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deification of "mothers"
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Thursday, 28 April 2005
Mother's Day
Mood:  irritated
Topic: deification of "mothers"
***This post was created by Jenny, a Moral Childfree Supporter****

Mother’s Day is fast approaching and in my 21 years working in the field of education, I’d wager that a good 75% of so-called “mothers” don’t deserve anything on May 8th.
Ladies, you choose to bring children into this world. Children who don’t exist don’t cry, go to the doctor or need bedtime stories. Yet, all I hear are the self-righteous mothers holding the things that they supposedly do out of love over their childrens' heads. True love does not give something to someone only to demand something in return later. That’s not called love folks, that’s called a payday loan.
And don’t get me started on the physical and verbal abuse afflicted on kids by their parents. A child is more likely to be hurt by their own mother, than a stranger. Anyone who doubts this statistic needs to volunteer a day down at Child Protective Services. I guarantee you that this statistic will be crystal clear then. And the abuse doesn’t end with childhood. Read “Dear Abby” for a week or two and you’ll see how parents, usually the mother, emotionally blackmail, bully, manipulate and otherwise mentally and verbally abuse their adult offspring.
I also wonder how women have the gall to call themselves mothers when someone else seems to always be doing their job. If it’s not some 19 year old child care worker at Kindercare, it’s friends, the mother’s older children and other family members who can be quilted into doing their job.
The word “parent” is a lifelong title. You role changes as your child grows into adulthood, but once a parent, always a parent. I wonder why some people even have children if they discard them, squealing, “My job is done. Disappear until I need your money when I’m old. I’m get to party!” on the kid’s 18th birthday. I’m not exaggerating. I am actually paraphrasing what I’ve heard these so-called mothers say all too often. My husband is a writer and he was doing a news story on childless and childfree people—i.e. nonparents. He had to discard 75% of the people he was interviewing because as it turns out, they had children—they were simply grown and/or did not live with the parent. My husband had to explain to these dingbats that life doesn’t quite work that way. It’s a sad day in deed when the folks believe that their children can be tossed aside so easily.
Let me explain something: even in the best of situations, the mother owes far more to the child (regardless of age) than vice-versa. You caused them to be born and by doing so, you caused them to have to struggle for medical care, food, shelter and more for the rest of their days. You caused them to need to be looked out for when you brought them into this dangerous world. You brought them here known that they would suffer numerous defeats, injuries, illnesses, disappointments and other forms of trouble. You brought them here knowing that they would age, decline, cripple and die. And on top of that, parents pass on numerous illnesses and defects such as asthma and sickle cell anemia which affects the quality and quantity of their child’s life. They don’t seem to bear one iota of the quilt that they should for doing this. The mother (and father too) owes the child far more than they can ever repay.
People who normally can’t tell the Bible from Pig Latin have a nerve to start spouting “Honor thy mother” this time of year. Respect is a two way street. What about Colossians 3:22 that says parents should not “embitter” their children? What about Proverbs 13:22 that speak of leaving inheritances to your children? No, your children don’t solely exist for you to leech off of and guilt trip. What about I Peter 2:17 that says that we should honor everyone? Indeed we shall!
We women talk about how we want to be respected for things other than our bodies. But, when Mother’s Day rolls around, all you hear are references to “giving life” and “bearing” this or that. Life ends in death and any female whose equipment is in shape can bear a child. Therefore, I’d like to conclude by giving praise to the truly selfless mothers out there—the adoptive mothers. Instead of creating another child and adding to the problem, you decided to give a wonderful life to those already here. Many people refuse to parent at all if they can’t have their “own” children. Even Klansmen can love their own flesh and blood. But to wipe a behind you didn’t create? To get medical care for a child’s disease when they didn’t even inherited it from you or your husband? Now that’s worthy of honor.

Posted by ult/moralchildfree at 12:00 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 4 January 2006 7:04 PM PST
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