The Unforgivin ones inner thoughts

~My topics i will be covering~

I would also like to inform you all that this web page may hurt some people, or it just might even make people laugh. I will change most the names but not all to keep the people/ animals safe and out of the way of danger. over all please enjoy the site...
and i wanted you to let you all know, i would like some feed back, also i didnt just wanted to bitch i wanted you's all to bitch back also! saying maybe thats not fair to say that or even you have a point. but over all just enjoy.. its just a little bit i do with my life when i have free time on my hands.

by clicking the below link you have waved your rights of being pissed at me, upset with me, and holding me accountable of things i have stated

if you know my real name and want to sign my guest book. please! dont use my name. call me the unforgivin one. also one last thing even tho it ask's for your e-mail address in the guest book. dont put it. some people may fine out who I'm! but if it doesnt work with out the address just put a fake one in! i dont want people to fine out yet who I'm thats why i changed names...
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heres the link....
Jen's Beep Log