Happiness and Other Illusions

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Buried beneath the weighted shadows of a world that never was, I lay, my forlorn, fetal form nursed by stagnant dreams and promises of what might have been. Once, long ago, I was welcome in your world, a place of warmth and splendor, a haven of happiness beneath the light of a nurturing sun. How I long for former days! How I wish I could return to a time when my spirit could be free from these shackles of despair! And yet, I haven't the strength to release myself from the bonds of agony you've placed me in. So enter the gates of my palace of misery, if you will, and indulge with me in a pleasant reverie of places lost in time and space, then when the time comes, leave me alone in my dying world as you always and forever will.

-S.C. '05



All content herein is the intellectual property of Steven Crevar, ©2005.

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