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The Digestive System

The Digestive System consistes of an alimentary canal with accessory organs. The canal begins with the oral cavity "the mouth". Here the teeth tear and the salivary glands help break down the food. The espophagus moves the bolus along to the stomach by muscualr contractions. Here the bolus is treated to mechanical and chemical digestion, then passed into highly coiled small intestine for more enzymatic and mechancial diigestive processes. Small molecular nutrients are extracted, absorbed by lining cells. Liver produced bile, found in the gall bladder is used into the duodenum by bile ducts. Digestive enzymes from the pancreas enter the duodenum as well. The large intestin is mainly concerened with absorption of water, minrals, and certain vitamins. The non-nutritive residue of the ingested bolus is moved through the rectum and anal canal to the outside. Nutrients absorbed thoughout the track and transproted to the liver by the hepatci portal system for processing and distbution to the body's cells.

The Digestive System has many disorders. Two of these disorders are Appendicitis and Peptic Ulcers. The Digestive system has cells that operate the system. In the mouth there are Ameloblast that create teeth and the Odontoblasts that maintain the teeth. The mucus cells create the salivary substance to help breakdown food. In Small Intestine the villi pick up the nutrients in the food. And send it to the circulatory system where it can be proscessed as energy.

Physiolgical Processes of the Digestive System

The Digestive System Interactions;

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