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Subject: Extreme Priority – Sharp edges Objet: Priorité Extrême – les bouts tranchants URL: (ENCODED - different) There are figures acting like security officers around my shelter and I don't quite know if I will be finding myself in clash with further summons to the courts and in this aura, I have the feeling of being face to face with the silence before the storm and my peaceful world may be shattered with tremors that may seem unprecedented but came to me hours after hours for each past year and I am shocked by the life I had to leave here, with hands who shouldn’t be allowed to touch history or writing the history as well as being there to write the lives of those to make history. If those hands will not get hurt, my life will perish and without proper information of my living as well as what I am to do, those hands shouldn’t be there to decide on how I am to live and those hands should be pulled out of my life, with every aspect of it to be free from those hands. As there is a dangerous phase to suggest that places used for action now being a civilian and humanly ground for my freedom of receiving news and communicate with the rest of the world to pose as some place that may make me prone to be inquired, which I will not tolerate because the ground proves to suggest that I was right from the very start to have been armed and this should be a basis to be endured because the impression that I have obtained is the fact that since I am armed that they don’t want to attack me in person and they want to find ways to punish me otherwise, with my correspondence that they eye on and that’s the reason they want to assail me; but in my relevant belief I come to think that only if I quite writing they may come back to hit me back, so this will be there to stay, just like diabetes is there that requires insulin shots more or less frequently depending on diabetic intensity. My surrounding is quite hostile and the sufferings I’ve braced against have been so much horrific that I come to think of all these things that will remain ever so as long as I am here and there is no warmth in the place, the country that I am forced to live in. For example this is no place meant to seem touchy or cozy for regarding the whole place worth living. It seems as though the whole landscape is made up of stones with sharp edges, nothing smooth, nothing colorful and nothing rich; there emerges a point like I walk barefoot on lava or over broken glass pieces scattered around the floor or that I have to touch with my hands over some hot potato or some stone or rock on fire or as if I have to take out a tray out of oven without gloves. I feel that I will always need to wear some astronaut costume or feel as if I am supposed to remain in some cocoon here; because this place has been a setting of war and it seems even though I may come back to old days if I should, feeling more convenient to live here, the enemy sooner or later will return back saying I have to pay some price because some places used in the past are belonging to past activities of revolt. This is pure terror utterly. Before it gets too late and before I feel mad, real mad with people proven to have done things to madden me as they talk to themselves about it, as stated yesterday, I think I need a major exit to some part of the world I can feel at home and I do not wish to fall apart from my true birth place to live in some refrigerator or some far away territory those that don’t know which may see it become some place one can perish or easily get lost. My mother’s country in this sense deserves criticism about the fact that the ultimate resolution they could fight for would be to enable me proper housing and proper family living and I still wouldn’t need to live there but raise their flag to mark who I am, and now as before, I am feeling surrendered to the will of a country not quite sensitive, some contingents not so quite visible before public sight crushing me, leaving me to hands that write down awful things to make me live the hell on earth and these hands are expected to give me attention and care when comes the time. How can we come to depend on this with so many flaws that threaten my security and my peace of mind, and my clearance in terms of legal terms and penalties? I need to obtain such a way to make me feel at home from the corner or from one part and once that can be achieved and once I will have financial background much better than I have now, I can sit down with anyone expecting things from me and pay heed without prejudice or lack of intimacy and talk about the factors that make up what the landscape of peace will look like. But before my devotion to such a conflict will not be recognized as it should be and if I will not be getting the respect that I deserve at all, I see no reason why I should stop and lean back and wait patiently; firstly the factors on who I am should be clarified in the sense that I like and the entire ring of paranoia that surrounds me about what I will do to the world should be left behind because I want to live on this world much the same way like everybody other than me also does. Those that are liable for this entire mess should walk away and they should draw back their thugs here acting like the local police or the like because if I am the one that they claim and if they lie to me, I do not think the God would take their confessions seriously as well as their regrets. However, there seem to be some frictions within the course of this conflict that seem to suggest the other way round to be more accurate on their minds and there it is: The tape for today starts. This was recorded within last hours of the day before and one of the lines belongs to a decoration workshop and the other belongs to a fashion boutique. The duration spotted as five minutes and one note says both speakers are women. 1: Honey, it seems one has to live other emotions before going real cheerful. there are other things to do before being happy. He prefers to worry rather than be happy. 2: So we will give what we can for the beau; imagine a whole alliance accusing him of transmitting some information meant to have been secret. And if they intervened and decided to watch out it all with further logs, what would you do? 1: He wouldn't do much. The point is we need something to stretch things around him without screwing things; the guys can't do that. We need something very tight to give his buttocks the chill. 2: I agree; so it's going to be from all directions. 1: Yeah, you will start first. I want the bastard's home to be filled with journalists and I want a bunch of security guys coming to get him. 2: And then you will start too. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!