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My Family

RCCC  · 

Jay & I ·  Nate ·  Laken ·  Alex

Hi, and welcome to my website, this site will give anyone who's interested a brief overview of me and my family. Have a look around and enjoy!!

About Jay & I

Let's see my full name is Kimberly Lynn Garney and I was born in Brookhaven, NY. I moved to NC with my parents at the age of 11 and lived in Charlotte for a year. At the age of 12 we moved here to Enochville, NC. I attended Corriher-Lipe Middle School in Landis and then South Rowan Senior High in China Grove. When I was seventeen and in my junior year of highschool I had my first child James Nathaniel Austin Garney. We all call him Nate for short. That child had to be the single most spoiled child on the face of the earth as we lived with my parents and while non to happy with me, (for a little while) Nate was thier world. Every morning when my Dad would come downstairs for work he'd walk by my room and there would be Nate in his crib waiting for his PopPop. It's a moment no one would believe unless they saw it. My dad is not an emotional person. Anyway for the next 2 years I lived with my parents and worked until I met a guy. (Duh) He was in the Marines stationed at Camp Legune. We dated and every weekend he'd drive here to see us. When his term was up he and I moved to Louisiana. Talk about culture shock, I was living in South West Lousisana, the heart of Cajun Country where half of the people spoke cajun french. That was fun although you always knew when some one was talking about you because your name is the same no matter what language someone else speaks it in. Anyway in 1998 I found out I was going to have another baby and Nate was 3 and 1/2 years old. I was happy and the guy wasn't. In May of 1998 I was 3 months pregnant and my Dad was on his way to pick me up. (That was a bit of an tumultous time for me) So there I was back in NC. I got a job at First Union and worked there until December of 1998 when my Daughter Laken Alexandra Garney was born. In the spring of 1999 I decided to start college, so I enrolled at RCCC. I was sooo excited. (I'm taking my time lol) I continued to work for First Union and enjoy my life with my kids. Then on July 1 2000 I met up with an old friend from high school. Her name is Mandy. We started hanging out and one night after we went tanning we were standing outside talking when this really hot red camaro went flying by. We went home that night and the next day Mandy called me to tell me she had met up with the 2 guys in the camaro we had seen the night befor and that they were having a party that weekend for the 4th of July. She begged me to go since she was going to meet up with the guy who owned it and she thought I could hang out with that guy's cousin. It turned out that I knew the cousins name right away as I had hung out with him in Middle school, but I didin't recognize the other guy's name at first. So I went. When we got to the party I saw Destry. (the cousin) We talked for a few minutes and then Jay came outside. (This was Mandy's date.) He recognized me and said, "hey aren't you Karen's older sister?" and I said, "yes who are you?" Long Long story short he was the younger brother of another friend of mine from high school, and he had actually dated my little sister in elementary school. Any way I really wasn't interested in Destry in anything other than a friend but we stayed and hand a good time. Over the next 2 weeks Mandy kept trying to get me to like Destry and in her persuit she actually fell for him and I wound up falling for Jay. It was kind of wierd but life has a plan I believe for everyone and mine has been a rollercoaster so why not. Very shortly after Jay and I wound up moving in together he was only 20 and I was 23 at the time. Even shorter after that I found that I was expecting. May of 2001 my last baby came and his name is Jay Alexander Todd Jr. That was 2 and a half years ago and here I am today planning a wedding for April 4, 2004.

Jay and I have alot of similar intrests such as :

  • Football-Miami Dolphins are our favorite NFL team
  • Eating out-We both love Itilian food
  • Classic Cars-Hence the red 67 Camaro SS

    We also have some common goals in life and they are in order:

    1. Getting Married
    2. Graduating from College
    3. Buying a Home


    James Nathaniel Austin Garney was born on January 23,1995 at 5:36am. I remember that it snowed that day. He was such a good baby. Nate is now 8 and a half years old and is in the 3rd grade at Enochville Elementary school. He plays 1st base in baseball and is about to join the cub scouts. He's a good looking kid that everyone wants to hang out with !


    Laken Alexandra Garney was born on December 10, 1998 at 7:58pm and just like her brother she was a terrific baby she'd sleep all night and rarely cry. She is now 4 almost 5 and boy is she opininated! She's the only granddaugter of six grandkids so as you can imagine she's just a little spoiled. She's beautiful too.


    Jay Alexander Todd Jr., my baby was born May 29,2001 at 1:08am and is well lets just say he's made up for everything that my other two never did!! He's soo beautiful it's hard not to spoil him. He gets into everything as a matter of fact I've already had to call the poison control center 2 times this past year. He's very smart I believe he's learned from his older siblings very well. (Lucky Me)

    Jay & I ·  Nate ·  Laken ·  Alex

    This page was created by Kimberly Garney and was last updated on Sunday, November 23, 2003.