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Joe's FMS/CFS website

Thanks for name is Joseph Tillotson and this is my Website. At 26 now I've had fibromyalgia since the age of 13. My purpose with this website is to share my knowledge of treatments, tell my story, and educate people about what exactly FMS/CFIDS is. (FMS/CFIDS = FibroMyalgia Syndrome/Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome)

*****FMS/CFIDS 101: click here to learn the basics of fibromyalogia/CFS

****NEW***** The "Ciguatoxin"; a highly potent neurotoxin has been found to be high in CFS patients; but very low in healthy non-CFS people.

****NEW**** Transcript from Dr Cheney (Top American CFS researcher) on various CFS topics with a patient.

My Story (last updated October 2000)

My Interests

My toxic metals tests, lyme disease tests, hormones tests......dont click here if you dont like numbers

Guaifenesin treatment for fibomyalgia

click here for my favorite site on FMS/CFS treatments

the best site on lyme disease; over 12,000 categorized links

Journal entries beginning in September 2001....


buzz-cut, age 24 pic

email Joseph

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