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Monday, December 5, 2005
One more big tourney
Hey everyone. Well unfortunately stage 2 wasn't so hot. I am actually pretty content with the way it all went. I had one bad round where I was at the point where something good needed to happen on the course and instead of being patient and letting it happen, I tried to force good shots. That was a big mistake and I know not to repeat it again next year. Knowing I can make 18 Birdies in 72 holes at that level is a huge confidence builder because the 4 day cut was -5. The game is definitely there.

I have the Grey Goose/Gateway Tour Championship starting next week Thursday (Dec. 15th - 18th.) I'll leave on Monday to get in a few practice rounds. Lets keep the good streak going and come out on top. I hope everyone is well and Happy Holidays! Talk to you soon.

Posted by ult/umdgolf345 at 2:40 PM CST
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Thursday, December 8, 2005 - 11:48 AM CST

Name: Donald Cohen (Norbeck)

Phil, Sounds like you're doing well, congradulations. Love this web site.
Good luck on the 15th, I'll look at the site with great expectations on that week.


Sunday, December 11, 2005 - 7:08 PM CST

Name: NiaThomas

Just stopped in to see your latest note. Wish I could be in Florida on Thursday to support you. I will be sending you my positive thoughts. I know you will do it.

Love, Nia

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