ongoing contests my studs my services about me
Hey! Welcome to the layout I designed for you! I made the above image an image map, which links to dead pages beacuse I couldn't make the pages myself because you wouldn't be able to edit them. if you need me to make them and add them to this layout, I can do that before you take the code for your page, if I win. The links open in new windows. This is a box for your introduction and updates and such, it will eventually begin to scroll if I can get writing down there far enough. I included a custom CSS header so that all your links are awsome, and your scroll bar and such. Hope you like it! You don't have to listen after this, this will be me rambling aimlessly until I write enought text to make this thing scroll. Whooo, here we go scrolling bar, apper, poof, woof, scroll so we can see alllll the pretty text. You don't have to listen after this, this will be me rambling aimlessly until I write enought text to make this thing scroll. Whooo, here we go scrolling bar, apper, poof, woof, scroll so we can see alllll the pretty text. You don't have to listen after this, this will be me rambling aimlessly until I write enought text to make this thing scroll. Whooo, here we go scrolling bar, apper, poof, woof, scroll so we can see alllll the pretty text. You don't have to listen after this, this will be me rambling aimlessly until I write enought text to make this thing scroll. Whooo, here we go scrolling bar, apper, poof, woof, scroll so we can see alllll the pretty text. You don't have to listen after this, this will be me rambling aimlessly until I write enought text to make this thing scroll. Whooo, here we go scrolling bar, apper, poof, woof, scroll so we can see alllll the pretty text. You don't have to listen after this, this will be me rambling aimlessly until I write enought text to make this thing scroll. Whooo, here we go scrolling bar, apper, poof, woof, scroll so we can see alllll the pretty text. You don't have to listen after this, this will be me rambling aimlessly until I write enought text to make this thing scroll. Whooo, here we go scrolling bar, apper, poof, woof, scroll so we can see alllll the pretty text.

Just right click in the box below and pick "Select All" and then hit ctrl + c, then paste the code into your box on your HL page!

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