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Welcome to the "official" website for Beautiful Bolt Girls!!!
There is a lot to see here, so take your time, look around, and have fun!!!!

Don't forget to Vote for us!!!

~*Our Mission Statements*~

When you hear our club name Beautiful Bolt Girls mentioned around Bolt, you will know that this club is not all about the outside beauty of a woman, because a beautiful woman is not defined by the curves she posses. We live, we breath, we believe that a beautiful woman is one that listens and can appreciate another's point of view without being judgmental; even if she disagrees with it, one that is always there for you when you need her, although she may have a lot of things going on in her life, one that is honest, but not hurtful, one that loves her fellow sisters so deeply she sees no flaws in them, only the wonderful things they bring to the relationship, one that can always see the beauty in her fellow sistah! We are a family of sisters, striving to bless others with real beauty and love.
~Submitted by: Ceade

I think we are about friendship. Giving each other someone to talk to and help each other with our situations. We all come from different backgrounds and places and we all get along because of our differences. We give each other someone to lean on in hard times and laugh with in good times. We hope to become better people and to grow with more members, and ultimately become the best club on Bolt and off.
That's my opinion anyways :-)
~Submitted by: NubbyGirl03

Website Created by ~*PrincessSites*~

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