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::[graduation 2004]::
thanks everyone for making my graduation awesome!!
(Note: pictures are in order in which i saw you, so if you're near the end or last, dont feel bad!)

mom, me and kelly

me, uncle peter and aunty steph

me and jesse

me and jesse again

me and big brother

me and my sign (covered up by another sign)
gagh... gus downs

looking lost....

me and bj

my mom and i

lauren jo-mama and i (bowlers!!)

bj, aunty hiroko, me, uncle peter, jesse and aunty steph

me and chris

looking at the ground for some reason

me and aunty sherrie
(sorry, i have no idead where i was looking)

me and tom tom (bowling pride again... whoo hoo)

little miss casey and i

uncle derrick and i

me, uncle derrick and aunty colleen

my mom, me and kelly

me and dustin my hardcore band buddy

uncle jim, aunty lynette, me and my mom

me, aunty lianne and chloe

erin (ebi!) and me

me and little chloe

mieko and i

me and @tsie patsie

jenny and me (bowlers are awesome)

me and my sign (flip it 180 degrees in your head)

me and kelly again

me and bj (isn't he awesome?)

me and bj again

my brother, me and my mom

ali and me (bowling pride again)

me and uncle greg

me and naomi (thanks for the coooookies!!)

kawamoto and me

liz, anj and me

woo-ster and me

me and amy (clarinets rock! haha)

me and kobes

kate and me (bowlers!!)

me and jenni

harris, christen and me

me and kelly

amy and me (we survived math!)

me and cisco

me and andy

me, pat and kobes

me and brandon monkeyoshi

glenn and me (bowling pride!)

erin and i (bowling/clarinet buddy!)

barki-barki, kurahashi, me and jarren

me and kim (we made it through band!)

dane and me (you owe me lunch!)

me and christine

me and karen (bowling power)

crystal and me (we still need to have a bowling party)

me and elise (happy belated 15th b-day!)

me and hideo (whose face is unfortunately like that all the time)

me and alicia

me and miyasaki (so whatre you gonna do now that band is over?!)

me and traci (more bowlers?!)

me and kamida

me and ken-chan!

me and sully

me and mike

me and ali!


47 buddies
31 seniors
23 band-ies
16 relatives
12 bowlers
a million memories
