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New Product Introduction

New Product Research

The current product we are testing for market introduction is for your lips. It is an Organic, Vitamin Enriched, compound designed to penetrate, hydrate, lubricate, soothe and repair damaged, dry, lip tissue. It is NOT just another Lip Balm!.

What Is In This New product?

    • Made from Certified Organic Coconuts

    • Natural Vitamin E

    • Evening Primrose Oil

    • Stevia, a Natural Herb

    • Contains Antibacterial, Antiviral, Anti-fungal Properties

    • Abundant in Medium Chain Fatty Acids

    • Known to Promote Smooth & Supple Skin

    • Hydrates, Lubricates, Protects and actually Repairs Damaged Skin at the Cell Level

    • Can Withstand Wide Heat Ranges Without Oxidation

    • No Processed Sugars, Added Chemicals, Preservatives, Artificial Colors, Sweeteners or Flavors

    • Safe for External or Internal use

    • Delicious Coconut Flavor and Aroma

Such a light, delicate flavor and aroma that you can literally eat it by the spoonful!

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