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Blood Reign


Blood Reign






[Over View.]






~Current Project~

Getting Website/Forum Up, Getting Members.


Sunday Sept 21, 2003
Posted by Impuritian

  • The site has sort of changed.  It is now devoted to the upcomming MMPORG "Blood Reign" luckily that name was open for a video game.  Its already taken as an anime, but *shrug*

  • If you want to help with Blood Reign, no experiance is required.  All work is volenteer, and no one gets paid.  At this time the game is going to be freeware, however if costs get out of hand, we may need to charge a subscription fee like the other MMPORGs.  Our price however will be as cheap as possible.

  • If you want to help we need the following::
         Idea Generators:  Everyone who helps should have some ideas =)
         Artists:  Big time, I have no artistic ability past editing in photoshop.
         Lore:  Someone to come up with an intracate plotlines for the story, and quests.
         Mapbuilders:  We need a world to work with here =)
         Designers:  We need people to be designing every aspect of the game.
         Code Monkeys:  How could I forget?  I cant do every line of code, the language right now is Java, as its the only one I'm really good at =P
         Whatever Else We Can Think Of:  Theres going to be alot to do, so go ahead and help out =)

  • I'll finish the links on the left later =P


Blood Reign
Should We go RPK?
Of Course!
Why not?
Screw You Lohner!

Current results


Quote of the Day:

Lohner: "Shopkeepers don't do damage!"


~Current Project Size~

3 Crazy People