Why I Love Freshman Year...

This is just a little something to reflect on the year...enjoy. I'll never forget... Russy B, UDCFH, watchin real world in 315, S&M Auto Repair, "man, i'm so wasted right now", psych boyfriends, bevin, celebratory sex pizza, THE NICKNAMES (orange hat, crazy hair, green stripe blue stripe, sloppy joe, big momma, nazi, red sweatshirt, black sweatshirt, aviator glasses, breaker high, abe & ghandi, blueteeth & mothballs, malcolm..uh i mean marcus..., jerry?)the DH, rob's, flounder's, flounder's humping dog, JUNGLE FEVER, strong bad, "that's pretty hilarious", the baltimore formal, homecoming and making pb&j by the light of a cell phone, spreading the M-card but keeping the V-card, the field hockey formal, preakness (beads!), highlighter, team 2 captains, drink the pot!, having the game start and stop simultaneously with the rain, "and that's fine", "i'm over it", "wack", "say word", "holler.", "FOODNIGHT", buns, maddog's tanked, spooning with Kbone, homemade shirts, the ring, jackass, old school, guster, jack johnson, late nite d.p. dough, late nite jog, wine, jungle juice, pong, using shower curtains and band-aids, stealing (washcloths, beer, pretzels, ziggy marley...), foam party, mudwrestling, snowball fights, crazy DE weather, IMing, away messages, NYC weekend, being AWESOME at vball because of my quite alive grandmother, luau, laying on the beach, crazy bike guy(put on some underwear!), getting kicked out of groundfloor...TWICE, wandering around by myself in the snow on Vday, brand new, deltones, ychromes, Chapelfest(I JUST LOVE TO YELL), j.levi, Dear Prof. Gottfredson, bus station skank, learning to hang with homegirl (bananas & sleeping in hall), hummus bummus, trail mix bail mix, ice cream bice cream, omelette bomelette, easter dinner (you see that tree?), griffin puppet (GO TO BED, I'M A GRIFFIN), the fact that my roommate is a mob princess, lofting our beds, EZ Mac code on the wipeboard, nudey door and lenny, broken window, sleepovers, ralph voice, introduced to the bidi, YouDee falling down the bleachers, the bobbie, 2%fat pat, arjun is a genie, doublefist, angryfist, intramural softball, KDR, being a lush, fat girl stories, parties in liz's room, BGDC, jeana jacketa aorta (JJheart), creative cat, backwards hat, POPPED COLLAR, skateboards, the finest ass i've ever seen(bw), "fuck her gently" and other jam sessions, "you won't...and will", walking through random churches in search of a punk show, sir marks-a-lot, sucking at DDR, stalkernet, kicking game...or not, pre-gaming, washer woman, losing electricity, quesadilla king, smoothies, lawnmowers driving on the street, dining hall staff playing on the beach, pity makeout, "how was your brother's bday?...i like anal.", WALTRAUT!!, MVP?? more like please egg me!! "and that's the end of the story." This year was amazing and I wouldn't change a thing. I'm sad to leave but happy to know it's not even close to being over. Much love homies.

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