Thursday, April 17, 2003

OK WELL OMG I CANT BLOG LONG BUT I HAVE A STOREE! YES OMG ITS TRUE! me and kristle got stucky in a dressing room at ltd2! omg someone stole our clothes 2! so we had to stay in there naky...but then we streakiezz around da mall! omg it wuz SO FUNNAY, HUNNAY! omg haha, lyke, our parents saw us and their lyke, omg what r u doing? omg, they thought me and kristle were doing this thing called sex...i dunno wut that even is yet but i mean, ewwiez it soundz nazties!!! omg yah it does! omg, ME AND KRISTLE ARE NOT DOING SEXING! omg we aren't we arent gay ok? we are normal *coughs* people. omg, DONT SAY WE ARENT YOU BIG MEANIE. we are skinnie prettifulz ladies and guyz think we r shexy! ok so you lose hahaha! i am so pweppy, omg i AM SO DEMENTED OMG! hahaha! i cant believe it omg i feel so fluttery yes i do hehehe. ok well i lyke, omg, i lyke g2g! omg no daddy pweese 5 more minutz...awwiez, daddy sayz noperz...wahh!!! *krys* that is lyke, SO NOT FAIR DADDY OK?! omg, so unfair. OMG GOTTA GO! I AM GONNA GET SPANKIED IN A SECOND! OMG MY DADDY HAS HIS BELT OMG 911 PWEESE 911! SUM1 CALL 911 omg gonna get spankied...brb...ok my daddy spankied me...he hurted me so muchz. *krys sum morr* omg not fair. he sez its because im sexing with kristle...WHAT DOES SEXING MEAN?! OMG I DUNNO *krys again* its not fair. my daddy sez no more ltd2 dressing rooms! uhh but i like looking a kristles boob-thingies! their HAWTNEzz!!! OHz and Check out our PiCz Of Us!!>

scribbled byGaymi-Lynn @ 9:35 pm EST

Saturday, March 19, 2003

I HAVE SOMETHING TO ADMIT; MY CRAVINGS FOR KENNEDY HAVE GOTTON BIGGER! I LOVE U KENNEDY!!!!!!!!! Yes lYke Omgz its true! 0h and we have new Pplz! Gayla, Krapstle and Kennedisex! We have a male on board! I am NoT attRacted to males ThO just FeMales. Isn"t KeNNEdy so HaWt?? OMG I saW JanuarySnoW.CoM what a ChEap LaYoUt and SyTe!! Man Iam InCreDiblY evil! See dEm horns??ThIs SiTe Is A pArOdY oF kRyStLe @ JaNuArYsNoW. If u HavNt notice OmGs we have new memBerz. Oh and did I tell Y0u I am A hermaphridite?? 000pZies!!!! Ummm Ok. So I aM KinDa manly y'kno haha. DONT TELL N E 1. This is a parody so hahah!!!

scribbled byKristle @ 12:16 am EST

Saturday, March 18, 2003

KENNEDY IS SHEXY! I have sexual fantasies about her every day...*wink*...and so does Kristle but she won't admit it!!!H0wdy! Itz me, Gaymi-Lynn! Wow our site l00ks so0o0o cool! L0lz!!! Lyke I watched Friend or Foe and Kennedy had on deez hawt clothes! She looked so freakin shexy!!!! 0mg she did! Lyke omg, our band thingy ma b0bber won the competitions!!! It was lyke, so awes0menezz!!! Wowiezz it wuz!!!! Well I f1nally came online becuz Kristle wanted me 2, so I lyke, DID! Hehehehe!!! I went to LTD2 yesterday! And bought this lyke, c00l and awes0menezz shirt! I though that if i cut it reell low that Kennedy would l00k s0000 hawt in it! She has nice b00bies...heheehhe ok well I g2g becuz I just do! Ok? Ok wow I wr0te a lot, hehehehee...buhbyeness!!! I lurve you guysies sooo much! Hehehehehe, well I'll ttyl ok? Alritey hehehehe...OMG I FORGOT! WE WON OUR BAND COMPETITION!!! OMG...oopsies I already sed that hehehehehe...bye bye!! Well if you want to give us a shout out send it here Hehehe, ok, bye!! ThIs SiTe Is A pArOdY oF kRyStLe @ JaNuArYsNoW.

scribbled byGaymi-Lynn @ 10:48 pm EST

Friday, March 18, 2003

Hiyaz. This is Kristle! I have nad today so I won't be able to update much! Gaymi lynn hasn't been online. Oooh ima smack that grl. And guess what? I am wearing ltd 2 and I am 14 which is too old to wear it! *COUGH COUGH* *HINT * *HINT* and OMg i g2g go to band. I am so happy my dad may get me a domain! Ima call it and don't tell me it sounds gay!? sounds more gay to me! T00dles~ *smiles* Alwayz <3

scribbled byKristle @ 11:13 am EST

Friday, March 17, 2003


Like OMG. WeLcome to gaynuarysnow! This is OmG a redirection. I wish I had a domain I would call it cuz I was born in January and I like snow and gay and jan mix. Oh and it u wanna know the title at the top of the page is a G not a J. it says Gaynuarysnow not januarysnow. Sheesh! Lisa Kennedy Mongomery is a TOTAL hawtie man. The only reason I have written on the graphic was cuz I thot Me and Gaymi were gonna get a domain. o well! I hafta go to band now. Please comment on gaynuarysnow. Luv ya hons =) Please comment on this wonderful site we have. Kristle worked very hard and so did Gaymi-Lynn! Wanna give us a ring?? Then CLICK HERE! THiS SItE IS A PaRoDy OF KryStle OF JANUARYSNOW. Alwayz <3

scribbled byGaymi-Lynn @ 04:28 PM EST


CliCkIez beloW

PiCz Of Us!!

KrIsTlE and GayMi




The Starz Kristle and Gaymi
january 1, 1989 born, August 12,1989
clarinet player, Bazooka player
-lives in michigan state, lives in michigan state
no glasses
-birthday is january 1 (new years), Birthdays in august
eats chinese food
-8th grader, 8th grader
-loves Kennedy, also loves kennedy
-I lOve! I second that! <3<3
-no siblings, 1 sister Aretha
-height 5'10, height 5'4
-swimming is my fav sport, I love sh0pping!
long brown hair, long blonde hair
-deep brown eyes, blue eyes
PiCz Of Us!!I.M. GaYmi!!
I.M. Kristle!!
Mail us!

W0w well if u don't like our site ure s000 dumb! Cuz our site is cool. But n e wayZ our name RoX. EmaIl us If u waNNa say me stufferz.GAY N UARY SNOW RulEz the TooLz! *smiles big*

Rite Nowz
date: MaRch 17 7:27 Pm

eating: food
drinking: nothing
surfing: sites about kennedy! <3 I lurve her SoOo much!
watching:gameshow network nothing
wearing: "cuTie SweeTie GrLie " tee FrOm LiMiTed T00; Gayni wearing Pink "CuTie SocCer" tee
thinking: OmG look at gaynuarysnow! o cool *SMILES*
wondering:oooh Kennedy's a hawtie <3
listening: Britney Spears and Avril Lavigne
smelling:oooh Kennedy ( i wish) a href=>PiCz Of Us!!

Look at my sexy teeth! Look kennedy!! oooh *growl*
PiCz Of Us!!









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when? was created cuz me and Gaymi like snow and Kristle was born in January soooo Gay and Jan yaHz.. do the math. I love Kennedy! She is a HAWTIE Yes, this site is A PaRoDY of KrYstLe Who LoVes KENNEDY madly. SO0oOoO. KENNEDY IS MY ONE lMaO. ThIs LaY feaTureS a cutie awesome flag! The inspiration was being at limited 2 for lyke forever at the st0re! I was locked it and there was thiz awesome shirt with some flag and it said PrOuD to Be cUtIeZ it was awesome! *smiles big*

The 0wnerZ



Kristle aim: shuggasigga

aim: sheena belina PiCz Of Us!!

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