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-Latest News-

  • 8/08/05 - XxMaNtiSaixX - WelcmeOblvion finished the rest of the Menu Icons. Give him a pat on the back for doing such a GREAT job. I got them on most of the menus now but there might be a few outdated menus lingering around. I'll tie them up here soon. I have also just added Zero Wing Rhapsody to the Audio Downloads site! I have Finally finished the NEW site layout 100% to my knoledge!

  • 8/09/05 - LordMace - Fixed some broken Links and fixed the missing icons for the site layout in the download section added some more propaganda, Made pips for the ranks of soldiers and zigs also I fixed the roster on the site so the ranks and new members are added. The Site Layout should be done now!

  • 8/23/05 - XxMaNtiSaixX - Gave the Forums a new skin that looks pretty badass. Made some new Alliances with certain groups which can be currently viewed in the forums. One of us will add an alliance section on the website here soon. The site MIGHT be getting a new skin to it also to match the forums.

  • 3/17/06 - XxMaNtiSaixX - Updated the Current Missions page. Be sure to check it if you still wish to be part of the army. An inactive member purge will be under way soon.