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7th Heaven Webpage!

Our Fav Things Bout 7thHeaven is...

7th Heaven is an awesome show, it's tha BEST show eva ,made. All the Actors are really good, and I'm sure that you'll find all the Guys HOT!If you don't there is soething Seriosly something wrong with you! We LOVE this show. And it teaches a great lesson to, but who cares! Theres much much more. Here is the 7th Heaven theme song... 7th Heaven, when I see their happy faces smilin' back at me. 7th Heaven, I know there's no greater feelin' than the love of family. Where can you go when the world don't treat you right? The answer is home; that's the one place that you'll find . . . 7th Heaven, mmmmm 7th Heaven 7th Heaven!!!! The theme song is just the beggining, watch the show and u'll Luv it! WE REALLY HOPE U LUVED THIS PAGE...~N~ COME BACK SOON!

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