PALEEZE none of that "hollaration" n type ov shit in here.

*heY aA fAwReAkS...thIs IsH meH on THe lefT siDe OKieS...mY nAmE IsH UNkNowN lOrE...I am THuRrtEEn YEaRs YhONg N sTiLl gEtTiN Old HEheHE...My BIRthDay ISh oN juNE 15...tHAt`S wEn Im FiNaLlY fOeTEeN AnD iF U WanT tEw...PaLeEzE wisH meH a HAPpY biRtHDay Or Get MEh suMthINg Or BEst OV aWl...Jus COme TeW mAH pOoL PaRTy AitEs...I aM aN 8Th GrAdEr At ReGiS hIGh SKoO...i aM hAPpIlY sInGosOoOooOdoN`t HOlLAOr I`Ll kICk YoO AsS...i hAve 8 ExS...HEHehHEhehE...I LIVe In tHe 715 ArEa...In THis SmalL lIl CItY bUh StIlL gWeD enOuGh...i thInK heHEHe...I aM hMoNG bUh I goTtS lIl bIt CHinEse N vIeT bLoOD flOWiNG iN mAh SYstEm...n i Am sOe prOuD tEw REpResEnt aznS!...mY mSn iSh..azN_fIne_GRl...pA-LEeZe FeEl FrEe TeW aDd Meh On AnD tALk TeW mEh WeNeVeR yUe feEl LiKE iT cUZ...thAs WhA I dO BeSt...TalK!!!

uPcOMmIng EvEntS:

mAY 5, 2004-8Th gRaDe VOlLeYbaLl MEeTiNG foE nEXt YEaR aT 7:45aM iN thE gYm
maY 6-nAtiOnal PrAYeR dAY
mAy 7-alL skOo mAsS aT 10 aM (DreSs Up)
maY 8-paRaDe On WaTeR sTrEeT...bE thEa BAH 11 aM tEW drEsS aS clOwN
MaY 10--ConCeRt At 7Pm
mAy 12--gO sEe MAh sUpErViSOr AkA sOCiaL wORKeR aT 4:15 aFtEr SKOo
MaY 13--LaDY oF fATiMA maY cRowNiNG aT 10aM.....tRaCk MEeT aT D-LOng MIlL skOo
mAy 14-rMs DaNCe At 7:30-10:30Pm
mAy 16- aThELiTc BaNQuEt @ 6Pm
mAy 17-TrAcK meEt At REgIS aGaiNSt MenOmINeE i THiNk
mAy 18- tAlEn sHOw AudItIoNS aFtEr ScHOol
mAy 26- elEmeNTaRy SPoRtS dAy @ REgIS hIGh
mAy 27- VALLEY FAIR TRIP!!!7:45AM-3:30PM!!!
mAy 28-8Th grAdE maSs At 11:35AM.....TalENt ShOW aT 1pM
mAy 31-meMoRiAL dAY

*(refresh) *(g-unit) *(pictures)
*(Sandi xiong) *(kaylee yang) *(see vue) *(moly lohr) *(trazie lor) *(puppy hurr) *(chong xiong) * (naly moua) *(maipa thao) *(jimmy xiong) *(darleen hurr) *(terry) *(romeo thao) *(jessie thao)


i jus kan't wait for VALLEY FAIR!!! there's a lot ov things goin on this month...buh hell yah nigga...we get outta skoo JUNE 1ST!...newho...yahs

tewday ish may 4, 2004

i have this wun fren named kathy pualus...she jus got adopted like weeks ago...well newaise tewday she got handcuffed in a PIRVATE front ov like most ov mah frens...n like i was in mah 6th hr klass laughin wif wun ov mah guy frens...n we got yelled at cuz the teacher said it wasn't funnie...we didn't get wt she meant at first...until we heard tons ov screaming frm kathy...thens we got quite...well yahs...yesterday nite she ran away frm her krib foe 3hrs...n thens tewdays she got p.o at like awl the teachers n her her mom kalled the pigs on her so like she's goin tew juvey n she has tew go tew this wun kamp thingy...buh other than that...WT A BAD BITCH!...o yahs...n she evn kalled her mom a bitch n pussed her n told her tew fuck off...n thens she nvm...lesh jus say she has a huge ass anger problem...newho peace...

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