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Shouts. My babygirl- Kayla, 6 months now, girl. It's been great. We've been through everything. Girl, I love you more than life. You're my bestfriend. You're my everything. Thanks for always being there for me, baby. I love you, girl. K®aig-N-Kªyla Fo®ever! Matt- Wud up main! We been boys since day 1. Dude, we's gun' rule 'at place. Stay kewl main. Year 1. Bgood bub. Eric- Boggs! What do I say main..?? you my boy. LOL too honest! Year 1. Stay kewl bub. Bgood bro. Stevo- Main! LoL Classic duo. CHEA! CHEA! Asian twins oh yeah! haha Stay kewl bub. Year 1. Bgood. Grimm- LoL Pimp-&-his assistant. Main, hook up wit herr! c'mon playa! Stay kewl bro. Year 1. Bgood. J.Richardson- Playa! LoL been thru 'bout 4 main! haha 'ats kewl tho! TRO HP! LoL Stay kewl. Bgood lil' bub. Logan- Skewl boy! Dude, what haven't we been thru. LOL you my boy. Stay kewl. Bgood bub. J.Bates- Who gave the whale the gun? Mann, I dunno what else ta say.! lol so, many jokes homie LOL. Stay kewl. Bgood bub. Brandon W.- Aye main! LoL Get those drinks! Stay kewl. Bgood. Luck w/ Jess main! Spencer- LOL I owe ya a shirt mann! I mean fo' real! LoL you just had ta get dat off ya chest main! haha Stay kewl bub. Bgood. Casey- Wud up bub. LoL Oh no! Remix w/ dorito's, you gun' kill me! LoL Ya had jus washed it main!. Bgood. Stay kewl. J.Belcher- LoL 'Sup bub, give it some time, you will one day.! haha bgood. Stay kewl lil' bro. Brandon C.- Sup bro! LoL You still can't beleive it! haha boog bub, stay kewl. Robb Young- P.I.M.P.!! big bro! lol taught me er thang! Stay kewl. Bgood. Ryne J.- Big bro.! Dude, we gun' double! Bgood bro. Stay kewl. J.Treadway,Trav,Eric Holbrook,Pratt,Coty M,NickPolly, RyanB,Cole,Cook,JeffreyM,Justin Boggs,Lee,Brian, PhillipB,JoshBrown,Dawell,FrederickC. Bgood boys. Steven Cook- Word of advice, stay back from my girl! I know what you said to her, I'll tell you this, you better not ever speak to her again, or I'll beat your ass. I'm not playing. It's on, know that.

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