in the late november of 2003 a drugged up Nels and a depressed Erick (former member, no longer with us) decided to start a acoustic band. the band at the time was called "a drowning trout" and Nels and Erick played everyday at lunch...after about a week they were asked (acually they asked) to open for crazygrass in a local bar. They wanted a bassist and so they contacted the only (not sucky) bassist in the whole fucking county, of course this was adrian. the show was about 2 weeks away and practicing everyday during lunch period at there shitty school they got there set down and played a badass set that nobody really payed attention to. (the name changed from a drowning trout to muff'n the night before the show, a long and different story) alot has happened to muff'n since then, when trying to get a drummer a horrible tragedy happened.. one that nels walked away from but erick was no longer with muff'n...this unfortunite incident caused the band to break up. Now Nels and Adrian are working harder than ever to be the best muff'n they can be. and on a totally different note over the course of muff'n Nels turned into a straightedge little emo bitch No matter what happens the muff'n will never crumble!!! -Nels Ferre