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884 East Easton Rd. (State Route 604) Canaan, Ohio

Farmers Sportsmen Club Inc. History

Chester Greenbank, Charles H. Gordon and Walter F. Weltman incorporated the Farmers Sportsmen Club in 1960. The purpose of the club was to propagate game and fish for the betterment of hunting and fishing; to develop opportunities for the enjoyment of the great outdoors as an essential part of the character building and the spiritual and physical developments of our people; to furnish aid and support in the protection and restoration of America’s wild life, waters and woods; to help increase opportunity for outdoor recreation and safe guard public health; to hunt and fish in accordance with the law and to respect the property rights of others and to conserve our aquatic and wild life and to restore, as far as possible, the outdoor America of our ancestors; to encourage and promote sporting events; to purchase, lease, manage, supervise, own and control property necessary for accomplishing said purposes and for the enjoyment and recreation of the members. The work of this corporation shall not be conducted for private gain or benefit, although this corporation may collaborate with business organizations and with individuals on such projects of the general public interest and importance relating to the purpose clauses of this corporation. Elections are to be held once a year for president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and trustees.

The club bought deer, raccoons, rabbits and pheasants and released them into the wild to propagate and be hunted by sportsmen. The club sponsored hunts, coon dog trials, water races and other events giving out trophies for the winners. All activities were set up to include all members and their families with food and drink served after the events. In 1973 the club bought the Short Heigh farm, site of the present club headquarters. In 1979 the first turkey shoot track was installed. The present track was installed in 2003.

We would like to thank everyone involved with the club throughout the years. Without your service and sacrifice we would not be here today. Thanks again.


President:  Rodney M. Sampsel    330-350-1128

Vice President:  Rick A. McFadden    330-465-5958

Treasurer:  Jon R. Thornton    330-407-0470

Recording Secretary:  Steven J. Snider    330-722-4276


                     Dan Arnold    330-435-6551

                     Thomas C. Arnold    330-201-6113                     

                     John Hubert Jr.    567-217-3766

                     Ron B. McFadden    330-464-3616

                     Michael C. Yasch    330-441-9745  


Mailing Address:

Farmer's Sportsmen Club Corporation

P.O. Box 114

Creston OH  44217

Rules for Renting the Club

1. Park along the driveway area only.

2. No tacks, staples or tape will be allowed for hanging decorations. There are hooks in the trusses for hanging your decorations.

3. Be sure to turn off stove, coffee pot and lights after the party is over.

4. Put all trash in the dumpster after the party is over.

5. Don’t let friends drive drunk.

6. We are not responsible for accidents or losses.

Shooting Range

Rules for Shooting Range

1. Park along the driveway area only.

2. Absolutely no armor piercing or hardball ammo is to be used on the range. Hunting loads only.

2. No targets between bench rest area and backboard. Always put targets on the backboard, never in the yard. A bench and table are provided for target shooting of less than 100 yards.

4. No rapid fire; single firing only.

5. Use only paper targets. No glass bottles, plastic jugs, pumpkins etc.

6. Be sure to put targets between the support posts. Not on the posts.

7. Clean up after yourself. Be sure not to leave brass or live cartridges on the ground, as they are extremely dangerous when we mow the grass.

8. Carry your membership card with you when you use the rifle range. When asked to show your card to prove you are a member, please do so.

9. The rifle range is closed when the club is rented to members and during club sponsored events.  (The Sunday turkey shoots are a club event for example.)

10. The range is closed whenever the farmer is in the field or the oil company man is checking the well.

11. Any deviation from these rules could cause suspension or loss of your membership.

12. Above all be safe and courteous when shooting.

13. We are not responsible for accidents or losses.

14. No trap, skeet or pigeon shooting allowed.

15. Members and their immediate family only.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Turkey Shoots Main Site

Turkey Shoot Results

Steve Hunt's Big Buck

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