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I am a disgruntled teenager. I am "politically savvy" (is that politically correct;o please) and I have nowhere to vent my anger about this one party state!

Now, don't start thinking,"She's a radical Republican who hates Democrats." That kind of thinking will get you nowhere. We need parties to offset one another and check the others' power. I believe that.

However when one party takes over with no room for the other party, thats very frustrating for me. Why?

I can't discuss my views at school because my friends are either uneducated in the area of politics, or of a radical view from the "other party."

Schooltime Debates

I can't tell you how frustrating it is to want to talk to your friends about world issues or politics once in a while but can't.

My friends and I were eating lunch together at school. I know not to discuss politics and my friends know that I am very patriotic and supportive of Bush. Deal with it.

Suddenly, my very liberal friend goes into her "Bush-bashing" mode.

"I don't think Bush listens to his cabinet enough. That's all." She glances over at me to make sure I don't chew her head off.

Now, let's see. Have you ever attended any of the cabinet meetings? Do you know whether Bush is listening to Colin Powell or not?

What am I to do, huh? Tell me. I bite my tongue and just look. All my friends look at me. It continues on.

My other friend, who I must say has no political knowledge whatsoever says,"Bush is so radical."

Bush=radical?? If he was radical, he would've outlawed abortion by now and outlawed gays.

To top it off, my other friend (who also has no clue what she's talking about) says the classic line that people say when they don't know anything else to add,"Bush is stupid."

My eyes must've been burning from the ambush. I still kept quiet because you know that you can't achieve anything for arguing.

I think out of spite, my last hope of support says, "Why can't you just try to understand other people's opinions?"

Well dammit, would you like me to attack my friends like a bleeding heart? Or should I jump for joy at they comments of ignorance? People these days.