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The grim visage you see before you is Josh Fuqua.  Josh Fuqua is possibly one of the coolest, nicest, bestest guy @ good 'ol Schreiner University!  But due to circumstances beyond anyone's control (unless you have the power to alter reality) Josh had to go away for a while to somewhere else and learn history.  BOO HOO.  I've made this page because all of his friends back at home feel that he should come back to us know...hang out and stuff.  Like we used to.
So this is how it is: I'm setting up a Pay Pal donation thing for this site in his name; right now I'm using mine because it's verified and all that neat stuff.  Second: all proceeds go to him to disburse as he wishes, hopefully we raise enough for 4 semesters at Schreiner (somewhere like $100,000,000 dollars*) and he can come back and hang out with us again.  I wouldn't scam the internet just for some easy money, this is for a really good guy and we're just trying to help him out so...
Thanks for stopping by and helping FREE JOSH!
If you want to Free Josh but don't have a credit card or anything go ahead and email and I'll help you out as much as I can.
Add a Free Josh banner or text link to your website/blog/myspace:
 Free Josh!  

*it's not that much, really; but my psychiatrist* said its good to set goals
*I don't really have a psychiatrist

Legal Information:
Free Josh Fuqua is a project started on behalf of THE REAL Josh Fuqua by his friends. This website and banners were created by Randall Newsom but that's not to say that there are literally tens of people that helped inspire the site. As far as I know there isn't anything illegal about what I'm doing; but there is some litigious fucktard out there somewhere that is probably like "wtf im gonna sue them" but it turns out that I'm protected by some First Amendment. Unless I'm violating the terms and conditions of my tripod site...but then they'd look like pricks for not wanting to support a cheritable organization. And thats where babies come from.
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