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Wet Concrete

To her I owe the best of me
Words slammed against the ground emotionally
Tainted lies, and worn out dreams
Once running free, now bound tightly
Not only does she not understand
But Its only a matter of time before she thinks she does
To what do I owe this fact of life
To what do I owe this truth of us

She's broken me down, in smaller forms
I'm dust just blown away, feeling in hand
Freedom cries, air that travels far
A uphorical high with easy breaths
She's impressed, I can still spread my wings 
And flying isn't free 
Even air pays homage to gravity 

I breathe beyond close range 
Energy consumes my every, 
And every-every of my all foot step's clarity 
I walk a slow exposing pace 
At every step of the way I close in on wet feet 
When I drowned in my sleep once 
I awoke to choke on oxygen and honesty 
You see, even fish sleep, 
Angels really don't have wings, 
And stars never really fall 
It's all a matter of waking up on the wrong side of the bed 

Now, petals, they do fall, 
And I can count the every She Loves Me plea, 
But that won't bring back lost sleep 
Those pieces can peace together inner serenity 
With fire, oxygen does have wings, 
But carving your name in wood 
Doesn't assure the memory, 
And plus signs have no universal meaning 
You see, I travel in rose leaf, 
Spark divinity in the herb of word leave, 
And count the absense of the flowers in your name 

Now, I take my leave of time, 
Apples, trees, snakes, and atoms 
For a leap of faith 
even some of the most beautiful things in life become tainted.
And grace becomes grace-less as butterflies die
She hates to say she loved me 
never giving me credit,
for controling her emotions and having her heart.
Dying inside of pretty lies
Her beauty has become unseen
Blinded by what lay inside, 
She thinks with her mind
becoming one dementional 
fearing off all it is she feels

Turned to stone to fend off all around
Not only to herself, but to all in heart
Sorrowfulness surrounds the cold hearted child
As grey skies move in from the land afar
Now as life nears to an end
I remember the days with her, my best friend