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(10/20/03) Oct. 20, 2003 - Welcome to the Moonlight Services Website. Dont be fooled just by our guild name, we are a group of adventurers, crafters, and treasure hunters bringing the people of catskills quality items, and crafted quality merchandise. We will try to hold as many different types of events as we can and always serve the people of catskills when in need. Please if you wish to talk to me or the Co-Owner John, ICQ me at 308834640 and I'll try to help you out or refer you to him.

- Drake II (Founder) -

(10/25/03) Oct. 25, 2003 - Our team is growing, we added 2 members in the past 5 days, SteelCat, a very respectable smith and friend to all others. We have also added a "Member in Training". Torrin, a hard working smith is under my belt as an apprentise so to speak. I would like everyone to treat him as we would anyone else in the guild, a friend. I have desided to hold a meeting of all guild personel in December, I am still not sure on the date, but I will keep you all posted as things come to.

- Drake II -

(11/08/03) Nov. 8, 2003 - The set date has been confirmed for the meeting. We will try to hold a meeting on Dec. 14th. As for the guild we are up to 5 members. Also Torrin, our Member in Training, has GM'ed Blacksmithy, one more skill and he becomes a full time member, give him a round of applause if you see him! As for the site, I will be adding some new features to the page to make it look more presentable, so look often =).

- Drake II -

(11/14/03) Nov. 14, 2003 - This is a very special announcement, since me and John started our guild things have been rough starting things up and getting things working, things have gotten much better. I personally want to thank all of the members who have joined so far, alowing us to grow. Secondly, this goes out to all the "Members in Training"(Liz, Torrin, and Hydro), me and John are extremely happy you all have taken us seriously about raising your two skills to GM, in fact you all are close to that already, good goin! Finaly, I would like to stress the importance of going to the forge to let the guild be known, and to do well at the forge as well. As we stated in the rules, have fun crafting and helping, and doing what we all do best!

- Drake II -

(11/28/03) Nov. 28, 2003 - Funny the holidays are comming already! So is the first MSS Bi-Monthly meeting! Our first meeting with the guild will hopefully be Dec. 14th at 8 PM EST. From then on we will alyaws have a meeting 2 months later on the second sunday of that month, anotherwards Feb. 15th 2004 would be the next meeting. I hope all of you can attend, if you are unable to, please ICQ me at 308834640 and state your name in the message. If you just wish to talk, feel free to do that as well!

- Drake II -



Drake II

Main Skills:
Legendary Smith, Elder Tailor, GM Tink

Favorite Towns:
Britain, Trinsic, and Luna

Main Goals:
Bring merchandise to be proud of to Catskills


