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About Us

The Milton Keynes Fund Raising Branch was formed in October 2002 and all the volunteers are from different walks of life. Over the past year we have expanded our volunteer /helpers from 5 to 9 we have formed a good working relationship and got to know each other quite well.

We have a concise committee that consists of a Branch Organiser, Assistant Branch Organiser, Treasurer, Merchandising Secretary and helpers. We meet up every other month at a local restaurant called Fatty Arbuckle’s due to the kindness of the restaurant manager who adores dogs and in particular guide dogs, we are always welcomed when we have our meeting as well as if we go there individually for a meal.

We have attended several events where we have raised significant amounts of money from £79.00 up to £683.00. Cheques up to £1.100.00 have been donated to the branch and within 9 months the branch has been credited a total of £7.100.00 at the last quarterly report in June this year. By December of this year we hope to have reached our first goal of £10.00.00.

This has only been made possible by the support and the generosity of the public.
