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Welcome to my web page! Feel Free to look around, and enjoy!

Hi all this has been a long time in comeing but finaly it is here! My very own web site! Hope you like it!

Hi everyone! Its taken me a long time to do but finaly its done! My very own web page, so enjoy! This has taken so long because i had to learn HTML codeing first! A tiny technicality.

This site is full of some wierd stuff, funny stuff and genraly pointless stuff! So if you have anything that you would like to add to it then please e-mail it to me! (Sorry im not going to give out my e mail, but if you no me then you wont need it.)

Hers a photo of a realy cool car! Its lee's Mini. Cool eh? I still dont think that he should have sold it but it was his choice.

I just thought id do my little bit to support microsoft (Not that they need it!). So if you dont have MSN messenger then you should get it! Its Brill and best of all its 100% FREE!

Thank's for looking at my webpage hope you enjoyed it! Please come back soon!