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Crossfire? Pah. . .Who needs it? Mr. Makse's virtual agora blog is here! Peruse, participate, and provoke.
Sunday, February 6, 2005
Bush chopping domestic (social) spending?
Mood:  irritated


I suppose this is not a surprise considering the cost of the US occupation of Iraq. Still, the fact that Bush is so easy in his elimination of assistance for those who really need it is rather disconcerting. I mean, why did people vote for this guy and when will his unconscionable approach to social welfare end?

Ah, not an optimistic answer: in four years.

Posted by ult/rantnrage at 8:13 PM EST
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Thursday, February 3, 2005
Man this sucks. Earth: past all semblance of redemption?
Mood:  down
Topic: Miscellaneous
This one's not meant to cheer you up:

Mass pollution of earth's oceans reaches alarming levels

On the brink?

Posted by ult/rantnrage at 10:23 PM EST
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Good work to all students writing Mr. Makse's exams.
Mood:  happy
Topic: Students-40S

No, for the most part the exams were a success.

Stay diligent and keep up the good work into the next semester.

Posted by ult/rantnrage at 12:49 AM EST
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
First 40S entry.
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: Students-40S
Which ancient Mayan city was known as the "city of serpents?"

answer: Cancuen in present day Guatemala

Article and PICTURES

Posted by ult/rantnrage at 11:01 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 11:17 PM EST
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Early Slavic Origins
Mood:  cool
Link to The Slavic Ethnogenesis:
Identifying the Slavic Stock and Origins of the Slavs:

The Slavic Ethnogenesis

Posted by ult/rantnrage at 12:27 AM EST
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Monday, January 24, 2005
Zarqawi Part II
Mood:  hungry
Not Zarqawi but getting closer! This is the man who has been beheading and video taping it for the past few years in order to pressure the US out of Iraq as well as securing other goals.

Although it is not Zarqawi, it is a step in the right direction!

Iraqis Capture Senior Aide to Zarqawi

Posted by ult/rantnrage at 6:46 PM EST
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
Religious Fundamentalism and the Continuance of Hate
Mood:  blue
Qaeda Ally Declares All-Out War on Iraqi Election

Evidently, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is waging war on "the principle of democracy."

Why does this have to include waging war on humans as well?

I think al-Zarqawi needs to cease interfering in the self-determination of the Iraqi people, though apparently this is counter to his approach. Let them decide if they want a fundamentalist state like the Taliban which ruled Afghanistan.

Since there is no real alternative to voting on a national scale, it should not be impeded.

Posted by ult/rantnrage at 10:01 PM EST
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
In need of intelligence. . . .hmmmm?
Mood:  d'oh
Bush: Better human intelligence needed

Oh . . . reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyy?

There is definitely a profound and ponderous lack of intelligence in this administration.

This idea that US intelligence is not adequate cannot be realistically viewed as a revelation considering how virtually NO EVIDENCE has been shown to exist relating to the supposed WMD Sadam and Iraq were accused of harbouring prior to the illegal and unjustified invasion taking place. Powell's obfuscating and slippery presentation at the UN way back on February 5, 2003 contained virtually no substantiated facts.

Greg Mitchell: AP Staffer Fact-Checks Powell's UN Speech

Bush should have thought about what he did to the credibility of the United Nations before he decided to go into Iraq guns blazing. Then again, evidently he didn't consider the credibility of the US globally either. Unfortunately, another four years of alienation is not too high a price for Americans to pay to keep him in power.

Posted by ult/rantnrage at 8:24 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, February 3, 2005 12:11 AM EST
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Monday, January 17, 2005
Interested in American corporations in Central America? Read this!
Mood:  irritated

This is a link to an article describing some of the effects that banana plantations have had on Central America.

Overview of planation system in Central America

Good source for students.

Posted by ult/rantnrage at 11:04 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 9:16 PM EST
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Unified American public opinion on Iraq invasion shows strains?
Mood:  quizzical

CNN (I know, I know) poll on US support for Iraqi invasion


You must be in that 47% (and shrinking;)) that is saying that it was not a mistake, that the war is justified, and that George Bush Jr. is the greatest thing since the Texas/Saudi Haliburton gig. YEEEEhaaaaaaaaaaallahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Still, even you (Bush supporters) need to consider that support for this police action even amongst your countrymen is on the wane. As the article states not quite two years ago the 47% was a very convincing 75%.

Evidently some Americans are beginning to question Bush's neo-colonial policy. Soon, after another thousand US soldiers and countless Iraqi civilians are dead and maimed, even Bush will. Well. . . maybe.

Posted by ult/rantnrage at 9:18 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 9:14 PM EST
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Happy with Abbas but still cautious.
Mood:  happy
I am quite happy about the decision by Mahmoud Abbas of Palestine concerning his call for a hiatus on attacks against Israel.

Reuters news link

Seems like the previous leader, however loved by his people, did in fact accomplish very little by way of reconciliation with Israel. This is not to say that Israel has been above blame, but that Arafat had little in the way of depth to his integrity. He payed lip service as well as any contemptable politician, but he did indeed actively support suicide bombers and terrorists. As far as I'm concerned any replacement for Arafat will be welcome, although, if you read the article, you'll notice that Abbas is seated below the almost mocking face of Arafat.

Are we in for yet another lifetime of violence in Israel and the Gaza?

People need to get their priorities straight in a hurry. All this violence gets us nowhere.

Posted by ult/rantnrage at 12:02 PM EST
Updated: Monday, January 17, 2005 12:29 PM EST
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First Blog
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Concerning the use of the Tsunami as a vehicle for internet attacks (the worms)
January already? Damn. . .2004 flew by like a Boeing through a fog.

Feeling rather poorly today so I might as well be somewhat productive and attempt to communicate my rants via this blog.

Regarding these worm creaters using the Tsunami as a way to screw people. You suck!

Seems as though we have truly learned little if people are using the Tsunami as a way by which they can simply take advantage of others. Deplorable.

Posted by ult/rantnrage at 11:53 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 9:14 PM EST
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