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My pages

My Inuyasha
A link I had to put on the first page, because I love Anime!

My Thoughts
My thoughts and Ideas all on a few pages.

My Works
All my works, Pictures, Writings, ect.

My Sayings
A small book my friend told me to make.

My Blog
The cloest thing I have to a Journal open to the public.

My Friends
All my friends Information and works.

My Information
All the Information you don't want to read about me. Written by all my friends.

My Links
My links, including The Best Page In The Universe!

Welcome to my site, don’t expect to be too entertained because this site is about me and things I like. If you don’t know me you probably won’t care. In that case, you all can fuck off. For the people I do know, Welcome! This is where you get to learn about ME! And in turn, If I actually like you. I will tell you right now, if I don’t know you, I don’t like you, and you can go to hell and die.

If you haven’t notice already, about half my site has to do with Anime. Particularly InuYasha and Trigun. Yes I am kind of obsessed with anime but that is just me, and about a million other people.

While you are here you can also see some of the work I do, I am a writer and a bull-shitter. Like I am bull-shitting you. I also make wallpapers for desktops in my spare time. Most of those are anime also, if you don’t like it fuck you. I don’t like you either.

You also get to see my little book of sayings, stupid shit I heard from all over, and put in a book. If I said it, my name will be under it. Although I have a shit load of sayings I heard on the streets and on the net in my little book of sayings.

If you like you can learn about my friends, that so carelessly tell you about me under My Information. Anyways, under My Information You can click on their name and find out THEIR information. How yall like that bitches! I love them all, atleast the ones that helped me with my site, the rest can burn in hell, I will join them latter. Moving on, If they have the word Muskie by their name, it means I love them to death and they are killers. Yeah you heard what I said...Killers.

My Blog is my journal, it’s the closest thing to a diary that you will ever find on me. I don’t really have to many feelings, so don’t expect that. I don’t really care about to many people, so that is out of the question too. . . Matter of fact, I don’t even know what I can write in there. I know, I can bitch at people, I seem to be quite good at that.

My Thoughts Is nothing but me bitching. I bitch about movies, I bitch about music, I bitch about people. Hey, my idol is Maddox and he bitches about everything, so what do you expect?

Oh and one more thing, sign my fucking guest book damn it! Do it, do it now before I have to unleash a can of whoop ass on you fuckers!

I said Sign it!

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