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This Is Our Anime World

Yen For Your Thoughts
Greetings to all my fellow anime fans!

Welcome to Ultra Animetion. My name is Tripp, and I am an avid fan of anime, so I decided to create a web site to express the otaku in me ^_^. This site may not be the flashiest site, because the only thing this site cost me was time, but hopefully it will provide interesting information and intrigue you enough so that you'll visit freqently. Any suggestions are most appreciated. Thanks again for visiting my site. Keep the anime spirit alive and kicking.

Demotivational Of The Month ( : DEFEAT
"For every winner, there are dozens of losers. Odds are you're one of them."
Something goes here I guess

Nothing like having no clue what to put into this space.


Why'd I even bother to add another table. I didn't even fill up the one before

A Little Bit About Me

My real name is Martin. I was born in Myrtle Beach, SC. My parents were both originally from Vietnam. I'm a pretty fun-loving guy, really laid back with no worries really. I graduated from Carolina University with a Computer Science degree. Did the web site tip you off to that? I love the beach and just hanging out with my friends either just talking up a storm or partying until the sun rises. I'm pretty much a people person and like to have fun as much as I can. Last but not least I love anime! I have a lot of anime, and I'm sure many people won't really consider me a avid fan since almost all the anime I own is HK DVDs. Hey, I love anime. I just don't want to spend 30 bucks for one DVD that has like 4 episodes, when I can spend less then that for a ripped version of the whole series, but I guess that's just me.

Reflections of Life
I was at the beach one night staring up at the stars. I thought about how amazing it was to see all those stars up the dark sky. Much like ordinary people each star is an individual entity, each star trying to shine out from the dark void that is uncertainty. Each person strives to shine as bright as possible while they exist, but no matter what happens though, it is those stars working together that light up the night sky. - Thought by me
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Tripp The Light Fantastik

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El Hazard : M. W.
.hack SIGN
Boogiepop Phantom

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