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We are the RuCkUs KiDs, and we're here to fuck up you're city.

Alright here's the deal. One day the idea of making a RUCKUS KIDS website came around, and i decided it was a rad idea. So here we are, an entire website dedicated to the ruckus kids and all the shit that we cause, all the pot that we smoke, all the beer that we drink, the things that we do, but mostly its all about being who we are, living life, and living it well. So cheers to my friends, i love them so much. Just a heads up that im doubting this site will amount to anything HOWEVER you're reading this, and therefor i've gotten somewhere. I'll keep it updated as much as possible but keep in mind that i know shit about computers. Enj0i... Keep on rockin in the freeworld \m/... The Ruckus Kids

We Are The Ruckus Kids.. so far

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