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Alex's Game Service

Hello, welcome to the AlexGameArcade! This is another division of Alexworld. So people may be wondering...what is the Alex Game Arcade? Well see, this is where you can download old NES (Regular Nintendo) Games, SNES Games (Super Nintendo Games) Sega Games and a lot more! Well, what are you waiting for? Let me tell you how to find your way around this jungle of a mini-site...k, first, go to THE GAMES LIST, where you see what games I have that you can download. (You can get to the games list by clicking on "The Games List" link right under this block of text) After you've looked at all the games I have, go to the "Request-a-game Center" where you request what game you want to download from the games list.(The reason why you just can't download any game without having to request it is because I don't have enough server space to put ALL the games in the games list on this mini site) So go to the Request-a-game center and tell me what game you want to download from the games list. OR if you want a game NOT on the games list, you can request that too. So after your done requesting, wait 2-3 days and then go to "The Download Page" where you can download the game for you to play! The End, stop reading...I'm going to stop writing right Now!

My Web Sites and Pages

The Games List
Request-A-Game Centa!
The Download Page
My REAL website
