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This is a simple webpage to explain who I am. I am an IT student at Simon Fraser University, one of the best Universities in Canada

But... enough about the real me...let me just explain who the VH me is.





A little background history about myself.

As a little boy, I was a trouble maker, but I guess you all have heard that story a thousand times. We all were trouble makers when we were young, because we didn’t know or couldn’t control our magic at such an early age. My parents though, put me in a primary or prep school when I was 5. I knew they did not want me there, because they thought I was going to destroy the house. To think that they had gotten that mad because I had set our cat on fire…

I spent the next 8 years of my life in one of the most relaxed schools known to human kind. There were no assigned homeworks, no real lectures, and only had exams at the end of the school year. I learned very little while staying there, but I did learn how to ride a broom. I was a natural, the teacher had told me, but I didn’t believe her until I started the secondary or real part of the school. “Luz del Mañana” was the name of the place I would call home for the next 5 years, but… as you all know I only stayed there for a two and a half years.

Times had been tough after the fall of the Dark Lord. Most of his followers fled Europe, seeking for a place to settle. As luck would have it, Zach Voughe, one of Voldermort’s go-to men, decided that Venezuela would be a good place to live in. He used his talents (imperio, crutio, and other curses) to gain control of the Venezuelan Ministry of Magic. These were dark times, and to make them even darker the bastard started to kill innocent people (especially reporters). He found it amusing. After a little while he started noticing that the general magical population of the Venezuelan country did not want him in power, so… he did what any other villain would do. He closed the frontiers and closed the schools, knowing that only skilled wizards would ever be strong enough to take him away from power. Since Zach had already killed all the Aurors or anybody else that stood in the way, he figured that closing the schools would mean that there would never be a person who would be strong enough.

My family was able to move to three days before the borders had been closed. My parents brought me to England, to train in the same school so many great and powerful wizards (and aurors) had trained on. They had heard that the school had been re-opened for about a year, and they knew, just knew that I would love attending the same school as the Boy-who-lived.

A little info about my parents

My mom used to be a potions professor back home, but when the school closed she simply became a housewife

My dad is a private auror, but he mostly finds lost people .His work has taken him to the ends of the earth and back. He had gone into hiding when the killing of the aurors had started, even though my dad was never a really active auror. If he were to be compared to a quiditch player, my dad would not be the beater every auror usually is, but he would be a seeker, always finding the elusive golden snitch.

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