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Welcome to The X Factor -

 7.6.2004 :: 
The forum is finished. It took some long and hard work to finally come
to a decision as to what template/skin I liked the best. I settled with the XBox skin
we currently have. Be sure to check out our forums at, or click the
link on the left of this page.

7.7.2004 ::
The new is up and running. I decided having as our only
website that it would draw less interest, and I needed a home page for users to go
to. I will be adding a chat room in the near future, which any visitors can stop by
and chat for a bit if they wish. Be sure to keep an eye out for that!

7.7.2004 ::
For any of you who are looking for quality web hosting at affordable prices, be sure
to check out OptikHosting. OptikHosting has services such as web hosting, web
design, ebook design, and computer technical support. With quality service at a
price that can't be beat, why not stop by and check it out? Also, for technical
support message boards, visit Tech Support Dude. Tech Support Dude offers
computer tech support to anybody in need. TSD is completely free, and can help
you with any computer problems you are experiencing. So check it out :).