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AlL aBouT lIl oL' mI!!

Nicknames?: WiTlYN,bUrN oUt,WiT,WiTtERZ,WHiSKEY,SHoRD`E,MS.WHiTNEY(iF yA nASTy.hahaha..:P),COOtER cAkES,WHiTNEY cAkES.
Height?: hrm.. 5ft`iSH.. OK JUST 5FT! :(
Hair Color?: hRM..RiGHt nOw. bROWn..
Eye Color?: HaZEL bROWn/gREEn
Siblings?: uMM..yAH..buT dON`t tELl, k?- HAh! 2bRoThERS, DuSTiN,& ChRiS..
Do they look like you?: NOOO...tHEY lOOk liKE mE tHO-..
Righty or Lefty?: bOTH..cUZ i`M sPEcHuL liKE tHAT. TEe-hEE..
Hobbies?: hRM..liSTenIn tO mUSic,wRiTiNg,rEadiNG..i`M dEfIanTly moRe Of aN "aLONe pErsON"..
How do you describe yourself? i'LL LeAve tHat 1 Up tO yOu..
What's your sign? liBRa..iM nOt tO iNto asTroLoGy...

On Friends...

Friend(s) that looks most like you?:hRM..eDEn maYbe?jEss maYbe?aMber Maybe? heLL wE aLL LoOK aLike AftEr a WhiLE..
Friend(s) you go to for advice?:Eden,Joshua S,Matthew M,Jeremy W..
Friend(s) you have the most fun w/?: Joshua
Friend(s) you do nothing w/, but still have fun?: Joshua,and Eden.
Friend(s) you have dreamt about? aLL tHE mUtHEr fRiGGeRS! eDen alWays SHackIN uP wiT mUh MEn..SHew.SHame On U gRL.bAHh.
Friend(s) you tell your secrets to?:Josh,Eden,Jess..(wOW doN`t sOUnd liKE a sEcreT nO mo' eH? lol..
On Guys...

Blue or brown eyes?: how bout those hazel eyes.mmm..
Long or short hair?: Medium..enough to pull *winK*:)
Dark or blonde?: dARk..
Tall or short?: TaLl, bUT hEy,anYtHiNG iS tALL tO mE, sO yAhKNO..
6 pack (This is not a beer question) or muscular arms?: mMmmM..aRms..yUm..tHEy cAn mAKe yAh fEel sO gOOd inSiDe..
Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny?: bOTh-.. hEy hE's OuT tHEre.. i KNO.. i feLL fOr hiM..
Good guy or bad guy?: lUv thE gOOd gUy cOMMiTmEnt..lUv tHE bAD gUy*shrug*
Preppy or skater?: hOW bout someone with a little more depth than someone who labels themselves a "prep" or "skater" jEeSH.-
Hat or no hat?: hats are sexy,on the right people....
Ears pierced or no?: depends..
Tan or Fair?: tAn..MMm. i LIke My mEn wIth tHAt gLOW tO tHEm. tEehEE..MMm..
Freckles or none?: i ThiNK oDd onEs hEre n tHEre aRe vEry sExy..
Stubble or neatly shaved? no stubble..but soft is good..clean face is too "baby faced"
Rugged outdoorsy type or sporty type?: Iuno- Suprise me.
All American, homey G, or grunge?: hoW bOUt D.) fOr 100 jOhnnY?
How would you liked to be asked out?:lIke thats gonna happen?
I Like...

Boy shorts or bikini underwear?: bOth, n hoW bOUt tHonGS tOO..lONg as iT's sExy..wHy iS sOME1 plAnniN a pANtY RaId??? ::glances suspiciously around::
Painted or nude nails?: mAnICure PLZ.. alWays nEat n ClaSSy.
Bra or sports bra?: sOMetHIn wiT paDDiNG tHAts fEr SUre..depenDs oN thE oCcAssiON..
Sorta dressy or casual?: drEssy if itS an evEninG oUt.. cAsuAl any oTHer tIMe.
Ears pierced or not?: yEsh.. 3 in each Ear pLZ..
Dark or blonde hair?: iSh' iN dA miDDle..
Short or long hair?: a biT paSSeD tHE shOUldeRs.
Dark eyes or light?: dePenDs oN my mOoD.
Long or short nails?: shOrt n SquAre.
Hat or no hat?: hAT iF iT cliCKs wiT tHE outFit..oR bAd hAir dAy.
Good girl or bad girl?: i`m aN anGEl.. ::bats eyes innocently:: i SwuRr..
Hair Up or down?: dEpEnds oN mY mOOd, n wAT i`m wEariN thAT dAy..
Jewelry or none?: oFf n On.. bUT coNStANtly my nAVal rINg.. ::my preciousssssssss...mAHahha::
Tall or short?: i`M sHORT JeSHuSh, wE`vE bEEn oVer ThiS.. iMMa gET eMOtiONal aGaiN.. ;\
Curly or straight hair?: dEpeNDs oN tHE dAy, n WeaTher.. n whether i BloW dRY iT or NOt..MOstlY STRaiGHt.
Skirt or dress?: hOW bOUt hOT pANTS? lOL kiDDin. mmm dePEnds oN muH dAy.. and tHe oCCassiON.
Tan or Fair?: tAN.. //..FYI..oBSeSSiOn..\\ tANNiNG BEd
Freckles or none?: fEw hEre n ThEre..
Pretty indoors chick or sporty chick?: ehh, both..
All american/grunge/ghetto/gothic?: rEd blOoDed TexAn lADy rIte'cHer'. WhhEww!!!
Accent or American?: Oll Gawd.. iF u kNO mE u KNO iMmA hiCK.. SHUSH.. ;'\

Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?: cold Chocolate milk..and hot CappiCinO wHEwho!
McDonald's or Burger King?: aCK , taCO bELl alL tHE waY!
Coke or Pepsi?: iCK,Beer, waTer tEA or kOOl`AiD plZ
Rather marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend?:lets see..the perfect lover, would make the perfect friend, am i right?...*shrug*
Sweet or sour?: Stone Sour.(inside joke)..
Root beer or Dr. pepper?: Ughh.. ew? -
Tea or coffee?: TEA.. Whew-
Sappy/action/comedy/horror?: i LiKE iT alL bABy! wOOt!
Cats or dogs?: awww bOTh!!!:D
Ocean or pool?: dEfiANtly, OCEAN! ahhh..
Cooler ranch or nacho cheese?: CHEESE!! cuz iT FN rOCks mAN! hHAHA..
Mud or Jell-O wrestling?: WHEwo! sOunds DIrtay.. Or REAllY yUmmIe! HhaHA..
W/ or w/o ice-cubes?: Ice Cubes??Oh lord..
Milk/dark/white chocolate?: iuno, not a big chocolate fan.
Shine or rain?: Rain..
Top or bottom?: wELL wELL whO hAs tHE dIrTAy miND noW mR.QueStiOnaiR? .. *bottom...teeehhe shhhh..*
Winter/summer/fall/spring?:its all the same shit different day.heh Vanilla or chocolate?: bOth, hOW bOUt a SWiRRRLl! WHeWhO!
Skiing or boarding?: hRm..hoW bOUt suRfiNG..?
Biking or blading?: bLaDIng..
Cake or cookies?: cAN't i HAve BoTH???::puppyface::
Cereal or toast?: CEREAL!!=)
Rock/ska/punk/rap/r&b/alternative/techno/country/swing/?: umm..stuff
Night or day?: Night wOOt! dAYliGht sUCks..bAHh.
Dressed or undressed?: hrm.. dEpEnds.. yA i KNOw whAT uR tHiNKiN dIRtAY minD!
Eyes open or closed?: dEpends..oN whAT imMa dOIn..
Bunk bed or waterbed? Assdadeh's bed =).
Chewing gum or hard candy?: gUm
Motor boat or sailboat?: Sailboat.
Lights on/lights off/black lights?: hRmm..dePends oN wAt iMA doIn.. iF iTS NEEDED tO See, then LIGHTS ON..oTHErwiSE oFf.

What's your favorite...

Color?: black/pink.
Number?: 24
Drink?: beer or water.
Animal?: llAMA!teheh
Holiday?: they all blow..
Quote?:"Dependin on the different phases,My personality changes,Im a chameleon-Theres more than 1 dimension,I can fool u ndattract attention,Camouflage my nature,Let me demonstrate,If u bore me then Im comfortable-If u interest me Im scared-My attraction paralyzes me.No courage 2 sho my tru colors that exist,But I want 2 b the real thing-But if u catch my eye,cant b authentic..The ones I loath r the ones that kno me the best.."
Sound?: music..
Band?: if i had to pick one..Staind...
Song?: Any Staind song out there is a Favorite.
Book?: Manson's Bio..
Movie?: Fight Club..U kno dis..dont front.
TVshow?: tHE o.C...
Radio station?: dont listen to the radio much.
Place?: MaRoCCo.. ;)
Flower?: wHIte n PiNK roSes..
Scent?: #88 by Victoria's Secret,
Food?: Cajin, Chinese, or Steak.
Shape?: Circles..
In the future...

What's your house gonna look like? whatever i can afford.
Where are you gonna live?: not here..
How many kids?: between 1 n 3..depends...
Names?: gIrl, Alexandra Nikkole,Dommonick Lee, Braxton.. iuno..
What are you gonna do?: i dunno..
What does your ideal girlfriend/boyfriend look like?: eVErythiNg mOrE tHAn wAT i Want.
How do they act?: jUSt as mUCh iN loVe as i Am..
Where is your dream night: shEwwi..aSk n i MiGht tEll ;)
Do you like to call or be called?: i liKe tO bE calLed. aftEr alL , i AM tHE lADy, acT liKE a MAN ;)
Make a move or wait?: oHhh god, iM soO bAd at mAkiN tHE fiRst moVe.. DefIantLy a wAitER.
Make plans or go along w/ them?: gO alONg wiTh tHEm.. gOEs alOng wiTh the other quEstIOn
What's the first thing u notice in guys/girls?: Eyes,CHeek bOnes,teeth,lips, and hoW aFfeCtiONate tHEy Are.
Ever been in love?: Yes..
Move anywhere, where would it be?: Morocco.
Buy a car, what would it be?: ..shew lots...
Shave one thing on your head, what would it be?: ack nothing!
Dye your hair one color, what would it be?: bEen tHEre doNe tHAt , stiLL doIn iT...
Have a tattoo, where/what would it be?:along my wrist up my thumb..
Turn into any animal what would it be?: a llAMa! haha
Meet one person, who would it be?: Marilyn Manroe
Live w/ one person for the rest of your life, who would it be?: tHE loVe oF mY lIFe
Do anything w/o consequences, what would it be?: tHe pAst 4 yrs all oVer agAin..
If u could punish someone for something they've done, how would they be punished?: nothin, i think guilt is the worst punishment.
Name one thing...

You are afraid of?: Love
You love: tOo mUch.
You're embarrassed about?: i huRt vEry Easy..
You wish u had done, but didn't?: Apologized to SomeonE thAt pASSed Away..
You wish u hadn't done, but did?: tHe pAst 4 yRs..
You REALLY wanna do?: feel good again
You're gonna do Tommorow?: who knows.
You did yesterday?: a hEll oF a Lot OF tHInkIN..
That's hard 4 u to do?: fEel Safe
That annoys u?: COTTON!!! EWWWWWWw *Shudders*
That turns u on?: hAviN my bAck rUbbEd, or mY coLar bOne oUtlINed..
That turns u off?: dRunk PPl..
What's the 1st thing u do when u...

Get up?: get pissed off,try to go back to bed..
Get in the shower?: tRy tO sTAy WaRm!
Yay or Nay...(Y or N)

Female president?: hEll YAh..ScrEw BUSh.
Roller coasters?: aNOtHA hEll yAH!
Thunderstorms:? 0mg scary..
Food in bed?: mmmhHmmm...
High heels?: YeSSir.
Mexican food?: Hell YAh
Bill Clinton?: HAHAHah..mmmYAH...NOt.
Insects?: thats a big NO.
Little kids?: Awwwwwwww
Do u bite your fingernails?: When Im StreSSed.
Toenails?: mmm no??????wEirDO
Twirl your hair?: yEhhhA..
Relay commercials?: Ay Joshua,"i call it my *click click* plan"..LOL..shew
Impersonate?: lol yeeSIrr, yAll wHO knOW mE knO iMA goOf Ass...
Pick your nose? OL YEAH ALL THE TIME! uMmm no?
Eat it?: uh no?
Chew gum obnoxiously?: Yes :(
Play w/ it?? Yeah.. *sigh*
Cheat on tests/homework?: Me??? NOooo..Heheh >:)
Drink/smoke?: Yeah so im evil,stone me. :(
Shower?: lIKe 4 tiMEs a Day.. Yes oBsEssEd..
Make your bed?: No..cUz i HArdly lEave My bEd.
Clean your room?: EEEEK YEs.
Take a bath?: mmm Yes....
Listen to music?: wiThouT mUSiC.. iD Die.
Talk/walk in your sleep?: mmMM eDen tOld mE i MoANed 1 tIme in My sLEep, doEs tHAt coUnT?lol
Give hugs?: not really.
Tell people u love them?: sometimes i guess.
Play w/ your animals?: yEs.. THeyRe muH bAbiEs!
Change your underwear?:NO NEVER.
What/who are you:

Afraid of?: lOvE
Proud of? ..i`ll get back to you on that one.
In love w/?: Shew..
Envious of?: Anyone wHO iS tRueLy hAppy.
Mad or frustrated w/?: Life.
What is...

Under your bed? : sUiTcAseS.
On your nails?: nuThin
On your feet?: nOtHin.
On your walls?: nothing now.
On your mouse pad?: my mOUse?
On your bed?: sHeeTs, lOtS of piLLoWs..
In your desk?: loTs of tHouGHts..
On your ceiling?: lIghtS
In your closet?: clOthes n ShoEs.
In your cd/tape player?:nothing right now, my cd's are at edens..

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