (4:15:56 PM): Does your room need that much cleaning every day?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:17:13 PM): going to do my homework
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:17:15 PM): or start it i mean
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:17:22 PM): it doesn't need that much cleaning
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:17:26 PM): i just like it neat and orderly
rogerkver (4:17:31 PM): good
rogerkver (4:17:36 PM): I like that too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:18:30 PM): yea but i feel crazy sometimes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:18:32 PM): always cleaning it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:18:33 PM): haha
rogerkver (4:18:52 PM): thats OK though
rogerkver (4:18:58 PM): I get that too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:29:39 PM): listening to music is making me sleepy
rogerkver (4:29:56 PM): I'm back in bed now too.
rogerkver (4:30:00 PM): I think I will take a nap soon
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:30:03 PM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:30:06 PM): yes you should
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:30:09 PM): you're sleep deprived now
rogerkver (4:30:13 PM): you too
rogerkver (4:30:15 PM):,1283,63599,00.html?tw=wn_9polihead
rogerkver (4:30:19 PM): It is a crazy world
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:31:32 PM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:31:36 PM): esp not eating for that long
rogerkver (4:31:50 PM): He must of been very close to death
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:32:05 PM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:32:05 PM): woww
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:32:44 PM): so what music do you listen to
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:32:55 PM): even tho you don't listen that much
rogerkver (4:33:02 PM): I don't usualy listed to music
rogerkver (4:33:10 PM): Maybe techno or jpop
rogerkver (4:33:13 PM): How about you?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:33:27 PM): oh mostly everything
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:33:29 PM): if i like the song
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:33:30 PM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:34:20 PM): i like alternative sometimes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:34:30 PM): well ttyl i'm going to clean!!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:34:31 PM): fun stuff
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:34:36 PM): seriously too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:34:37 PM): haha
rogerkver (4:35:51 PM): When will you come over and clean for me? lol
Auto response from wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:35:51 PM): I am away from my computer right now.

wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:45:43 PM): i got ice cream instead
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:45:43 PM): haha
rogerkver (4:45:53 PM): what kind?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:45:54 PM): or i kinda started cleaning but not really
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:46:02 PM): just these popsicles from costco
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:46:08 PM): ahha but they're only 40 calories each
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:46:11 PM): and fat free
rogerkver (4:46:14 PM): sounds good though
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:46:30 PM): yup
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:46:36 PM): ben and jerry's is too far
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:46:39 PM): and much more fattening
rogerkver (4:46:45 PM): 2 weeks of school left.
rogerkver (4:46:56 PM): How far do you live from Santana row?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:46:58 PM): that was kinda random?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:47:11 PM): not really that far
rogerkver (4:47:12 PM): a bit random but that is ok
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:47:20 PM): 10 minutes?
rogerkver (4:47:35 PM): near where?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:47:46 PM): cupertino hs
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:48:01 PM): hmm so maybe it's not 10 minutes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:48:05 PM): i've never really timed it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:48:11 PM): but i don't think it's that long
rogerkver (4:48:22 PM): hmm
rogerkver (4:48:36 PM): I don't know where cupertino hs is any how
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:49:10 PM): one of the turns down on stevens creek
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:49:19 PM): yuppo
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:49:24 PM): now i'm hyper cuz of the ice cream
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:49:29 PM): or maybe it's cuz i put my contacts in
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:49:33 PM): so now i can see way better
rogerkver (4:50:16 PM): Thats good
rogerkver (4:50:26 PM): You don't need to bump into any more things and get more bruises
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:50:33 PM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:50:38 PM): no that happens daily regardless
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:50:48 PM): i don't know why
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:50:51 PM): i don't pay attention in school
rogerkver (4:51:00 PM): you should
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:51:04 PM): i'm really oblivious to my surroundings
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:51:14 PM): oo so then we had this discussion about rape victims
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:51:24 PM): and rapists look for girls who are oblivious
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:51:35 PM): and have slow reactions to stuff
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:51:38 PM): and who wear high heels
rogerkver (4:51:39 PM): when was this discusion?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:51:48 PM): i was supposed to stop wearing high heels after that
rogerkver (4:51:49 PM): you think thats you?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:51:51 PM): cuz i soo can't run
rogerkver (4:51:58 PM): you can barely walk!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:52:01 PM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:52:03 PM): i knowww
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:52:16 PM): i could have better
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:52:23 PM): it was just because of the soreness
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:52:36 PM): it was my bio teacher telling the students about it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:52:40 PM): she was stalked in college
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:52:42 PM): isn't that crazy
rogerkver (4:53:00 PM): it is
rogerkver (4:53:26 PM): do you worry about that sort of thing a lot?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:53:40 PM): no
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:53:42 PM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:53:46 PM): why does it sound like it
rogerkver (4:53:53 PM): a little
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:53:56 PM): no..i just worry about not being ready enough for the real world
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:54:06 PM): everyone says cupertino is like it's own little world
rogerkver (4:55:07 PM): what do you think?
rogerkver (4:55:10 PM): Are you ready?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:56:32 PM): no
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:56:33 PM): :-(
rogerkver (4:56:46 PM): what is it that you think you are not ready for?
rogerkver (4:56:52 PM): Work? life?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:58:15 PM): life
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:58:21 PM): not really work.. cuz i won't be for a long time
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:58:27 PM): i just mean the people
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:58:30 PM): what if they're scary
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:58:38 PM): i think i'm too trusting
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:58:42 PM): and nice and naive
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:58:47 PM): well that's what my friends said
rogerkver (4:58:48 PM): stay away from scary people
rogerkver (4:58:54 PM): even I try to do that
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:58:55 PM): and i need to keep in mind that not everyone is nice
rogerkver (4:59:07 PM): Are are nice and young. stay nice.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:59:07 PM): and there's lots of shady ppl out there
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:59:19 PM): haha the scary ppl are scary
rogerkver (4:59:20 PM): see, you are not naieve
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:59:25 PM): but what if they're not scary at first
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (4:59:28 PM): and turn out to be scary
rogerkver (4:59:37 PM): then stop seeing them
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:00:01 PM): but you never know if they're scary or not
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:00:15 PM): i could be SCARY
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:00:15 PM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:00:19 PM): and you don't know that
rogerkver (5:00:33 PM): I will block you on aim if you turn out to be scary
rogerkver (5:00:42 PM): Please do the same ti me if I turn out to be scary
rogerkver (5:00:49 PM): no more chats till 5 am
rogerkver (5:01:39 PM): I'm not scary btw
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:02:35 PM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:02:38 PM): okay
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:02:43 PM): i'm not scary
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:02:48 PM): i don't think you are..
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:03:14 PM): anyway no more break time
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:03:24 PM): must do clean
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:03:32 PM): i really don't like going to school w/ a messy room
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:03:34 PM): and coming home to one
rogerkver signed off at 5:04:55 PM.
rogerkver signed on at 5:05:00 PM.
rogerkver (5:05:29 PM): sorry, my computer locked up
rogerkver (5:05:40 PM): I thought you blocked me for a moment! ha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:05:43 PM): it's okay
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:05:44 PM): ahhaa
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:05:51 PM): i just said i'm not scary
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:05:54 PM): and i don't think you're scary
rogerkver (5:06:08 PM): thats good for both of us
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:06:58 PM): yes it is
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:07:20 PM): hmm i could use a nap right now
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:07:21 PM): but noo
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:07:26 PM): must not
rogerkver (5:07:27 PM): me too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:07:31 PM): i don't think i can get up so early tomorrow
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:07:37 PM): even if i went to bed early tonite
rogerkver (5:07:45 PM): uh oh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:07:46 PM): school sucks
rogerkver (5:07:58 PM): Can you call in sick?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:08:04 PM): i'm supposed to go shopping after too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:08:14 PM): yea i can
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:08:16 PM): my dad does for me
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:08:19 PM): but then he complains about it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:08:32 PM): he even complains about me ditching tutorial
rogerkver (5:08:36 PM): you don't call in yourself or have a friend call?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:08:43 PM): cuz i'm a chicken
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:08:49 PM): don't want to get caught
rogerkver (5:09:15 PM): what would your parents do?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:09:20 PM): i only go from 8ish to 12ish
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:09:27 PM): i really want to go shopping after
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:09:40 PM): but i think i should work on my portfolio afterward
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:09:54 PM): they would just be like tsk tsk!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:10:00 PM): but i don't like drama
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:10:10 PM): so yeaaa
rogerkver (5:10:16 PM): hmm
rogerkver (5:10:24 PM): no drama is good
rogerkver (5:11:02 PM): So what else is new with you?
rogerkver (5:11:11 PM): What exciting things are happening in your life?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:12:13 PM): nothing
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:12:18 PM): i am boring
rogerkver (5:12:35 PM): That exciting... I feel sorry for you now
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:12:36 PM): prom is next weekend..i'm not going
rogerkver (5:12:44 PM): Thats your fault too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:12:50 PM): graduation is next thursday
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:12:53 PM): i just have to take finals
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:12:57 PM): then i'll be DONE
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:12:58 PM): yay
rogerkver (5:12:59 PM): What will you do that night instead?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:13:02 PM): sit around
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:13:03 PM): haha
rogerkver (5:13:05 PM): monopoly?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:13:29 PM): yes that's better than sitting around
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:13:46 PM): probably do somethign with the non prom going ppl
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:13:52 PM): but i doubt it
rogerkver (5:13:55 PM): What night is it?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:14:05 PM): we were going to rent a hotel room and drink
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:14:12 PM): but that doesn't seem exciting anymore
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:14:14 PM): saturday
rogerkver (5:14:44 PM): You are invited to hang out here if you want.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:14:51 PM): wow i can't believe i'm not going to prom
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:14:53 PM): so weird
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:14:55 PM): but so true
rogerkver (5:15:13 PM): We could drink and play monopoly togethe!
rogerkver (5:15:17 PM): ha
rogerkver (5:15:21 PM): harr
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:16:32 PM): lol
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:16:42 PM): what if you steal all my monopoly money when i'm drunk
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:16:43 PM): jk
rogerkver (5:16:53 PM): So should I keep that night open for us?
rogerkver (5:17:07 PM): What if you steal all my monopoly money when I am drunk?!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:17:24 PM): hm i don't know for sure
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:17:31 PM): don't know if albert and chenai will get mad at me
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:17:34 PM): for not hanging out w/ them
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:17:41 PM): our plan was to "dress up all nice"
rogerkver (5:17:43 PM): It is your life, not theirs
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:17:43 PM): and go to dinner together
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:17:47 PM): but eh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:17:51 PM): and our plans never work out anyway
rogerkver (5:18:14 PM): you should do whatever sounds the most fun to you.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:18:35 PM): yarr
rogerkver (5:18:39 PM): but I am inviting you.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:19:15 PM): i don't know yet
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:19:18 PM): but yay i want to win
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:19:21 PM): i doubt i will
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:19:25 PM): i never win at monopoly
rogerkver (5:19:29 PM): If I drink you might
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:19:32 PM): or i do but in the end i lose
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:19:33 PM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:19:41 PM): why is that
rogerkver (5:19:54 PM): I'm sure I don't play as well if I am drunk
rogerkver (5:20:07 PM): Do you think you play better drunk?
rogerkver (5:20:09 PM): I doubt it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:20:44 PM): haha nope
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:20:49 PM): i'm pretty lucky tho
rogerkver (5:20:49 PM): see
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:20:55 PM): i always land on the free space thingie
rogerkver (5:21:03 PM): I will talk about more things if I am drunk though
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:21:11 PM): or get good cards from community chest
rogerkver (5:21:18 PM): thats good
rogerkver (5:21:23 PM): your lucky
rogerkver (5:21:28 PM): with monopoly things
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:21:33 PM): hha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:21:35 PM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:21:39 PM): only monopoly things
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:21:46 PM): if only it were the case for everything else
rogerkver (5:21:59 PM): what are you unlucky with?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:22:32 PM): guys
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:22:41 PM): what else?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:22:46 PM): just a lot
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:22:49 PM): oo i'm still slow
rogerkver (5:22:49 PM): I should of seen that coming
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:22:51 PM): even tho it's day time
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:22:52 PM): lol
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:22:55 PM): oh yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:23:00 PM): do you think you'lls ee this one coming
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:23:08 PM): the next thing i say that i'm unlucky with
rogerkver (5:23:13 PM): sex?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:23:15 PM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:23:16 PM): haah
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:23:19 PM): good job
rogerkver (5:23:33 PM): Usualy the harder you work at something the luckier you get
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:24:17 PM): i guess i should've worked harder at the sex thing
rogerkver (5:24:34 PM): Lucky for you its not too late
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:25:15 PM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:25:19 PM): do really old ppl still have sex
rogerkver (5:25:27 PM): I wonder the same thing
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:25:31 PM): i mean like geriatric types
rogerkver (5:25:34 PM): At what age do they stop?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:25:45 PM): not just 50s
rogerkver (5:25:49 PM): I would guess you have at least 30 more years to have lots of sex with
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:25:50 PM): when it doesn't get up anymore?
rogerkver (5:26:04 PM): thats why bob dole sells viagra
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:26:09 PM): i wonder how many times ppl have sex in a life time
rogerkver (5:26:10 PM): he is like near 70
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:26:12 PM): i wanna keep track!!
rogerkver (5:26:14 PM): ALOT
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:26:20 PM): haha yayyy
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:26:23 PM): i have something interesting to do now
rogerkver (5:26:28 PM): what?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:26:31 PM): it's going to be my new hobby
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:26:34 PM): count how many times i have sex
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:26:41 PM): do guys keep count??
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:26:50 PM): my guy friend said he's had sex over 100 times
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:27:03 PM): that's so much
rogerkver (5:27:03 PM): count of the number of people, not the number of times
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:27:08 PM): oh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:27:13 PM): well i wanna count the number of times
rogerkver (5:27:18 PM): Thats fine too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:27:32 PM): yay i'm excited to count
rogerkver (5:28:01 PM): I think you are excited about what you are going to count, not the counting iteslf
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:28:21 PM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:28:26 PM): yea
rogerkver (5:28:28 PM): am I right?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:28:31 PM): not too thrillled about sex
rogerkver (5:28:32 PM): I thought so
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:28:40 PM): still scared
rogerkver (5:28:54 PM): some one to close to you is still scary?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:29:01 PM): i'll probably neverrr have sex!!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:29:09 PM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:29:11 PM): too*
rogerkver (5:29:11 PM): you know that is not true
rogerkver (5:29:25 PM): thanks
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:29:26 PM): no it might be
rogerkver (5:29:28 PM): too*
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:29:47 PM): and i don't like being naked
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:29:51 PM): ewwness
rogerkver (5:30:00 PM): are you ok being naked alone?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:30:11 PM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:30:18 PM): but not with someone looking!!
rogerkver (5:30:27 PM): then eventualy you will be ok with some one else you trust
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:30:36 PM): i'm even paranoid so i close my blinds
rogerkver (5:30:36 PM): the lights can be off so no one can see any how
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:30:37 PM): haha
rogerkver (5:31:37 PM): But in the dark would you feel more comfortable with some one else?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:31:44 PM): my friend has sex with her shirt on
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:31:48 PM): you know why
rogerkver (5:31:51 PM): you can do that too.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:31:52 PM): it's really funny
rogerkver (5:31:56 PM): why?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:32:00 PM): cuz she got these boob enhancers
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:32:03 PM): and she doesn't want her bf to know
rogerkver (5:32:10 PM): know what?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:32:15 PM): that she has boob enhancers?
rogerkver (5:32:20 PM): like bra inserts?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:32:22 PM): so then yea she wears a tanktop
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:32:23 PM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:32:33 PM): chenai and i kinda want to get them
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:32:36 PM): cuz she says they reallyw ork
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:32:38 PM): haha
rogerkver (5:32:43 PM): I feel bad for her BF
rogerkver (5:33:03 PM): He provably can't figure out why she wont let him take her shirt off
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:33:38 PM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:33:41 PM): but it's funnyyy
rogerkver (5:33:48 PM): It is
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:34:10 PM): hwy are you addicting to chat with
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:34:12 PM): why*
rogerkver (5:34:29 PM): whith?
rogerkver (5:34:38 PM): with*?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:34:45 PM): ?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:34:49 PM): didn't i spell it right
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:34:54 PM): or are my eyes going crazy
rogerkver (5:35:00 PM): it wasn't a full question
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:35:04 PM): oh
rogerkver (5:35:04 PM): What is your question?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:35:08 PM): oh well
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:35:20 PM): how about why are you addicting to chat to?
rogerkver (5:35:33 PM): Same to you.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:35:43 PM): but i asked first
rogerkver (5:35:47 PM): I have never ever ever chatted so much with any one else
rogerkver (5:35:53 PM): Not even 5% as much before
rogerkver (5:36:08 PM): I wish I kne
rogerkver (5:36:11 PM): knew
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:36:18 PM): haha i don't think i have either
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:36:25 PM): at least not online
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:37:27 PM): weird how today is monday
rogerkver (5:38:12 PM): yeah,
rogerkver (5:38:18 PM): short work week for me though
rogerkver (5:38:21 PM): I like that now
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:38:35 PM): me too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:38:43 PM): i will be soo happy after my portfolio is due
rogerkver (5:38:53 PM): after it is finished you mean?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:38:57 PM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:38:58 PM): sorry
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:39:00 PM): i'm tired
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:39:01 PM): or well
rogerkver (5:39:03 PM): me too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:39:04 PM): after it's due and i turn it in
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:39:20 PM): but also probably most importantly after i actually do it
rogerkver (5:39:42 PM): you should start tonight
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:39:44 PM): senior year went by really quickly
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:40:17 PM): so weird
rogerkver (5:40:33 PM): college will go by even faster
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:40:54 PM): are you sure
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:41:01 PM): bleh i'm still worried about not making any friends
rogerkver (5:41:02 PM): Maybe all 4 years of college will seem like 1.5 senior years of HS
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:41:08 PM): and being all alone
rogerkver (5:41:17 PM): Don't worry about that at all.
rogerkver (5:41:26 PM): Every one makes tons of friends at college
rogerkver (5:41:29 PM): Great friends.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:41:42 PM): and i know this is stupid
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:41:52 PM): but i worry about having a bf or not
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:42:02 PM): my friend dan and i were discussing it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:42:07 PM): and he wants a long term gf in college
rogerkver (5:42:07 PM): I think all girls worry about that
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:42:10 PM): that seems kinda scary
rogerkver (5:42:11 PM): Guys too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:42:31 PM): they would see each other everywhere
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:42:34 PM): and be together a lot
rogerkver (5:42:59 PM): I'm 25 now, what I have learned is that good friendships and long term relationships come from ones that you don't take serriously at first
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:43:00 PM): and then what if they get married
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:43:20 PM): and he doesn't experience other girls
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:43:23 PM): how will he know she's the one
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:43:35 PM): and then what if he cheats on her cuz part of him wants to know
rogerkver (5:43:42 PM): true questions....
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:43:51 PM): yup
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:43:53 PM): but i think too much
rogerkver (5:44:11 PM): no.
rogerkver (5:44:25 PM): You can never think too much
rogerkver (5:44:30 PM): You can worry too much thouhg
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:44:51 PM): yea i worry a lot
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:44:52 PM): bleh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:46:10 PM): okay i'm gonna go now
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:46:13 PM): and get up from this chair
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:46:15 PM): and do something
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:46:18 PM): yessss
rogerkver (5:46:29 PM): are you sure?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:46:32 PM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:46:34 PM): no...
rogerkver (5:46:40 PM): I didn't think so
rogerkver (5:46:58 PM): Thats ok, I like chatting with you a lot.
rogerkver (5:47:03 PM): I am sooo additcted I think
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:47:11 PM): really
rogerkver (5:47:27 PM): Look how many hours I have put into it.
rogerkver (5:47:30 PM): I must be addicted
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:47:33 PM): i should try not chatting with you for one nite
rogerkver (5:47:44 PM): Do you think we could resist?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:47:47 PM): i wonder if it would work
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:47:49 PM): probably not
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:47:59 PM): i'll end up iming you with some weird random question or statement
rogerkver (5:48:05 PM): I think so too.
rogerkver (5:48:15 PM): Then we would both stay up too late and be tired the next day
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:48:28 PM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:48:39 PM): ahh i can't wait for summer to come
rogerkver (5:48:59 PM): why is that?
rogerkver (5:49:04 PM): What will you do differently?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:49:06 PM): so i don't have to go to school
rogerkver (5:49:13 PM): Then what will you do?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:49:17 PM): have lots of fUN
rogerkver (5:49:22 PM): doing?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:49:28 PM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:49:30 PM): i don't know
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:49:32 PM): just FUNNN
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:49:45 PM): go to great america
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:49:46 PM): shop a lot
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:49:48 PM): stay out late
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:49:49 PM): eat a lot
rogerkver (5:50:07 PM): what a plan
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:50:11 PM): yup
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:50:14 PM): but i think i do that now
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:50:18 PM): minus the great america
rogerkver (5:50:25 PM): I think you sure stay up late
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:50:54 PM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:50:57 PM): but summer is nice
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:51:00 PM): feels like there's no worries
rogerkver (5:51:17 PM): I wish I still had 3 month summer vacations...
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:51:17 PM): ooo
rogerkver (5:51:23 PM): ???
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:51:25 PM): and i've always wanted to have a fun romantic summer nite
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:51:26 PM): ahha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:51:28 PM): sounds really stupid
rogerkver (5:51:34 PM): doing?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:51:36 PM): but those look so cute on tv
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:51:39 PM): i don't know
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:51:43 PM): something "romantic" and fun
rogerkver (5:51:43 PM): Santa Cruz beach board walk?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:51:50 PM): obviously i watch too much tv
rogerkver (5:51:54 PM): nice dinner after? etc?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:52:03 PM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:52:07 PM): haha i hope college will be like that!!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:52:08 PM): but i doubt it
rogerkver (5:52:17 PM): maybe...
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:52:30 PM): i think everyone will be studying
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:52:35 PM): but i don't know cuz it is santa barbara
rogerkver (5:52:51 PM): There will be LOTS of drinking and partying going on at college
rogerkver (5:53:02 PM): Even at stanford every one drank everynight.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:53:48 PM): yay?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:53:57 PM): i don't want to get raped or something tho
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:54:01 PM): not that anyone would rape me
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:54:05 PM): but there are desperate ppl out there
rogerkver (5:54:19 PM): Just don't get too drunk ever and you should be ok
rogerkver (5:54:37 PM): I think you don't give yourself enough credit.
rogerkver (5:54:46 PM): Think positivley about yourself.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:55:07 PM): argh~
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:55:12 PM): sorry my dad was bugging me
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:55:13 PM): omggg
rogerkver (5:55:17 PM): ??
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:55:23 PM): so annoying
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:55:29 PM): always bugging me about college stuff
rogerkver (5:55:31 PM): what now?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:55:33 PM): but i go crazy
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:55:35 PM): and yell at him a lot
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:55:37 PM): sometimes i feel really bad
rogerkver (5:55:40 PM): your dad?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:55:40 PM): cuz he doesn't do anything
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:55:49 PM): and i go really crazy and just yell
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:55:56 PM): and he walks away and goes into his room
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:55:57 PM): to hide from me
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:56:10 PM): yes that makes me sound really psycho
rogerkver (5:56:28 PM): wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:57:48 PM) is now blocked.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:56:32 PM): and it's not even him
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:56:34 PM): lolll
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:56:40 PM): i think just because i'm stressed out
rogerkver (5:56:40 PM): J/K
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:56:47 PM): so i take it out on him when he bugs me
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:56:58 PM): i just don't like him telling me what to do all the time and treating me like i'm 13
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:57:08 PM): always taking care of things for me and reminding me constantly
rogerkver (5:57:15 PM): no one likes that...
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:57:28 PM): some ppl do
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:57:32 PM): they don't have to worry
rogerkver (5:57:33 PM): not me
rogerkver (5:57:42 PM): and it sounds like not you either
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:57:53 PM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:58:26 PM): anyway you were saying think positively about myself
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:58:31 PM): i try to but i'm FAT!
rogerkver (5:58:42 PM): You are so not even close to being fat!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:58:56 PM): yes
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:58:59 PM): i'm really paranoid
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:59:04 PM): about being like 160 lbs
rogerkver (5:59:25 PM): I saw you last night, take my word for it. you are not fat
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:59:53 PM): maybe you see fat ppl as not being fat
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (5:59:55 PM): haha i don't know
rogerkver (6:00:13 PM): No, I know far people, I used to have a very fat guy that worked for me.
rogerkver (6:00:26 PM): he was lazy too so I had to fire him though
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:00:52 PM): haaha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:01:15 PM): i mean it's not funny
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:01:17 PM): but sucks for him
rogerkver (6:01:22 PM): It was sad
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:01:24 PM): he didn't do anything?
rogerkver (6:01:28 PM): I don't like to fire people
rogerkver (6:01:35 PM): He just couldn't do his job well
rogerkver (6:01:41 PM): There was no final straw.
rogerkver (6:01:48 PM): He just had no motivation do to anything ell
rogerkver (6:01:49 PM): well
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:02:08 PM): was he different in the beginning?
rogerkver (6:02:29 PM): no, he was like that right from the start
rogerkver (6:02:42 PM): I gave him a few months hoping that he would learn and improve
rogerkver (6:02:47 PM): He didn't so I had to let him go
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:02:57 PM): oh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:03:00 PM): was he sad or mad?
rogerkver (6:03:07 PM): Just sad I think
rogerkver (6:03:10 PM): He knew it was coming
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:03:53 PM): what a weirdo
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:04:09 PM): then he should've tried to show a little improvement
rogerkver (6:04:13 PM): No, not a weirdo, just not motivated in life
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:04:49 PM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:05:13 PM): i wonder how many hours out of 24 we talk
rogerkver (6:05:21 PM): ALOT!
rogerkver (6:05:33 PM): your not bored yet?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:05:35 PM): did you know a lot is 2 words
rogerkver (6:05:42 PM): thanks
rogerkver (6:05:45 PM): I never was sure
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:05:48 PM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:05:52 PM): i feel bad for correcting ppl
rogerkver (6:06:00 PM): Don't feel bad with me.
rogerkver (6:06:07 PM): Please correct every thing.
rogerkver (6:06:14 PM): Every thing = two words too?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:06:27 PM): i think one
rogerkver (6:06:31 PM): damn
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:06:34 PM): everything as a single noun
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:06:38 PM): and then every..thing
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:06:40 PM): as in every single thing?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:06:42 PM): i don't know
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:06:49 PM): too tired to really figure it out
rogerkver (6:06:55 PM): Thanks for trying
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:06:59 PM): actually i stopped correcting
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:07:00 PM): have you noticed
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:07:07 PM): i'm not like * * * * *
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:07:13 PM): not that you made a lot of typos and stuff
rogerkver (6:07:20 PM): I was hopeing it was because I was not making quite as many mistakes.
rogerkver (6:07:37 PM): Some are typos but others are errors on my part
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:07:42 PM): hoping*
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:07:50 PM): okay that was my last one
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:07:58 PM): feel free to type/spell however you like
rogerkver (6:08:01 PM): I'm sure you get tired of it.
rogerkver (6:08:04 PM): Thanks
rogerkver (6:08:17 PM): Tired of reading them and correcting them....
rogerkver (6:08:20 PM): Thanks though
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:08:38 PM): not really
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:08:49 PM): it's just a reaction/instinct to correct it
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:08:57 PM): i told you i'm too critical
rogerkver (6:09:02 PM): you have been a TA for too long
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:09:07 PM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:09:25 PM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:09:30 PM): but it's okay cuz there's this cute guy in the class
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:09:33 PM): but he's a junior
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:09:37 PM): i feel weird for having a crush on him
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:09:40 PM): esp cuz i'm a girL
rogerkver (6:09:50 PM): Is that to much of an age difference for you?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:09:50 PM): kind of a double standard
rogerkver (6:09:55 PM): I think so
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:09:55 PM): for guys to be able to date younger girls
rogerkver (6:10:01 PM): 1 year vs 7
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:10:05 PM): but it's kinda weird for girls to date younger guys
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:10:25 PM): it would be weird if i was 25
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:10:33 PM): haha i don't know why
rogerkver (6:10:40 PM): no one does
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:11:29 PM): wow it's 6!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:11:36 PM): are you still going to take a nap
rogerkver (6:11:39 PM): we have been chatting for a while
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:11:40 PM): what about your dinner?
rogerkver (6:11:47 PM): I think my nap will be bed time
rogerkver (6:11:52 PM): I have not had dinner yet
rogerkver (6:11:58 PM): What are you going to do?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:12:11 PM): finish cleaning my room
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:12:19 PM): and TRY to start my portfolio thingie
rogerkver (6:12:26 PM): right
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:12:28 PM): i really want to go to bed before 10pm
rogerkver (6:12:28 PM): ...
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:12:35 PM): but i have a feeling that isn't going to happen
rogerkver (6:12:37 PM): good luck to both of us
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:12:42 PM): haha yea
rogerkver (6:12:42 PM): same here
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:12:45 PM): i feel really bad
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:12:50 PM): you're so sleep deprived
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:12:50 PM): !
rogerkver (6:12:55 PM): feel bad for who?
rogerkver (6:13:12 PM): I feel bad for you, I am corrupting you
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:13:22 PM): haha how so?
rogerkver (6:13:43 PM): keeping you up all night and talking about sex with you all the time
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:14:07 PM): haha i did that before
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:14:15 PM): only you're much more interesting to talk about it with
rogerkver (6:14:40 PM): stayed up all night talking about sex with other people?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:14:41 PM): well i think i went to bed earlier
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:14:43 PM): before last week
rogerkver (6:14:51 PM): me too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:15:03 PM): did we talk every single nite last week????
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:15:07 PM): it's such a blurr
rogerkver (6:15:16 PM): I think so.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:15:19 PM): wow
rogerkver (6:15:31 PM): you are too tired to remember.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:15:51 PM): yea
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:15:56 PM): i have no sense of time anymore
rogerkver (6:16:08 PM): too much fun though..
rogerkver (6:16:15 PM): thats why I think
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:16:30 PM): yarr
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:16:34 PM): waht else besides sex could we talk about??
rogerkver (6:16:35 PM): yarr
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:16:51 PM): haha you said it
rogerkver (6:16:57 PM): we talked about other stuff too.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:17:02 PM): i reallllllllly want to see/hear you say it in person
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:17:05 PM): that will be entertaining
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:17:11 PM): for a brief like..3 seconds
rogerkver (6:17:13 PM): good luck
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:17:33 PM): well you can if it's at your own place right
rogerkver (6:17:53 PM): yes, and I don't want a crowd,
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:18:09 PM): not even chenai?
rogerkver (6:18:09 PM): just you is ok if you want me to say silly things
rogerkver (6:18:25 PM): I barely know her at all
rogerkver (6:18:44 PM): I know you now but not her.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:19:03 PM): you kinda know her
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:19:14 PM): oo
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:19:18 PM): so then i have to take advantage of it
rogerkver (6:19:19 PM): I know you 100000 times better
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:19:22 PM): and make you say more silly things
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:19:25 PM): besides yarr
rogerkver (6:19:36 PM): you can try
rogerkver (6:19:43 PM): It can be a game
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:20:05 PM): haah
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:20:14 PM): what would you want me to do
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:20:18 PM): i think i would say anything
rogerkver (6:20:29 PM): try to get me to say silly things
rogerkver (6:20:39 PM): It doesn't happen often
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:20:48 PM): then i probably wouldn't win
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:20:48 PM): bleh
rogerkver (6:20:51 PM): yarr would be a good start
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:21:10 PM): what other thigns do you consider silly
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:21:11 PM): haha
rogerkver (6:21:32 PM): You can decide.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:21:40 PM): okay yay
rogerkver (6:21:49 PM): when are you coming over next any how?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:23:16 PM): i don't know
rogerkver (6:23:28 PM): neither do I,
rogerkver (6:23:30 PM): harr
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:23:32 PM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:23:35 PM): oo yay harr
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:23:51 PM): maybe saturday?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:23:55 PM): i don't know
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:24:00 PM): our plan was to stay out all nite
rogerkver (6:24:05 PM): I invited you
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:24:13 PM): i'm supposed to tell my parents i'm sleeping over at a friend's house
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:24:19 PM): same w/ chenai
rogerkver (6:24:23 PM): you didn't accept yet
rogerkver (6:24:36 PM): staying up all night sounds fun
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:24:41 PM): and then we're supposed to go with albert and i think jen
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:24:46 PM): since we're the ones not going to prom
rogerkver (6:24:54 PM): we have been doing it every other night already
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:25:07 PM): but chenai might not be able to stay out all nite
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:25:09 PM): and even albert
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:25:10 PM): ahha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:25:18 PM): yes only i would be reallly slow in person
rogerkver (6:25:21 PM): but you?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:25:45 PM): but i can i think
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:25:51 PM): i've pulled that trick before
rogerkver (6:26:03 PM): sounds like you will have fun
rogerkver (6:26:23 PM): fancy dinner and then all night monopoly!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:26:24 PM): except this one time
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:26:32 PM): when my friend and i did that
rogerkver (6:26:37 PM): you got caught?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:26:38 PM): so we couldn't come back to my house
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:26:41 PM): or hers
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:26:44 PM): but we had to where to go
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:26:45 PM): ahhaa
rogerkver (6:26:50 PM): what happened?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:26:50 PM): so we rented a really cheap motel room
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:26:55 PM): and all these other party ppl came with us
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:26:58 PM): and i was really annoyed
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:27:02 PM): and i had to sleep in the BATHTUB
rogerkver (6:27:08 PM): lame
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:27:10 PM): and then my butt/back hurt
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:27:11 PM): yes veryyyyy
rogerkver (6:27:38 PM): you are the one who paid for the room too?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:27:54 PM): no i think we all chipped in
rogerkver (6:27:59 PM): oh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:28:00 PM): but then weirdo ppl i didn't know came in
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:28:07 PM): these couples
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:28:11 PM): i swear they were having sex
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:28:15 PM): like right on the floor
rogerkver (6:28:22 PM): nasty....
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:28:31 PM): yup
rogerkver (6:28:50 PM): don't ever do dirty stuff like that.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:29:05 PM): haha i don't think i ever would
rogerkver (6:29:10 PM): good
rogerkver (6:29:14 PM): same here
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:29:20 PM): the floor is hard and gross
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:29:31 PM): and esp in front of tons of ppl
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:29:35 PM): strangers too
rogerkver (6:29:37 PM): yup
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:29:38 PM): i guess they were pretty horny
rogerkver (6:29:42 PM): nasty!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:29:44 PM): but it's okay i hid in the bathroom
rogerkver (6:30:08 PM): good for you.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:30:19 PM): anyway i haven't accepted yet
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:30:26 PM): cuz i don't want albert and chenai to get mad at me
rogerkver (6:31:01 PM): it's not because you don't want to?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:31:14 PM): no it actually sounds like fun
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:31:27 PM): that is if you don't turn out to be a serial killer or something
rogerkver (6:31:30 PM): just let me know once you figure out what you want to do.
rogerkver (6:31:33 PM): I'm not.
rogerkver (6:31:44 PM): It sounds like a lot of fun to me too
rogerkver (6:31:50 PM): I hope you come.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:32:11 PM): esp cuz i like your couch
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:32:12 PM): haha
rogerkver (6:32:31 PM): I'm glad I have something you like.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:32:56 PM): like..besides yourself?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:33:01 PM): haha that wasn't a joke or anything
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:33:04 PM): but it sounded really weird/lame
rogerkver (6:33:19 PM): kinda
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:33:29 PM): well you do have yourself
rogerkver (6:34:44 PM): thanks
rogerkver (6:34:54 PM): It took me a moment to figure out what you meant
rogerkver (6:35:09 PM): I guess I am luck for that too
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:36:16 PM): yeaa?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:36:17 PM): haha
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:36:21 PM): i don't know
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:36:29 PM): i think the numbness from my butt
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:36:31 PM): travels to my brain
rogerkver (6:36:39 PM): uh oh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:37:25 PM): yup
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:37:27 PM): okay
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:37:29 PM): i'm leaving now!!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:37:30 PM): yes yes
rogerkver (6:37:35 PM): to where?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:37:35 PM): must get up
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:37:43 PM): from my desk
rogerkver (6:37:50 PM): to do what?
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:37:53 PM): we've beenc hatting for i think 2.5 hours
rogerkver (6:37:59 PM): Maybe I will microwave dinner now then.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:38:01 PM): i bet i will get up and try to clean
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:38:09 PM): but then i will go outside to the kitchen
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:38:11 PM): and get some food
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:38:16 PM): then i'll come back in here
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:38:19 PM): and say something to you
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:38:21 PM): and sit back down
rogerkver (6:38:24 PM): OK, See you online a bit later then.
rogerkver (6:38:29 PM): I will microwave some dinner now.
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:38:36 PM): okay ttyl then
rogerkver (6:38:38 PM): then we will stay up all night
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:38:47 PM): then i will go to school looking like a zombie
rogerkver (6:38:57 PM): nahh
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:39:11 PM): i can never get up in the morning
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:39:16 PM): then i have strange dreams
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:39:20 PM): that i'm already up and going to take a shower
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:39:26 PM): but then i wake up again and realize it's not true
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:39:28 PM): really odd
rogerkver (6:39:43 PM): That used to happen to me every once in a while
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:39:57 PM): yarr okay i'm getting up now
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:39:58 PM): must do it!
wiShfuLxbLiSs408 (6:40:04 PM): chat w/ you later
rogerkver signed off at 7:03:57 PM.