Guild Rules

Alright, every guild has rules, and ours is no different. I know none of you like the rules, but hey, we gotta have them! Ok, here we go:

1. No spamming the msg board! Not only is it really annoying, it makes the guild mad at you! Think about it!
2. No scammers/hackers allowed in the guild! If we find out that you are a scammer/hacker, we will report you and you will be banned from the guild!
3. No excessive cussing! We hear enough of this at school, we don't need it on the msg board too!
4. No cheating! If you are caught cheating on any of the contests or anything else in the guild, you will be punished accordingly!

That's pretty much it, I don't think we need to have anything else, I hope! If you break any of these rules you run the risk of being suspended or possibly even BANNED from the guild! We don't wanna have to have a Wall of Shame, so try to keep it clean.