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BOB BARKER IS MY HERO. com Meth. Do you ever wonder about the people you watch on television? Famous ones. Those people actually have lives outside of the television. Except the dead ones of course, it would be strange to see your dead father or mother in re-runs. “Why did you kill all those people?” “What people?” “You know what I’m talking about Meth.” Especially if your dad was Elvis. That would be too sad. “People would be impersonating your father all the time” “Meth, are you listening?” You would always be reminded of his death, and people would probably be asking you very personal questions about him. “ I’d want to kill them.” “You’d want to kill those people who impersonated your father?” “ No. Elvis. I want to kill Elvis.” “The king is dead already, Meth.” “No. I Know. So does his daughter.” “Meth, Why did you kill those people?” “ Can I smoke in here?” I love cigarettes. They make me feel so good. I’m addicted, but at least I have something I love in my life. “You can only smoke, if you tell me what happened.” “Ok.” “What happened?” I killed an ant. I was getting ready for school, and I didn’t see it in time. I would never kill an ant on purpose. I have much respect for them. I remember I said I was sorry. I cried on my way to school because of that. Then I smoked a cigarette, and I felt better. “I walked to school that morning.” When I got to school, I forgot where my first period was. So I went into the first room I came to. I don’t know why. “I walked into the wrong room” I remember wishing that I had a chair to go to, but I didn’t. I wished for a big chair that could spin, I love spinning. If I could I would have sat down in a spinning chair and spun forever. Nothing but circles for the rest of my life, and everyone else would envy me, because I had a chair that spun forever and they had nothing. I would get tired though. “I would have spinning circles under my eyes.” “You already have circles under your eyes.” “I don’t sleep much.” There was no chair for me in that room. I didn’t belong there. I couldn’t remember where I did belong. If this was television I could have just asked my director. But I have no script. “A girl told me I didn’t belong.” “What girl?” “Me.” “You entered the wrong class, and then you said you didn’t belong?” “No. A blonde girl did.” I have black hair. It’s natural. I always thought it was pretty, but the blonde girl’s was prettier. “So, did you kill her because of that?” No. I didn’t. I didn’t know I had it in my bag. A gun in my bag. She told me I didn’t belong here, and I asked her where than, if not here? She didn’t know. She couldn’t give me a fucking answer. No one could. I pulled out the gun. “I didn’t even know I had a gun” “Then why did you have one?” Why did I have a gun? “To shoot the king with.” “The king is dead already, Meth.” “Then to shoot the queen.” I shot the queen, and the king. The morning I killed the ant. If royalty can’t get along then it’s peasants have to pay. “Who’s the queen?” “My parents can’t get along.” “Is your mother the queen, Meth?” “I’m not a princess.” If I were a princess I would have belonged in that classroom. I would have belonged anywhere, everyone would love me, everyone would be jealous. But the blonde girl told me otherwise. I had a gun in my bag. I don’t know why. I shot her. “I shot the blonde girl.” “Why?” “To see the bullet hit the whiteboard.” “Did it?” “It went all the way through her head.” It hit the white board. It wasn’t so fucking white anymore. Her hair wasn’t so blonde after that either. I lit a cigarette. “Everyone started to scream.” “I would imagine so, Meth.” They wouldn’t fucking stop all those people. They wouldn’t stop their fucking screaming. Why did they care so much about their fucking blonde princess? I should be the fucking royalty. But when the royalty can’t get along the fucking peasants have to pay. “I had to shoot the others, I couldn’t let them see what I had done.” “You wanted to protect them?” I shot them all. They couldn’t leave. I was blocking the doorway, if I had a chair to sit in I probably wouldn’t have. A big chair. A queen’s chair. I shot the queen so now I’m the Queen. “Did you shoot your parents to protect them?” “I wanted to protect the peasants.” I killed everyone. I saw their blood. I know what everyone’s made of, and it’s all the same. “Who else did you kill?” “The black haired girl.” I killed the black haired girl. I shot her. Her hair didn’t stain like the others. It only tinted. She didn’t scream either. She just looked at me and asked me if I ever wondered about people on the television. If we’d ever see the king, queen, princess, and servants in re-runs. I said that we had. And that we will. “Did you kill us Meth?” “I killed us. I killed me and you.” “Why?” “Because nothing can hurt me when you’re dead”