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Welcome to Tayste's DMC, my DMC website! My website mostly focuses on feeding players information about DMC, providing demos of DMC gameplay and featuring written articles about DMC! I hope you enjoy my website.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008
New video
Now Playing: GTA4 (X360), Call of Duty 4, DMC, Soulstorm, Audiosurf, Lumines

Okay so I have my Youtube account up with 3 duel videos now.. only 1 video added in a month? Yeah.. sorry, slow progress, but keep checking back because I will continue to post dmc music videos.. I am just not that fast at making them! Currently I am uploading a 15 minute long FFA deathmatch game on dmz2, whether or not youtube will accept the length and filesize is yet to be found out!

As for the videos I lost along with stage6, I do still have the demos and songs for them, but i'll probably just make videos with fresh content.

Update to site : I just corrected the 'dmc music video' link on the left side of this page.. yup folks, thats right, dispite the age of Tayste's DMC website, it is still functional!


Posted by Tayste at 6:56 PM BST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Tuesday, 6 May 2008 7:00 PM BST
Monday, 14 April 2008
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Mass Effect, DMC, Guitar hero 3, Gears of War

Hmph... not too happy about Divx, taking down Stage6.. When they took down Stage6 I had 5 videos uploaded, and I only had 2 saved on my hard drive... =(

Not to worry though, I went over to youtube instead, at least poor quality is expected there..!

So I have the ztn game with Paradox and the Aero game with oRe on my youtube account which can actually be found just by searching for Tayste at youtube. =)

Posted by Tayste at 2:14 PM BST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Thursday, 17 January 2008
Now Playing: DMC / Guitar Hero 2-3 / Warhammer 40k Dark Crusade

Hello and welcome to my website again!

3 months since last update, and I don't have any demos on 4shared anymore and probably don't have any online anywhere... I haven't been keeping up with it all.


I am making DMC gameplay music videos! I am combining two loves, music and playing DMC. From now on I will keep my stage6 account updated with music videos for DMC, you can view my collection of DMC music videos through links from this website. But here is the link in this news update =)

So far I have 1 video up which is a 1on1 against [pFc]Nextgen on Dm2. I am planning to produce a FFA game next.

 Other reasons for the videos are..

Permanent record of the games (demos can go out of date)

To show players who accuse me of cheating.

Hope you enjoy dispite the quality which I am limited to.

Posted by Tayste at 4:13 PM GMT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Thursday, 17 January 2008 4:14 PM GMT
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Now Playing: DMC / S.t.a.l.k.e.r. / Bioshock / Gears of War

A few things got in the way since the last update. I quit DMC for a short while after the DMC duel tourney.. I dropped out because I went away for business and when I came back steam didn't work. I started playing WoW again, but not for long (a few weeks) because I managed to fix steam.

All of the games in my 'now playing' are badass!

Here is some duel demos I have uploaded



Posted by Tayste at 12:49 PM BST | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Thursday, 17 January 2008 4:06 PM GMT
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Do you want the good news first or the bad news first?
The bad news is that I have lost part of my website... about 1/3 of it is deleted. Many demos and some pages (including the old pFc page).

The good news is I have most of it on backup, and the 2/3 remaining were the most important parts (news page, duel demo page, trick demo page) and I still have the demos on my hard drive so sometime soon I can reupload.

Also, Nextgen has created a new DMC website to be the new homepage for pFc. This is really nice looks much better, is more resourceful and will be a great aid in improving organisation.

The new website is !HERE!

Posted by Tayste at 2:53 AM BST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Wednesday, 18 April 2007 2:56 AM BST
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
Now Playing: duels
Hello I am creative this news feed to announce what most people already know because im about a week late in doing so!

Nextgen has joined pFc! This puts the number up to 7 members active now.

I've had some really fun duels with nextgen, demos are coming SOON!

Posted by Tayste at 2:07 AM BST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Thursday, 1 March 2007
New [pFc] recruit!
Now Playing: ztn, dm6
Good afternoon all. It has been over 3 months since pFc have had a new recruit, and today that day came. The player is known mostly by the name sineP and he is an extremely oldschool player, I remember him from 2001 / 2002 playing DMC. We have met numerous times over the years, in random servers, and have always said hi. I never saw him regularly, just consistently irregularly hehe. Recently he has been playing more under the alias moep.. and I played him a few times not realizing it was sineP. The last couple of days I have played with him 4 duels. We played ztndm3 three games and one on dm6. The scores were something like

ztn game 1 - sineP 24 frags, Tayste 14 frags
dm6 - Tayste 19 frags, sineP 9 frags
ztn game 2 - sineP 26 frags, Tayste 6 frags
ztn game 3 - Tayste 22 frags, sineP 9 frags

So we came out 2-2, however he won ztndm3 2-1 and dm6 is not his favourite. Overall though his performance has been wicked and he couldn't be less of a dick, he is just a real decent bloke with scarey ability. All I remember about ztn game 2 is that sineP got RA+MH from spawn, and I was simply unable to get control back. I remember being stupid with my MH obsession recently, and remember missing shots a lot. OH well!!!!

Welcome [pFc]sineP!

Posted by Tayste at 2:14 PM GMT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Thursday, 1 March 2007 2:35 PM GMT
Thursday, 25 January 2007
Happy days
Greetings all DMC fraggers. Updating to say that I have uploaded 2 new duels in the duel section. Looks like also Muerte has decided to remain in pFc.. he is very much welcome as always was.

Posted by Tayste at 2:33 AM GMT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Friday, 19 January 2007
New Year
Now Playing: DMC, F.E.A.R, Prey, Doom 3, Starcraft
On christmas day my video card stopped functioning. That sucked. I could not run games. I immediately ordered a new one and some RAM while I was at it. From then on my comp would not co-operate; usually restarting randomly. Cutting a long hardware/testing story short, it eventually turned out to be the RAM not being compatiable with my motherboard. Took a few weeks but finally got it sorted and still enjoying some DMC now and again.
Speaking of DMC I am happy to play once again with Mfrx, Muerte and sineP who I haven't played in a long time. Bad news is I haven't seen Uncle yet and not seen Oskar for months.. current active pFc lineup seems to be just oRe and myself, which doesn't really make much difference since gathering a clan serves no real purpose in DMC currently =( , so it is unclear whether pFc will expand anytime soon, its quite comfortably a duel orientated clan so for those interested in that, we have many fun games.

Posted by Tayste at 2:42 AM GMT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post
Thursday, 23 November 2006

Updating to cheer for a new [pFc] member, Nosl. Nosl is mostly known as Oskar. Congratulations to pFc and Oskar!


Posted by Tayste at 12:39 PM GMT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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