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Away Messages

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Hey everyone! Here you can get all kinds of away messages! Enjoy!

I learned most of my away messages on Cool Buddy.Com

Sorry.....I am unavailable right now. Hit Alt-F4, and o wil be with you momentarily.Thank you.

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience. BBL

u dont have 2 b faster than the bear u just have 2 b faster than the slowest guy running from the bear BBL

If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it? Try to figure that out while I am away BBL

How do you make a clown sad? Hit it in the face with a hatchet! BBL

we should all learn a lesson from crayons, some are sharp, some are round, some are long, some are short, and they are all different colors and have to learn to be in the same box!!~ :-) BBL

Before you criticize someone you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, you're a mile away, and you have their shoes............Keep that in mind.:-PBBL

~!* You Laugh Becuz I Am Different, I Laugh Becuz U Are Ugly *!~ BBL

Did you know that it is anatomically impossible to lick your elbow... And 75% of the people who hear that actually try to lick their elbow? You're trying to lick your elbow rite now aren't you?.......:-P BBL

Sometimes . . . When you cry, no one sees your tears. Sometimes . . . When you are in pain, no one sees your hurt. Sometimes . . . When you are worried, no one sees your stress. Sometimes . . . When you are happy, no one sees your smile. But just fart one time and everyone notices!!! BBL

A Person Who Asks A Question Is A Fool For Five Minutes, A Person Who Doesnt Is A Fool Forever ... peace . bbl

More away messages coming soon!