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A-level Chat !

Hey, let's be honest, being a student isn't always great, there's the work, the gruelling hours searching through the Internet for just one thing that you need. Then you get stuck and where do you turn to? You don't want to turn to friends, just becuase you'd like to think you had better things to talk about and let's face it there isn't always someone else about to ask! So why not ask each other? This chat room will let you chat to people, like you, who just want to talk about the course you're doing, give advice on work and let off some steam after way too long working! Also if there's something you really need to find, check out the links and see if there's anything there that helps! Hey until the chat function is up and running, you can leave messages in the guestbook and communicate and problems with work etc.. to each othr through that. Thanks x x x

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