The Sailor Stars Song

Now my sadness (sailor smile) brings miracles (sailor wing)
For everyone carries a shining star inside
Don't give up! Tomorrow (sailor yell) I will find it (sailor star)
Hear my vow thoughout all the galaxy

I remember the day when you ran off and disappeared
That is when my journey to search for you began
On the starting point on a yellowed map is the drawing of angel
She's pointing to a far off world where there lies a dark coliseum
I remember the day we shared our very first kiss
I'll always remember no matter how my heart trembles now

I won't regret it (sailor eyes) I will follow you (sailor wing)
I sing the song which will guide the stars
Don't give up! Tomorrow (sailor yell) surely I'll find you (sailor star)
Flying away on angelic wings

Running along the path leading toward the unknown
I'm finally seeing in sight a dark fortress
In a flask on the table you left a piece of a shining crystal
It appears to be a piece of a shooting star, now to chant the secret spell
Can't you feel it too? This is our destiny
I must fly on my wings through the past and the future to meet up with you again

Now my sadness (sailor smile) brings miracles (sailor wing)
For everyone carries a destiny star inside
Don't give up! Tomorrow (sailor yell) I will find it (sailor star)
Hear my vow thoughout all the galaxy

I won't regret it (sailor eyes) I will follow you (sailor wing)
I sing the song which will guide the stars
Don't give up! Tomorrow (sailor yell) surely I'll find you (sailor star)
Flying away on angelic wings

Please don't hurt me. This is just my idea of what the Sailor Star songs would be turned into for the dub if Cloverway or Pioneer ever dubbed it. (Lets not think about what would happen if DiC dubbed it. *shivers*)
Just so you know, I've done my very best to make this seem very corny.

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