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Nessie's World

Welcome to Nessie's World!
My World in a Few Links

My Favorites

The People of My World

Michael W. Smith

My Writings

My Activism Page

Helpful School Sites

What's the Deal With This Chick?

Okay, so unless you know me already, you're probably thinking, "What's the deal with this chick?" And, well, hey, even if you do know me, you're probably still thinking, "What's the deal with this chick?"

It all started with "Helpful School Sites", which was all of the sites I used for school that were taking up WAYYYY too much space on my computer in the favorites file. But after a while, I realized, well, this sucks; it's obvious I'm smart, but gee, I really have no life, do I?

So I thought, "Hey, why not make a site all about myself?" Everyone knows the world already revolves around me :P so why not let everyone know who I am?

Anyways, if you're just interested in who this extrememly conceited, weird azz girl is; if you're one of my friends who's trying to figure me out; or maybe you just dropped by because you're an activist or share one of my other passions, have fun exploring the links at the left, and drop me an email, k?

Motivational Quotes
Rocketwon Cafe: MWS
Unofficial Smitty Page
Christian Teens Bible Study
Christian Teens
KCMusic: MWS
The Wave
Veg Links
MWS Midis
Greater Than We Understand
MWS Pic2
Apostolic Links
Bible studies
bible study
bible study